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Old May 25th, 2004, 07:38 AM
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puppy peeing

Alright, my puppy has been peeing in the house recently (he was almost completely housetrained before). My vet could not find anything in his urine analysis, but gave me some antibiotics, because he thought it might be something that could not been seen anyways. Well my puppy started peeing in his crate during the night. At first I thought it was because I slept in (we have had him for 1 month now and he only started this this week), but he now does it every night. I decided to be more careful, so I go let him out at 1:00 A.M., before going to bed, then my boyfriend lets him out before leaving for work at 7:00 A.M. I don't know if I should keep putting him in his crate at night, he can't sleep with us (we have carpeting in our bedroom), or if I should put him in the kitchen with a baby gate (he would probably cry, he's used to being in his crate). Yesterday, he peed while he ate. This is very disturbing to me - I don't want him to become acustomed to being near his pee. He has been on the antibiotics for 4 days now (Clavamox). He's a boxer and I read everywhere that Boxers are very clean animals and that they are easily house trained, which was true (Mako started asking for the door the second day he was here). But now i'm afraid that this illness might be undoing the good progress he has done before.

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Old May 25th, 2004, 09:26 AM
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Hmmmmm,I'm wondering if it may be the antibiotics that is causing this.

Is he drinking more then usual?
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Old May 25th, 2004, 09:46 AM
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Thanks for the reply Mona, I was wondering if the antibiotics might be doing that too. Mako is the first dog I have ever had that was on antibiotics, so I don't know if this is normal or not. He has not been drinking more than usual. I usually put some water in his food and I stopped this morning. I just don't know about the crate thing.
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Old May 25th, 2004, 11:40 AM
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em let me see has anything changed in the set up at home? Remove his water bowl before you go to bed... if you don't drink during the night you won't wee...

its strange for an animal to releave themselves where they sleep... it can be caused by upset, if they are trying to act submissive... 'hey I'm only a little puppy see *piddle*' this usually occurs if they have been given out to - so its important that your pet doesn't worry about you coming into the room and seeing his mess... he won't associate the giving out with the mess but with you seeing him when you get up in the morning and he will be fearful of it and will show this by peeing!

If you aren't giving out to him and he definitely isn't sick... it could be caused by fear of sounds - are there any sounds that would scare him??

if its none of the above it could be a behaviourable problem... but I would check all the above before I went into this...

As for peeing while he is eating it could be a form of incontinence...
is he excited when eating? throwing and trashing his bowl around? If so he is just peeing with excitement... how old is your puppy? Little pups don't have large bladders and like young babies don't have full control over them yet... therefore things like excitement, fear and even the slightest drop of water can make them produce a flood!

Bear with him... my maltese was house trained when she arrived to us at 10weeks and slowly but surely reverted to peeing everywhere for a month but it cleared up... so if your vet can't find anything wrong with him and he seems happy enough in himself don't stress too much just be patient... if he shows any signs of being sick get a second opinion from another vet...
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Old May 25th, 2004, 12:14 PM
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Nope, no water bowl before bed, and I don't put his food or water in his crate with him - he's only in the crate for the night or when I'm out running some errands (max 3 hours). There have been no changes in the house. In my post I have written that he is on antibiotics, so I think that might be the reason for his incontinence. He does pee when he is excited, but it seems more like a muscle problem than a submission problem, he just started doing it and he plays with big dogs all the time. He is 3 and a half months old, and he's a boxer, so he's smaller than adult big breed dogs now, but bigger than adult small breed dogs. I sort of ruled out submisive peeing, because he doesn't do it all the time, and he sometimes does it when no-one is around. Anyways, he's better today (knock on wood), he hasn't peed in the house. I was just afraid that his anti-biotics were affecting him negatively, i've never had a dog that had to take anti-biotics.

thanks for your help!
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Old May 25th, 2004, 12:44 PM
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My dog had to take predisone before,pray your dog never needs that,makes them pee constantly.............
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Old May 25th, 2004, 12:47 PM
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Have you had his kidney's checked? I know he has so many other things going on right now and it may be just about anything (poor Mako ) but I would want to rule out early onset kidney disease at this point.

Good luck to you!

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Old May 25th, 2004, 12:54 PM
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Yeah, i'm going to the vet next tuesday, i'll talk to him about it.

But should I keep making him sleep in his crate or should I put him in the kitchen with a baby gate? I don't think soiling his crate is good, but I don't think letting him pee freely in the kitchen is very good either.
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Old May 25th, 2004, 12:58 PM
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Someone else will have to comment on whether or not to crate him since I have never crated with any of my dogs (brave or dumb, you decide...)

