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Old July 15th, 2009, 10:34 AM
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Brad Pattison Gets Annoyed

Brad Pattison Gets Annoyed

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Old July 15th, 2009, 10:36 AM
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that is awful. There is no reason to use such archaic methods- especially when directing your frustrations at the owner.
What a DIVA!
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Old July 15th, 2009, 10:42 AM
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I'd be using my four foot leash to whack him one. He didn't even praise the dog when it behaved the way he wanted. Jerk.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 10:48 AM
BenMax BenMax is offline
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OK Seriously Now! Not joking - but if he did this to my dogs I swear the movie would be about me friggen kicking his nuts inside out, kicking them through the field and finally jumping up and down on them and offering them as kongs!
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Old July 15th, 2009, 10:48 AM
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I hope he loses his TV job. And wonder if he treats his wife/kids that way as well...
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Old July 15th, 2009, 10:56 AM
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OMG can,t beleive how the owner stayed calm!!!

I would have freaked !!!
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Old July 15th, 2009, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by BenMax View Post
me friggen kicking his nuts inside out, kicking them through the field and finally jumping up and down on them and offering them as kongs!
Brad's Bully Treat Sticks for dogs .

Seriously, watching anyone treat any living thing in this manner makes me nauseous. Pattison and others like him have turned what's supposed to be fun and a positive learning experience for both dogs and their owners into a school of abuse. Completely unacceptable!
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Old July 15th, 2009, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by hunnybunny View Post
OMG can,t beleive how the owner stayed calm!!!

I would have freaked !!!
Actually - look at the body language of everyone around him - not one seemed uncomfortable nor annoyed. Arms crossed, observing - I mean COME ON!

Brad BATTERED Bully Treats! Good one LP!
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Old July 15th, 2009, 11:00 AM
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Old July 15th, 2009, 11:22 AM
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So, just so everyone knows, that video has been doctored (as you can see from the person putting the correction part on repeat). I have seen the original, so you have no idea the circumstances surrounding the correction. The actual owner of the dog has posted in the past, I believe here as well, and said that her dog was lunging aggressively towards another dog when he was corrected by Brad with the downward swipe. For anyone wanting clarification on that type of correction, your hand moves quickly down the face in the opposite direction of fur growth, essentially messing up the fur on their face more than anything else.

Whether you believe in corrections or not, whatever, to each his or her own, but please keep in mind that sounds have been added to the video, and it was originally at least 3 or 4 min long, so there was some interaction beforehand. Brad also has initiated legal action against the individual who doctored the video, as it is defamatory, and there are copyright infringements involved with the person at the seminar that shot the video. So please, before going off and Brad-bashing, AGAIN, reserve judgements until you can meet Brad in person and see him in action for yourself. Or better yet, focus on something more productive like talking about how you DO want to train your dog vs how you disagree with the way someone else trains. The abusive ones are the ones that hit their dogs out of anger, or neglect them by not taking them out for walks or training at all, or train their dogs to be mean.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 11:50 AM
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Lynne_B - I totally expected you to comment.

Here is what I see whether doctored or otherwise( I can see the repeat scene). Correcting in this manner is not acceptable. Anyone, and I mean anyone should never ever correct a dog in or even around the face. Fluffing the fur - sorry - this is not acceptable in my opinion. Why did he walk away so briskly and make no POSITIVE contact with the dog afterwards other than just handing the dog over.

How do I want my dog trained if other than myself? I want it done professionally, with someone who does not go off in a huff because he is not pleased with how the dog reacts.

There is something called patience. And I want to add one more thing if I may. If this dog has problems with aggression with other dogs - why were these two dogs face to face in the first place? Again - this is not showing the people correctly how to introduce this dog nor does it show the people how to be vigiliant.

I am sorry - for me - I never want to meet this guy.

