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Old January 13th, 2009, 06:04 PM
melinda1nz melinda1nz is offline
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Unhappy Injured cat...vet doesnt know what to do

This is my first time messaging on here and I am writing all the way from little old New Zealand but found this on a search engine and had to write in.

My gorgeous little cat Dora didnt come in the other night but the next morning she was on the doorstep sleeping and I got some food out then she tried getting in the door and made a horrible 'Im in pain' agonised sound and made it half a metre dragging on of her hind legs behind her. I lay on the ground bawling my eyes out with her but I had to go to work so I organised my dad to get her in the cage and take her in for me. Long story I know but she got away from my dad and disappeared for 3 days and I thought she had been hit by a car and had gone away to die. Spent days crying myself to sleep and posting letters and posters. Then I found her in the garden 4 days later. Took her straight to the vet and he was just completely baffled by her symptoms. Granted she hadnt drank or eaten for days because she had taken off but she was just acting odd and he spent an hour playing with her leg trying to figure out what was wrong. He said its not broken, not dislocated theres no signs of injury or being hit by a car or anything and said that it must be neurological and that it would cost hundreds (which this single mum with mortgage cant afford) to get x-rays etc and then if that shows nothing, more hundreds to do other tests etc. I just cant afford to do any of it and I am at a loss as what to do because the other option is putting her down and my daughter and I would be devastated and never want another cat. Anyways I have been reading about nerve injuries and it seems like that is the logical answer and it sounds like that can usually heal in a couple of months and shes only a year old so she is young and fit... but I just dont want her to suffer and because I cant afford the x-rays to find out whats wrong I dont know if I should take her home and nurse her see if she improves or if I should just save the anguish and get her put down to save her from suffering.

For more detail...her leg is extremely limp and doesnt have any pressure behind it its kind of sticking backward a bit and her paw is curled in. The vet said it was so bizzare the way her paw is turned in because even when a cat hurts its paw they always put the paw down flat...so hes baffled, Im broke and all I care about in the world right now is the health of this little kitten and whether she is suffering PLEASE HELP WITH SOME ADVICE ASAP...I am going to the vet today to talk to him and pick her up then I have to decide in the next day or so what I am going to do I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH
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Old January 13th, 2009, 06:59 PM
sarahtruly sarahtruly is offline
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I'm not familiar with this sort of injury and I'm sure someone with more knowledge will post soon. Just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry that this terrible thing that has happened to your pet.

Couple of questions as it seems like your $$ situation is an issue here:

Can your vet work out a payment plan? (my vet has always been good about letting me pay large bills over an agreed period)

Can you borrow money from family or friends?

I know that for me personally, I have a special credit card to be used for medical emergencies only and I've had to use it quite a lot for my cats. I always pay it off eventually, but I'm the sort of person who doesn't have large sums of cash just sitting in a bank somewhere.
Hooray for rescue cats!

Fig, long haired grey tabby, 7 yrs
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Old January 13th, 2009, 07:10 PM
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Oh dear, how scary!

Ok, let's take a deep breath here. It sounds like there is mainly a problem associated with ONE leg, is that correct? Is she able to bear weight on the other side?

What, if any, medication has the vet prescribed? Steroids? Pain medication?

Has she been eating/drinking?

Is she showing any pain reflex in her back legs?

Is she able to pee/poo on her own (in a CONTROLLED way, not dribbling out?)

Has the vet recommended crate/cage rest? If not, I'd probably start on my own asap, limit her movement to a very small area with no temptations to jump, only food, water and litter box and an area to lie down.

Lets see what we're working with, ok?
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Old January 13th, 2009, 09:00 PM
melinda1nz melinda1nz is offline
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Just been to check on her at the vet...Im not sure how to answer because I got her straight to the vet as soon as I found her again...the vet said she hasnt eaten a lot but they are syringe feeding her and pumping fluids into her...he said she has been using the litter tray in the cage fine. She has eaten the same food since I first got her so nothing has changed there. Um...what else can I think of. There just doesnt seem to be any logical reason for it. She seems to be able to use the other legs fine. The vet did a tap test on her legs to check reflexes and said her reflexes in her back legs are quite exagerated which is what led him to believe it is neurological. Her reflexes seemed to be quick emough just quite over the top. I cried like a baby at the vet lol she seemed to be better today than she was yesterday when I found her and she was so happy to see me. She was laying there purring. I am going to have to take her home tonight because I cant afford to keep her at the vets any longer. I am going to have to take her home and just see if she improves over a few days because the last thing I want is for her to suffer and if that is the case I will have to put her down. I just havent had a cat of my own since I was very very young and now I have my own daughter... I cant even remember being tis attached to an animal before!!!
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Old January 13th, 2009, 09:05 PM
melinda1nz melinda1nz is offline
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Unhappy Vet