In any event, I know he probably doesn't want to pee in his crate but it doesn't sound like he can help it right now. Probably not fair for him to sit in it. I will leave this to the experts, but, if it were my dog, I would probably baby gate him in the kitchen with pee pads or something since he simply cannot physically control it. I'm sure others will be able to give you better advice on this one!

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Old May 25th, 2004, 01:03 PM
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I would have to say that you should put him in the kitchen, becuase just like they were sating this is not his fault, and if I were sick I would not like to sit in my own pee that long. I would out wet pads or towels or something down and let him stay in the kitchen. That is just my opinion there are alot of people on here that know alot more than I do!
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Old May 25th, 2004, 01:16 PM
Bill & Bob Bill & Bob is offline
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That's a tough decision. A friend of mine has an elderly black lab that has some troubles going down the stairs to pee. They created this litter box for her with these weird ground up paper pellets to soak up the pee, and put cedar chips in it to reduce the smell. She uses it sometimes, but usually just smiles and releases in the kitchen. She's an evil old dog and very loveable.

Your situation sounds more like puppy lack of physically maturing peeing though. I'm sure they'll get over it. If they ever do pee outside, give lots of praise and treats if you've got 'em. Not that I'm an expert, but that seems to be the trend answer on here and it sounds like a good one.

Princess, don't take this the wrong way, it's not intended that way. More of a funny haha way. I laughed when you wrote, 'I wouldn't want to lie in my own pee that long'. I wouldn't want to lie in my own pee for any length of time. I'm sure there are some creepy internet sites about that though. Yeesh.
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Old May 25th, 2004, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Bill & Bob
That's a tough decision. A friend of mine has an elderly black lab that has some troubles going down the stairs to pee. They created this litter box for her with these weird ground up paper pellets to soak up the pee, and put cedar chips in it to reduce the smell. She uses it sometimes, but usually just smiles and releases in the kitchen. She's an evil old dog and very loveable.

Your situation sounds more like puppy lack of physically maturing peeing though. I'm sure they'll get over it. If they ever do pee outside, give lots of praise and treats if you've got 'em. Not that I'm an expert, but that seems to be the trend answer on here and it sounds like a good one.

Princess, don't take this the wrong way, it's not intended that way. More of a funny haha way. I laughed when you wrote, 'I wouldn't want to lie in my own pee that long'. I wouldn't want to lie in my own pee for any length of time. I'm sure there are some creepy internet sites about that though. Yeesh.
You are a nut! You are right though that is nasty I did not mean to write that I meant he should not lay in his pee at all! LOL That is GROSS!!!
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Old May 25th, 2004, 01:46 PM
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I too have never crated my dogs...Or any dog I have had...Back then it wasn't a big thing.My 2 are 8 now.

I had my kitchen blocked off.They were not chewers.And yes they were paper trained...I guess I did the old fashion way of house training...LOL...But I have to say,they did great.I got them at 3 months,and by I think It was 5-6 months of age they had free run of the house.And also,I always had water down for them...But that's just me.....

I see no harm in trying to block off the kitchen...Just make sure there is nothing Mako can get into....Leave him with his toys and a blanket....
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Old May 25th, 2004, 07:02 PM
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Thanks you guys! Mako is doing WONDEFUL today! He did not pee in the house once! However, I think i'll stick to the crating - he actually likes it, so why change a good thing, but i'll put my alarm clock for 4:00 A.M. or something, so I can let him out, and then go back to bed. Mako doesn't cry or whine when he is in his crate, so I can't hear him if he has to pee - I guess that's my real problem. Anyhow, I sent him outside alot today, and I started giving him treats each time he went outside and peed (when I saw him). He now pees, and then jumps all the way back in the house because i'm praising him so enthousiastically and he knows he's getting a treat! It's so cute!

So thanks again! I just hope I get up tomorow morning and his crate is dry.
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Old May 26th, 2004, 03:31 AM
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As he is used to the crate but you don't want him to be lying in his own pee for the night (as this could cause more illness) try leaving the crate door open (with the kitchen blocked off and lots of pee pads down) this way he will realise he doesn't have to go where he sleeps and gets out of the habit...

When I got Holly I was up every hour to let her out and she still managed to pee on the floor with the slightest lick of water (or even the smell of it!) I was told that I should try putting her water bowl out my back yard... dogs will cry for a drink and/or food quicker than they will about the loo.... so you will hear her cry/bark so it gives you some warning! It worked and now that she is housetrained her bowl is back inside the house...