Last edited by BenMax; July 15th, 2009 at 11:54 AM.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:01 PM
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Ditto BenMax... I work with pretty aggressive dogs and have NEVER EVER felt the need to "swipe" one. There are much better ways to deal with the behavior. And if this video was in fact doctored where is the original? Brad's behavior after the fact is very unprofessional and not what I would want in a dog "trainer" that being said I didn't post this to bash Brad it was just an FYI to those who may think he is a g-d to dogs.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:05 PM
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Lynne - can you post a link to the original video so we can see for ourselves?

Sorry, but no matter how many times I look at that video I see a man lifting a dog off of his front feet by his collar and smacking it on the nose. I can hardly believe that he just brushed the fur on the dog's face as it was aggressing, as you say.

Having heard other things about him - if I ever meet him, I certainly hope that my dog is safe at home.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:08 PM
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I have no problems with corrections, properly applied.

But was the SOUND of the smack on the nose doctored in too?

I have a hard time with using your hand to hit the dog on the face...that's really what this looks like... I use my hand to mush up my dog's nose/muzzle or to muzz up the fur there in a playful, silly manner, but it sure doesn't make a noise. I'm just wondering what the thought process in terms of how the dog would interpret the act might be. Dogs don't correct other dogs that way at all to my knowledge.

Originally Posted by Lynne_B View Post
So, just so everyone knows, that video has been doctored (as you can see from the person putting the correction part on repeat). I have seen the original, so you have no idea the circumstances surrounding the correction. The actual owner of the dog has posted in the past, I believe here as well, and said that her dog was lunging aggressively towards another dog when he was corrected by Brad with the downward swipe. For anyone wanting clarification on that type of correction, your hand moves quickly down the face in the opposite direction of fur growth, essentially messing up the fur on their face more than anything else.

Whether you believe in corrections or not, whatever, to each his or her own, but please keep in mind that sounds have been added to the video, and it was originally at least 3 or 4 min long, so there was some interaction beforehand. Brad also has initiated legal action against the individual who doctored the video, as it is defamatory, and there are copyright infringements involved with the person at the seminar that shot the video. So please, before going off and Brad-bashing, AGAIN, reserve judgements until you can meet Brad in person and see him in action for yourself. Or better yet, focus on something more productive like talking about how you DO want to train your dog vs how you disagree with the way someone else trains. The abusive ones are the ones that hit their dogs out of anger, or neglect them by not taking them out for walks or training at all, or train their dogs to be mean.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:11 PM
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MIA in all truth this video only proves one thing - he does NOT know dogs at all. Is it doctored - I believe so. But it does not take away from the fact that he is unprofessional and he is not setting up a very positive case scenario for a dog with aggression. Like you, I have indeed had experience with aggressive dogs and I am not just flapping my gums when I say this. This is NOT the way to help this dog with this particular problem.

I suppose it is ok the rub my daughter's face the wrong way because I disagreed with a behaviour and then just walk away? It's not ok to do ANYTHING in the dogs face as it is not ok for people either (unless you have their permission ). I hardly see the rubbing of fur. What I do see is the dog's face after this type of 'correction' and then looking towards his owner for support (if I interpret this correctly) and then being yanked, followed by just being given over.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:12 PM
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I am a firm believer in corrections but that certainly doesn't include beating a dog or choking it. And if there is one thing I have learned in 30 years with dogs - it is addressing an aggression issue with aggression never, ever solves the problem. It always, always makes it worse.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:13 PM
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BenMax, I agreed with you luv....
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:36 PM
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LynneB, if by doctored you mean the action is repeated a few times so that you can get a better look at what is going on, then yes, the video is doctored.

I didn't see any sign of aggression on that dog's behalf. Maybe jumping up, yes, but his teeth weren't bared and he didn't seem to have a defensive stance.