I explained to the vet that if it was say $300 and I knew that would fix her I would pay it but that amount was only for the x-rays so it could just keep adding up and I said I wanted to take her home even if it is for a couple of days to see how she is and decide whether to put her down...so he mentioned giving me steroids for her. He said she was an incredibly tough cat... with the tests he was doing pulling and prodding her legs but that was last night and she was just not with it... she didnt have the energy to do anything then but they didnt give her pain medication because they said she seemed comfortable. The vet said he tested her urine today and nothing showed up but I hope he isnt going to charge me for that because he hadnt asked me if he could do it.
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Old January 13th, 2009, 09:09 PM
melinda1nz melinda1nz is offline
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Originally Posted by sarahtruly View Post
I'm not familiar with this sort of injury and I'm sure someone with more knowledge will post soon. Just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry that this terrible thing that has happened to your pet.

Couple of questions as it seems like your $$ situation is an issue here:

Can your vet work out a payment plan? (my vet has always been good about letting me pay large bills over an agreed period)

Can you borrow money from family or friends?

I know that for me personally, I have a special credit card to be used for medical emergencies only and I've had to use it quite a lot for my cats. I always pay it off eventually, but I'm the sort of person who doesn't have large sums of cash just sitting in a bank somewhere.

Hay Sarah...getting the money wouldnt be a problem I can just book up an overdraft at my bank...paying it back would be more of a problem. And its more the fact that I could spend hundreds of dollars only to find that I have to put her down anyway. Its just the vet spent an hour checking over her so well and he was stumped and said the x-ray might show nothing and that treatment would be another couple of hundred as would more tests be so I am already looking at a minimum of $600 and thats only if they can figure out what it is at that point... if not then it would be another 200 for more tests I just dont know what to do
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Old January 13th, 2009, 09:13 PM
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Also the vets have already informed me that they will not do payment plans for anyone anymore because I have my first house so its in one of the cheaper areas on my city...its far from the worst area but its the sort of place where a lot of cats get abandoned etc and it hrts because I am the only one around who cares about all the cats and take them in and re-house them and I just found two kittens a week ago that had been abandoned and I got them re-housed
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Old January 13th, 2009, 09:19 PM
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ok honey, I understand how distressing this all is, but you've said some REALLY encouraging things!!! She's using the litter box, which is HUGE! She's getting rehydrated and fed so that's great, it can take a bit of time to get their digestive systems used to eating again after having been without food for a few days, so that's pretty normal, it may take a bit of time to get her back on her regular feeding routine.

I'm going to tell you what I just told someone else whose cat is having some mobility problems: unless your kitty is in PAIN, there's no reason why she can't have an excellent quality of life, even if she's a bit on the limpy-gimpy side. If YOU'RE happy with her progress, and SHE'S happy (most critters could care less if they're differently-abled, just ask my three-legged german shepherd, lol) and you're willing to make a few little adjustments (if that's even necessary) to help her out (for example, the other person I mentioned made a ramp to help her kitty get up on the bed), then you're good to go!
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Old January 14th, 2009, 04:56 PM
melinda1nz melinda1nz is offline
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Smile Dora getting better

The vet let me take her home last night. She is looking better after her antibiotics but she was still very deflated at the vets but the minute we got down our driveway she wanted out and I got her inside and she wanted desperately to get outside but Im too scared to let her out until she a bit better.
Another vet had a look over her and said it is possible it is a broken pelvis in which case it would heal by itself... but he said there is one thing they cant rule out which may cause the leg to become paralysed in which case I would know straight away that she has gotten worse and I would take her straight back to the vet.

Now it is just time to care and cherish her and pray that she heals but she is so happy and content right now that it seems like its all good
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Old January 14th, 2009, 05:06 PM
sarahtruly sarahtruly is offline
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I'm so glad she seems to be doing better! You're doing the right thing by keeping her inside. Hope to hear more good news soon.
Hooray for rescue cats!