Different things work for different people though... what I would say is give whatever approach you are taking two to three weeks before you give up on it and then try another...
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Old May 26th, 2004, 09:36 AM
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O.K., here's what I di yesterday. I went to bed at 2:00 a.m., I sent him out about 4 times after he had his meal. I then set up my alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. (He's never in his crate for more that 3 hours during the day and he never pees in it during the day - so I figured 4 hours would be a good number), and got up to let him out. When he came back in, he got a treat, like he did all day yesterday. Then, instead of putting him back in his crate, I brought him upstairs with me and went back to bed, with him sleeping beside our bed - that way if he stirred, then I would be aware of it and I could takehim outside. It's great, his crate his dry - I don't have to rewash his blankets - and I'm not cleaning puddles up in the house too. I guess I got sidetracked with this thing because he seemed housetrained at one point, and then he started his peeing again.

Thanks again guys!
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Old May 26th, 2004, 10:37 AM
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I am glad to hear that everything worked out for you. And I am sure that he is not all upset that he gets to sleep upstairs with you! LOL I am sure that he is LOVING it!
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Old May 26th, 2004, 10:39 AM
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Yeah, i'm sure he does too. During the day he's my shadow - and I love it! I like bringing him upstairs, and I'd let him stay with us for the whole night, but I'm afraid that he'll start peeing upstairs. Anyways, I'm glad this is working out, and i'll keep doing it!
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Old May 26th, 2004, 11:08 AM
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awh yes 'hero worship' its great
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Old May 26th, 2004, 11:47 AM
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Just a question.
Are you sending him out on his own,or are you taking him out?

Just an idea.If you are taking him out,I would have the treats with you.This way you see him pee,then praise right away.

WOW,you must be tired....LOL

A friend of mine has 2 Bichons.They are 2 years old...They have a new addition.Mason is about 16 weeks old.Bichon/Shih Tzu.And he is fully house trained now.Smart cookie he is.The last time he goes out for a pee is around 12am.And he is good for the night.Who says small breeds are hard to house train.......LOL

Oh,and neither dogs are crate trained....

Gald it's working out...
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Old May 26th, 2004, 11:58 AM
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Well, I let him out by himself, but our yard is not very big (I can see him), and I just stand at the patio door (inside), and as soon as he squats down to pee I tell him what a good boy he is (and he is!) and he comes running back to me, and then I give him a treat. Only a few seconds go by between the peeing and the treat - so i'm sure the association is made! He used to do his pee and his poop in one outing, but now the little bugger goes out twice (to get 2 treats), Oh he's the cutest thing ever! Well to me at least!

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Old May 26th, 2004, 12:30 PM
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Well lets see a pick of this cutie......
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Old May 26th, 2004, 12:43 PM
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I hope this works, this is my first time inserting a picture!
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Old May 26th, 2004, 12:45 PM
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He is a cutie patootie.........

I better not show hubby the pic......He LOVES Boxers....LOL

Not saying he doesn't love my boys.But they came way before he did.......LOL
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Old May 26th, 2004, 01:00 PM
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Thank you! I just adore him, he's trully a wonderful puppy too! I just hope he gets better soon!
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Old May 26th, 2004, 01:18 PM
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How is he doing?

Have you had the x-rays done for his esophogus?

Is he still gagging?
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
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Old May 26th, 2004, 01:27 PM
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He's better, not regurgitating anymore, but some gagging. He's on antibiotics, the vet wanted to wait for the x-rays. We're going back next tuesday, so I guess we'll know then. Otherwise, he's great! He is very playful, but he's still calm when he needs to. He's never mopy or too quiet, which is good I guess. I appreciate your concern! I'll keep you posted on new developments - but I think the anti-biotics are doing the trick!
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Old May 26th, 2004, 01:38 PM
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Good luck with your dog. He is so cute, I hope he starts feeling better soon. Keep us updated, good luck!
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Old May 27th, 2004, 11:26 PM
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Thank you guys!

I just want to let everybody that helped me know that Mako is doing SO well right now. He did not pee in the house or in his crate for the last 3 -yes 3- days! Woohoo! He is such a good pup! He does piddle when he gets excited when he sees his best buddy in the whole wide canine world (a 2 year old Golden lab named Webster), but I guess it's just puppy stuff - should go away as I understand it. I do put him in his crate at night, but I have become a VERY light sleeper and as soon as I hear him stir (last night it was at 4:15 a.m.) I get up, let him out, then I let him come with me up to my room (which of course he doesn't resist ). So thanks again guys, it's good to have people guide you through problems and comfort you when you are unsure of what is going on!
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