I am in agreeance with LavenderRott- could you please post a link to the original video so that we can clear this "misconception" up??
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Old July 15th, 2009, 12:49 PM
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The man would never get his hands on one of my dogs again if he tried that. What kind of a is he? I have watched his show on occasion. Can't say I am impressed by his methods.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 01:11 PM
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I knew some people who went to his seminar. He made people do push ups for failing to pay attention or do things properly. Can't say I'd be sitting through that. I've disagreed in past with some of the things I've seen that he has done that were put on TV, but peopel protect him endlessly about what a wonderful trainer he is. *shrug*
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Old July 15th, 2009, 01:16 PM
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Judging by the blue background and basic text, I will venture to say that whoever edited that video was using the free Windows Movie Maker program that comes installed with Windows or can be downloaded for free from Microsoft. If memory serves correct, Windows Movie Maker defaults to the blue screen.

So this is an amateur production, obviously. Yes a few frames have been cut/paste to resemble "instant replay" type viewing.

But something still remains - Pattison's facial expression. He didn't look calm, cool, or collected. He looked angry and agitated.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by CearaQC View Post
But something still remains - Pattison's facial expression. He didn't look calm, cool, or collected. He looked angry and agitated.
Not to mention the dog. Look at his/her posture and expressions.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 02:24 PM
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People pay this man?

They'd be hauling my butt away to jail, because I would have gotten medieval on this guy. The dogs owner was a total moron. If more people weren't afraid to confront him during his "classes" then more people would see what an idiot he is.
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Last edited by ancientgirl; July 15th, 2009 at 02:30 PM.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 02:33 PM
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I really have no opinion one way or the other of this man, but anyone can see the tape isn't real.....*L* why kids play around with stuff like that I have no idea and then it goes "world wide" on the web.............
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Old July 15th, 2009, 02:35 PM
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Ha BenMax, you know I couldn't resist this one! I also apologize as I can't post a link to the original video, because it was taken down by the person that owned it. It was originally posted on youtube. Then a bunch of people started flaming Brad, and she took it down because that wasn't her intent in posting it. Then someone had copied it by then, made the adjustments, and yes, added some sound effects. If I remember correctly, in the original, you could hear something when the correction was made, but in this one, if this makes sense, it sounds like the volume was increased a bit at the point the correction was made so it's amplified above everything else. The dog (husky type I think) nearby was also whining and that seemed very loud as well. I wasn't there, so I can only say what the original owner had said about it. The person shooting the video is now involved with youtube and working through some copyright infringment issues, as well as Brad being involved with legal action against the user who keeps posting it everywhere to incite the masses to flame Brad. He's been an issue on Brad's website, as well as others (including this one). Benmax, I think I had discussed that specific user with you privately. Something else that may surprise you is that facial corrections aren't that common in class with Brad. In the 5-6 months that we were in classes with him (2 months of training, then we chose to come back to most of the classes at a reduced rate after that to get our dog more socialization), we saw him do a facial correction....twice I believe. Once was when a dog instigated a fight with another dog, and the other was a dog that wouldn't break it's focus from barking constantly. He always gives you other tools to train, and shows you how to do the corrections properly if you need to. He even gets into an in depth discussion about how to properly massage a dog's chest as a reward, yet no one posts that video of course.

Hehe and as for Brad and pushups....when in class with him, sometimes he'll address a question to the class. Like any teacher, he wants the class to participate. If no one answers right away, he says, alrighty, 10 pushups everyone....then he asks the question again, and guess what, people answer, and everyone has a good laugh. People assume he's this drill sergeant or something, when really he's just an energetic person, who encourages positive thinking. He gets frustrated with people that don't put the time and energy into their dogs. In the video when it looks like he's walking away at the end, he's in the middle of an outdoor seminar/class, so he's not walking away, I'm guessing right after that they started jogging in that direction or something and then tried a different exercise. Keep in mind that you're seeing 30 seconds of a 2-3 hour training class/group walk.

