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Old July 25th, 2015, 09:17 PM
suew99 suew99 is offline
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Emergency, sick 2 yr old cat. No Diagnosis!


Basics: Above is link to his FB page, cannot seem to post pics here...cutie pie!
Shorthair Exotic Persian. Male, 1yr, 11mos.
4 kgs last weighed March,
Weighed again when we became worried beginning of July, and lost 1 kg.

In the month of July: Appts Up to #6, Vets Up to # 4 = Bank account Down!

4 out of 4 vets cannot find anything wrong, & therefore cannot refer me to a specialist.

No Diagnosis, this cat is dying, and really sick this evening, Saturday.
I'll have to poke him again as he is laying in my window-still not moving.
Does not want anything to do w/ humans whatsoever. Cries when awake.
He has basically lost his mind.
If he does eat, seems to have trouble chewing, swallowing.

from last visit yesterday:
This animal segregation is driving me crazy, shift change every few hours. Someone is always getting loose during switch over.
Healthy cat is sad and won't play anymore.
Vet said to have small "Play Dates". Told her I already tried 2, one left me w/ out a thumbnail and loss of right hand usage, other one almost killed Sushi and my arms covered in scratches. Still insisted I do it. I can see healthy cat's eyes looking at him he is looking for a fight.
Realized not worth it do disagree w/ Vets if they don't agree w/ you 1st time.
I just start loosing it when some Vet tech tells me to surrender my cat.
I give my cats everything under the sun, spoiled them rotten, which is 1/2 the problem, they easily sulk if I'm not tending to their every need.
Cat has not eaten today : (
Poor brother is in "segregation" room. I've been running around after cats since 10 am, feeding litter boxes, begging cat to eat. Seem I am always scrubbing out cat dishes.
Cat only now eats "Cats in the Kitchen" food, in foil pouch that's manly gravy. Have to chop the chunks of Poultry w / scissors and then add Pedialite for hydration. Worked well last few of days.
Has terrible trouble swallowing now.
Bought 2 lots of mouth health water & food additive suggested by Vet,
and the FortiFlora.

He has had blood tests, fasting more blood test, urinalysis, all tests came back normal for liver, kidney, Ut, cancer, diabetes and FIP (did not know this was diagnoseable?). Slight runny nose yesterday. Clear.

Acts like he is an old cat, near death from old age.

Had a seizure on Wednesday.

Today, cat does not want to eat and sleeps on my printer, can barely wake him up. Inner eye lid (white part always present, as he is 1/2 awake).

Notes to new Vet yesterday:
Vet reports sent are accurate regarding cat, not client issues.
Has not been seen by anyone since July 11 @ Emergency Vet visit.
Huge decline now in every way.
He acts like a very old cat declining from old age.
We’ve had lots of cats through the years.

Does not want to be held or even touched now.
Doesn’t know his name.
Barely eats. Offered various concoctions of food 3X a day, made into a gravy with Pedialite.
Cannot get him to eat today.
Have not seem him drink in a couple days, yet not home all the time to watch over him.
Has been separated from his brother since the beginning of the month, as brother tries to kill him now.
He gets lost if I switch cats from "isolation room" and he has free run of the house. Cries a lot.
Never before now.
Brother is upset too. They’ve been together since they were born.

I don’t want him to die!
I love him very much!
I think it’s too late, my mother agrees.
We both believe if he had had help in the beginning, he could have perhaps had a chance.

Earlier: I received a notice from my now "old" Vet's practice to say I & my mother are no longer provided services, also seems to include the city's emergency 24 hour Vet Clinic!

Note from beginning of month:
Cat only fed RX food canned from Vet.
Stopped eating this entirely.

Cat now has unlimited buffet, 4 bowls of different concoctions I can imagine.
Always a "Soup" with the day's favorite food, mixed w/ Pedialite. 3 x a day.

25 cats in our family thru the years.
We know how to diagnose most of these diseases, and felt his kidneys ourselves as did 2 vets, pee clear & OK.
However he did have UT problems just after one year old.
Both successful treatments less my $ 1,000 bucks.
He has always been on Vet UT maintenance wet food.
Then he stopped eating it. 3 different brands.

Now he eats whatever he desires. ie, he'll either eat, or just turn his nose up & walk away.
I did buy that high calorie paste, and he'll take some licks off of my fingers.

I don’t want him to die!
I love him very much!
I think it’s too late, my mother agrees.
We both believe if he had had proper help in the beginning, he could have perhaps been saved.

Sorry for rambling & grammar, I'm falling asleep while typing.
P.S. no vomiting, bleeding, diarrhea, visible worms (indoor cats) or any signs of an obvious presented illness. Brother, who share all is fine. Many litter boxes, extremely low stress environment. In London Ontario, wiling to drive for help...
Back to cats..

Last edited by suew99; July 27th, 2015 at 03:41 PM. Reason: Falling asleep while typing, did not list neg. for diabetes
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Old July 26th, 2015, 07:10 AM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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I'm sorry. We have had mystery illness in our cats before but they got better. OUr Vet is sure that the OH just going in to the Vet's office and sitting with the cat is what pulled one through.

YOu definitely need a good Vet and I don't know how to tell you to find one for sure. All I can offer is good thoughts.
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Old July 26th, 2015, 01:21 PM
suew99 suew99 is offline
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Thank You!

Thanks for your well wishes.

I am thinking he has gum issues, as Friday's Vet did see a bit of red near a back tooth.
May have spread some issue through his body.
(like humans).
Cat has always had teeth checked, no one ever said there were any problems.

"Infectious disease

Some infectious diseases are associated with gingivitis and your vet may advise screening for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) infection, or feline calicivirus (FCV). FIV and FeLV can cause immunosuppression and may predispose to periodontal disease and gingivitis, whereas persistent FCV in the mouth may also be associated with some cases of chronic (long-standing) gingivitis or stomatitis (inflammation of the gums or mouth).

I'm sure he has all vaccines for everything. Last vet seen on Friday suggested some food & water additive for killing bad bacteria, bought both products and now getting some in.
If that's the case, he is already too ill for a preventive measure.
At least his healthy brother is getting it now too, god forbid this is contagious, as they share food, water, litter boxes! Not possible to isolate everything, as the only way to keep everyone's sanity is to rotate them in the "segregation" room!

I'll have to sift through his records once again...

P.S. I have found yet another vet from referrals. Offered to review all records & test results.
Seems expensive!
Have to basically sign my life, house & first born away, in order to be a new Client.
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Old July 26th, 2015, 01:32 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Have you brought anything new into your home just before your cat got sick ? A plant, cat toys or treats most pets toys are made in China and can lead on them. If your cat go outside , it could had gotten into something that on his fur . You could try to see if the fur has any odd smells to it or feel difference in some parts of your cat body. I hope you can find the cause of your cat illness fast . Poor kitty .
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Old July 27th, 2015, 03:32 PM
suew99 suew99 is offline
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Thanks for your Message!

I don't believe the cat has gotten into anything new...
They have a ton of toys, but nothing recent.
I doubt tested for lead poisoning, though.
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Old July 27th, 2015, 05:56 PM
suew99 suew99 is offline
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Originally Posted by suew99 View Post
I don't believe the cat has gotten into anything new...
They have a ton of toys, but nothing recent.
I doubt tested for lead poisoning, though.
Indoor only cats. Brother is fine yet Sad Cat : (
Has no idea what's going on, less shoved in & out of "Segregation Room, every few hours.
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cat sick, emergency, kitten, need advice, urgent help needed

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