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Old September 28th, 2011, 10:18 PM
Candyleah Candyleah is offline
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My cats is acting strange, possibly not feeling well?

Hi, I have a four year old fixed male cat. He has not been acting like himself - usually he is very social and playing with my other 3 cats, quite active and very healthy, proper diet, weight and all that. Since yesterday I noticed a change in his behavior, stays by himself, sleeping in unusual places, very solitary and almost like he is hiding. I am certain he is sleeping a lot more than usual, and I do not think he is eating (difficult to tell with 3 other cats, same goes with his bathroom habits, I am unsure about that.) I know he is drinking water, as I have moved him to the dish and witnessed this myself. All my other cats are healthy and behaving normally (2 fixed males 1fixed female). I am going to make an appointment to see his vet tomorrow, but the wait is usually about 2 weeks. If there are any ideas as to what could be causing him to act like this, any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Last edited by Candyleah; September 28th, 2011 at 10:19 PM. Reason: Accidentally pressed enter!
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Old September 28th, 2011, 10:36 PM
growler~GateKeeper's Avatar
growler~GateKeeper growler~GateKeeper is offline
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Certainly sounds like a trip to the vet is in order, if your cat is not eating or you suspect he isn't this can't wait two weeks. Please mention the lack of appetite to the vet and insist on seeing them tomorrow, if they can't accommodate you then I would look for another vet who can see him right away.

Good luck & let us know how the visit goes.
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Old September 28th, 2011, 11:03 PM
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Yup, growler is right. From the description of your cat's behaviour, a trip to an emergency vet should be on your agenda if your regular vet won't fit you in tomorrow. In the meantime, I would pay particular attention to whether or not he's urinating, as a blocked urinary tract is a very common disorder in male cats and can be particularly life-threatening. Good luck!
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Old September 28th, 2011, 11:14 PM
Candyleah Candyleah is offline
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Update - Flapjacks is eating, not a whole lot, but still a bit. I put a small amount of dry and wet food in front of him, and he ate a little from both. He still isn't moving around a lot and looks like he is feeling under the weather.
Since I posted he has not gone to the bathroom at all, but I will keep watching him for that. Will make an emergency vet appointment tomorrow to get in a lot sooner!
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cat health, hiding, not eating, sleeping excessively

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