So by now you can tell that I am a Brad advocate, but I also want you to all understand that I am open to other types of training and think there's no shortage to what I can learn about dog behaviour. I'm not some mindless Brad follower that thinks he walks on water. But I do support him for sure, I just wish everyone would be willing to get to know that part of him instead of focusing on the one thing that you don't agree with. Everyone always likes to jump on the Brad bashing wagon because it's easy to do, yet not many seem to want to really ask questions about something. A few here have, I'll give you that, and I appreciate not being run out of town (yet ). Thanks for listening everyone!
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Old July 15th, 2009, 02:37 PM
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Even Lynne B explains partially that there is some modifications to this tape. What is real is the dog being lifted onto 2 legs, swiped probably once on the nose, jolted down and then given to the woman.

The voice is 'real' - he is tense, raised voice, and reprimanding which is not setting a very positive 'tone' for the dogs in the first place.

Lynne B - I hope you know I have nothing against you whatsoever. This is not personal.

Last edited by BenMax; July 15th, 2009 at 02:42 PM.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 02:42 PM
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I'm sorry, doctored or not, as BenMax says, the dog is visibly lifted by the collar. Would anyone here who has kids allow someone to do that to their child?

Also, the first thing out of his mouth was telling the owner she was annoying him.

No, this man is uncouth and has zero people skills. I'll keep my opinion about his training to myself.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 02:58 PM
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From what I remember of the original video, Brad was initially putting the dog into a sit, so lifting on the leash when the dog didn't respond to the command. The dog then broke from the sit...I think 3 or 4 times, each time Brad put the dog back into a sit, all the meanwhile he's talking to the lady, but I couldn't really make out what was being said most of the time. The last time (before the correction), the dog was stubborn enough to lift his legs and hang there, refusing to sit, and Brad was not hanging the dog, the dog was well aware that it could sit and had enough leash to do so. This was for maybe...5 seconds before he finally sat. Then I can't remember if Brad started walking forward at this point or not, he must have because when he's saying stop to the owner at the beginning, he's further back than when it flips to the correction. That's when the lab lunged at the dog, and then Brad pulled him back, and did the correction. Lifting the dog could have been the result of just pulling the dog back away from the one he was lunging at. It's really hard to tell at that point because that's where part of the video was cut and it happens really fast. Personally I have no problem managing a dog with the leash, especially if he was lunging at another dog. If that means I overcompensate for his strength a bit and he's lifted off the ground, at least he wouldn't be biting another dog.

His tone was frustrated at that point, due to the discussion being had, but like I said, that's 30 seconds of a long session. Could any of you say that you would be in a 2-3 hour training session and smiling and laughing every second of it if you were training a dog that had problems that you were furstrated with? Or arguing with someone about training techniques? Probably not. And during the correction itself, Brad was very calm. His frustration in my opinion was directed towards the owner, not the dog, but yes a dog could respond to that. If that was the case though, you'd think the dog would be more focused on Brad, when he wasn't really. Maybe I'm wrong, it's anyone's guess really. It could be a combination of the negative tones, dominance, and/or dog aggression problems. I would be just guessing though as I wasn't there and I don't know the history of the dog.

BenMax - I would never take it personally, I just like playing devil's advocate and bringing up other possible explanations. If you take the video as is, of course it looks bad, but that's why I'm here to explain some of the circumstances as I know them, and you can choose whether you agree or not. I would rather everyone have all the facts first though.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by ancientgirl View Post
I'm sorry, doctored or not, as BenMax says, the dog is visibly lifted by the collar. Would anyone here who has kids allow someone to do that to their child?

If my child lunged towards another child to punch them or otherwise hurt them, I would have no problem grabbing the back of their shirt, lifting them up, and off that other child.
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Old July 15th, 2009, 03:09 PM
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So, you'd be okay with giving your child a little choke then? We will agree to disagree. I don't like this man. I don't like his methods, and I don't like the way he treats those around him, two and four legged alike. This isn't the first video I've seen, and the others weren't "doctored."

I've said my peace, walking away now.
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