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Old September 27th, 2018, 12:58 AM
CJD7 CJD7 is offline
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Exclamation Should I put my dog down, please help!!!

Hi, my dog is 14-15 years old (not 100% on which one) she is a beagle with Cushing's disease and is believed to have something else wrong. She pees constantly and she always barks, especially when foods around. I know the barking isn't a reason to put her down, far from it. I don't know if that's a symptom of something. I don't know what to do she's lost so much weight and has a tumor and possibly another. She's very peppy at times but is also kind of special mentally as she was abused before she was adopted by us. She has siezers alot as well. I don't know what to do since she's always peeing. She will pee then walk two inches pee again and repeat for five minutes. I love her so so much I don't know if I should put her down or not. Please give me some advice or insight on how long you think she has and such. I'd really appreciate it.
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Old September 27th, 2018, 12:06 PM
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So sorry about your dog. But honestly, this isn't a decision that should be made online. Your vet knows so much more about your beagle and her medical history--he'd be able to give you much better information. Most of the symptoms you mention could be related to the Cushing's--perhaps your vet can suggest a new medicine regimen to help manage it better? At the very least, your dog should probably be seen by the vet again if she hasn't since the new symptoms appeared.

If it helps at all, in the end, we've always tried to make our decision based on what's right for the dog. If your dog still has happy times and an appetite, she may not be ready to go, yet. Our biggest worry is always that we let it go too long because we can't bear the thought of losing our baby. But only you can weigh everything in the balance and decide if the good times trump the bad. It's a very personal decision. No one knows your dog better than you do--especially not people on the internet who don't know your dog at all.

It sounds like you've given her a long life and lots of love. Sometimes, letting them go can be the most loving thing you do, but trying to get the timing of it right is always so heartbreaking. Make your decision out of love for your dog and you can't really go wrong. It's impossible to know when the 'best time' is. You can only do the best you can do. No one will fault you for it.

Best of luck, and please let us know how you get on!
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advice needed, dogs, put down, sick, sick dog

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