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Old January 14th, 2009, 05:08 PM
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Bendyfoot has given you some great insight in to what to do for your little Dora and Ishe will be ok.
I have never heard of a broken pelvis healing itself and if she had a broken pelvis,I am sure the pain would be unbearable even for a little cat,but I'm not sure. Good Luck,with little Dora
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Old January 14th, 2009, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by melinda1nz View Post
but the minute we got down our driveway she wanted out and I got her inside and she wanted desperately to get outside but Im too scared to let her out until she a bit better.
I am so happy getting home caused a positive reaction in your treasured Dora

Perhaps she should be a permanent "inside" cat from now on...less chance of another "mystery" injury
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Old January 14th, 2009, 06:06 PM
melinda1nz melinda1nz is offline
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Smile How shes doing

Yes thank you so much for everyones support... During her little adventure she managed to pick up fleas but I think she was just so sick and weak that she stopped grooming herself. Last night I set up a way for her to get to her favourite place (my bed) without straining herself and she sat there spread out on the bed and she was just so happy and purred like I have never heard her purr before. So I got out the flea comb and flea stuff and got her a new flea collar and combed and brushed her for hours so she is flea free now and she has been grooming herself again so that has to be a great sign but she hadnt eaten anything since she was home from the vet despite all the new treats I had got her, so after work today I might go and get a syringe thingie so I can feed her little bits from that and try and get some fluids into her.

Does anyone know of any really good foods to get her to build her strength back up? I have been advised to get her some fancy stuff like kidneys or livers and someone said to cook up a sheep heart for her...this all seems so strange I have only ever fed her regular wet cat food and biscuits but if anyone has any ideas let me know cheers for everyones support!!!!!
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Old January 14th, 2009, 06:44 PM
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I'm so glad to hear that she's home and starting to feel more like herself!

Originally Posted by chico2 View Post
Bendyfoot has given you some great insight in to what to do for your little Dora and Ishe will be ok.
I have never heard of a broken pelvis healing itself and if she had a broken pelvis,I am sure the pain would be unbearable even for a little cat,but I'm not sure. Good Luck,with little Dora
I know someone whose dog was hit by a car over the xmas season, and suffered multiple fractures of the hip. That little corgi is getting around on her own, without surgery, and is doing just fine (all that after surviving almost a week lost outside!!!) Some pain meds, but nothing significant, mainly just limited freedom. I'd probably try to keep your kitty in one room, like the bedroom, for a little while, until you have a better sense of how she's recovering and what her mobility is like.

It's not super-strange that she's not wanting to eat after everything that's happened. A few days without food, strange people at the vets...it might be tricky to entice her to eat. You could try plain chicken baby food, warmed up just a tad to make it smellier. You could even warm up her regular wet food.

Although I'm a big fan of feeding organ/whole meat, it CAN cause some tummy upset in an animal who's never been fed it before, and you wouldn't want her to have diarrhea on top of everything else. Keep us posted, ok?
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Old January 15th, 2009, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by chico2 View Post
Bendyfoot has given you some great insight in to what to do for your little Dora and Ishe will be ok.
I have never heard of a broken pelvis healing itself and if she had a broken pelvis,I am sure the pain would be unbearable even for a little cat,but I'm not sure. Good Luck,with little Dora
I had a cat named scruffy and he was either in a fight, hit by a car or beaten and couldn't walk legs would stick out at the back straight out both of them... vet said spinal injury but could heal on his own or surgery that would have cost us at the time 5,000 to 10,000 as it was a special surgery and could only be done in Guelph Ontario 6 plus hours away at the time.

We decided that he could eat, pee and poop that we would let him heal in a small area with litter, food etc...

He did just fine... the only thing for him that he couldn't jump as high as he did before the incident when he healed from the injuries...

So I hope your kitty gets better, I also think that vet said pelvis area injury too but can't quite remember

take care and keep us posted

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Old January 15th, 2009, 03:49 PM
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Thumbs up Update

Shes doing a lot better. I finally got her to eat after 2 days of being home from the vet. I went out and got her some chicken liver and some chicken hearts and the liver piqued her interest but she loves the hearts. It wasnt pleasant being the one who had to slice them up for her lol but I am so glad she is eating. I was worried about stomach upset but I gave her some and then she had a rest then she had some more. She still hasnt used the litter box since being home but on the other hand this is her first meal since getting back. I havent yet been able to get any fluid into her. I went out and bought some special cat milk and have had milk and water sitting there but shes not interested. But I was told to pull the skin on her neck to see if she was dehydrated and doesnt appear to be. I got a syringe thing to get some in but I didnt want to force it in and she just turned her head away but if she hasnt had any fluid by tonight then I will have to force some into her mouth because it will be the third day without fluid...the vet when she was there put the fluid under her skin so it would leach into her. Anyways each time I got to write a couple of sentences it becomes a novel so thank you very much everyone for all your help and advice.
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Old January 15th, 2009, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by melinda1nz View Post
Shes doing a lot better. I finally got her to eat after 2 days of being home from the vet.
That's great news!

Originally Posted by melinda1nz View Post
I havent yet been able to get any fluid into her.
Try offering her some of the juice from a can of low-sodium salmon or tuna or even sardines. Have you tried any baby food yet? Plain chicken (no onions), with some warm water added is usually very enticing to cats.

Good luck!
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Old January 15th, 2009, 07:02 PM
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what extraordinary care you are giving her you are an angel
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Old January 16th, 2009, 07:35 AM
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Thank's Bendyfoot and Logan,I had no idea an animal could live with a broken pelvis,but then again,they are amazing in overcoming any handicap
Glad to hear Dora is on the road to recovery and yes,Melinda you are a wonderful kitty-mom
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Old January 16th, 2009, 09:05 AM
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I am so glad that little Dora is doing better since she got home. I hope she will start taking fluids on her own. If u are going to try and syringe feed her fluids just be careful u don't put it in too fast or it might go into her lungs instead.

I think u should also be feeding her canned food with the organ meat to make sure she gets all of the nutrients she needs.Organ meat I don't think has everything she needs but in canned food they add it. And I hope you will be keeping her in the house all the time now. It is very dangerous for cats to go outside unsupervised. I have 3 and mine are all indoor cats.

I hope that she keeps on improving.

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Old January 18th, 2009, 02:39 PM
melinda1nz melinda1nz is offline
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Smile Update

Thanks so much everyone for your kind words.

Dora seems happy and content. I have been getting her to eat small amounts at a time but I have been having to give her different foods each time to get her to eat. She still hasnt taken any fluids so I have been getting really wet foods like tuna in springwater etc and she isnt interested in her biscuits which is good because that would dry her up even more. I was told to pull the skin on her neck up to see if she is dehydrated and she doesnt seem to be... she doesnt usually drink much water anyway just seems to like her bowl of milk every couple of days so maybe she gets enough fluids from her wet food diet?

Her leg is still the same. It doesnt seem to be causing her pain...although since she is only 1 year old and very active I think she gets a bit annoyed that she cant do the same level of things she used to. I took her outside with me in the weekend for the first time because I am freaking out because she hasnt used the litter box since we got home from the vet which is not 4 days ago so I had hoped that she might have gone while we were outside... but to no avail. I will take her back to the vet this week and get her checked up though.

Another thing I am concerned about is that she has shakey spells. I dont know if she is fitting or spasming or whatever but she has these little spells where she tenses up her body just slightly and releases it and just does that over and over again...so maybe that backs up the idea that it might be neurological? She doesnt seem worried about it, in fact she purrs away when I am patting her but her body just keeps tensing and releasing. So if anyone has any insight to what that might be ideas are welcomed????

Other than that... she is so insanely happy which stresses me out because she just doesnt seem like there is anything wrong with her...just this leg that sticks out. I cant even tell if she can feel it... I am too scared to pinch it to make sure she still has feeling in it because I dont want to distress her. But she seems so so happy to be home and I think she is just genuinely greateful for the second chance she has and I am just thankful she came home so I can look after her.

I have just gone and got some chicken baby food so I will mix it with some warm water and let you know how she goes.... till then xoxo and thanks so much for everything!!!
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Old January 18th, 2009, 02:53 PM
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If I understand correctly she has not eliminated in 4 days? Is this urine and feces? Regardless not eliminating for 4 days is an emergent situation and she'll need to see a doctor immediately. Sounds like she may be having seizures too which may require some medication. Glad to hear she is home and happy though! And until you figure out what's going on and see see the vet again, I would say no ventures outside at all, it's very important that if she isn't using the litterbox, that you keep an eye on that in a controlled environment.
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Last edited by krdahmer; January 18th, 2009 at 02:59 PM.
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Old January 18th, 2009, 05:01 PM
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Melinda,it does sound like Petite Mal Seizures,but it could also be a reaction to pain IMO.
If she has not eliminated at all,she would be very uncomfortable with that too.
Cats tend to fool us,often they will hide pain,not until they get overwhelmed will they show any signs.
My old vet used to say,that cat purrs from pain too,however I don't know if that is true.
I would take her to the vet as soon as you can,to at least to fix her elimination-problem.
It's not all doom and gloom,she's eating and is playful,so you are doing good by her.
Are you sure she has not peed somewhere in the house???
It might be to hard for her to get into the litter-box.
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Old January 18th, 2009, 07:26 PM
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Yes, she is going to the vet tomorrow... but I am just having a hard time trying to judge her quality of life because without the means to get the x-rays done I can't tell if she is in pain... I think all the signs seem to be leading to it being a neurological thing but I can't figure out whether she will improve or not.... and the only other thing that it seems could be is thromboembolisms so if anyone has had any experience with these if they could let me know. When I get home today I am going to have to bite the bullet and pinch her leg and see if she has any feeling in it because little blood clots can leave the leg completely paralysed so should be able to guage that. But the fact that she is having the seizures is getting me worried. It's not herpes and it's not diabetes... I am just trying to get a good idea of what things it could be but a good thing has happened I have just been offered some freelance work (I am a journalist) so I will be able to save up and get the x-rays done hopefully in as little as a couple of weeks if I can get enough work at this other newspaper. But I am just in the process of researching any other possibilities so will fill you in on anything I can find out cheers
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Old January 18th, 2009, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by melinda1nz View Post
and the only other thing that it seems could be is thromboembolisms so if anyone has had any experience with these if they could let me know.
I personally don't have experience with thromboembolisms, but given your cat's young age this does seem a little less likely. Does her leg feel cold and hard? I know that can be a strong indication of a blood clot.

I think the fact that she's eating, even if you have to keep offering her variety, is a good sign. Appetite is usually the first thing to go if a cat feels lousy. It's entirely likely that she isn't drinking much because of the wet food. Cats naturally have a low thirst drive and in nature would get all their water requirements met via the juicy mice and birds they eat. My cat hasn't had a drink from his water bowl in 3 years - ever since I stopped feeding kibble.

Good luck at the vet tomorrow, and let us know what happens.
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Old January 19th, 2009, 02:42 PM
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Smile Best update yet!

Hay just overnight Dora has improved quite a bit. Her leg is still exactly the same but she has brightened up... shes been using the litterbox and started talking to me again (meowing for cuddles etc) It must be a sign because yesterday I got really depressed and started thinking that I couldn't tell if she was in pain and I didnt know what to do because she was so down and I couldnt do anything about it. Also some more great news. I have been ringing and emailing everyone to find out about any subsidised vet care and explaining my situation to everyone and hadnt been able to find out anything. We have a place over here called the Cats Protection League and they get stray cats and take them in and they are all volunteers based in the area that I live in (which being one of the cheaper areas gets a lot of stray and dumped animals!) and a lady emailed me back sounding really positive saying to give her a call so it sounds like she might be able to help me get the x-rays done. I am assuming they have volunteer vets that do a lot of stuff for them because they help injured cats etc as well as get them fixed to re-house them....so that is sounding so positive. Sorry this has become a novel again! Whew I am just so happy that everything is working out. But I do want to thank everyone that has answered my posts on here because if it wasnt for all of you (this sounds corny!) I may have given up in despair and not had the strength to carry on trying to get my Dora all better. And you have all given me fantastic advice and I have learnt so much that I will be able to pass on to other people as well!! Thanks everyone I will keep in touch and will put updates when I get the x-rays done etc and let you know how she is going. Best wishes and kindest regards from NZ

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Old January 19th, 2009, 02:57 PM
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that is great news!!!! So excited for you!!! I hope they can help!!!! Will be watching for updates!! GOOD LUCK to you both!!!!!!!
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Old January 19th, 2009, 03:45 PM
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That's great that she's in better spirits! How about the litterbox issue? Has she gone yet?

And that's great about that group, we have them here too, rescues that often times help people with limited funds get vet care for their pets. They are so great and yes run on donations and volunteers.

Oh and not to get to far ahead, but should the xray show something in the leg causing her distress, another option may be to have just that leg removed.... there are a few on here who have three legged furries who are healed and whole and happy even without a limb. (and just as rambunctious as the 4 legged furries!) Best of luck at the vets.... we'll have all our & crossed for you both too!

(and to the other members... wasn't their another thread a while back about a couple of members who had cats with leg issues that were improving over time with exersises and accupuncture/massage for neurological issues??)
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