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Old February 13th, 2016, 11:25 AM
Livster Livster is offline
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Unhappy Kitten Diarrhea after Neutering

Hello fellow cat lovers!
I have a question about my kitten's neutering procedure. He was neutered over a month ago and has had diarrhea ever since. He is 5 months old and we have been giving him prescription science diet (gastrointestinal health) ever since (due to the diarrhea symptoms). We also have given him a weeks worth of probiotics prescribed by the vet twice. Each time, a week after the pills run out he gets diarrhea again. Is it possible something bad happened to him when he was neutered? His stool has been tested and he has no parasites. He never had diarrhea before being neutered.

Any advice is much appreciated! I've talked to the vet about this issue 5+ times and we can't seem to figure it out.

Thanks! -- Olivia
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Old February 13th, 2016, 11:45 AM
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Just curious have you tried another food source....I know they preach their food but sometimes its the cause of some of these things...NOt sure if its wet or dry but I would try something like Wellness or a Good Quality Brand.

In the past I have also used pumpkin. It sounds crazy but it works both ways for the animal. If they are constipated it helps or if they are loose it firms... It must be pure pumpkin not pie filling. I used to buy the can and would never finish the whole amount as it is too much so I place the leftovers in a ice cube tray and freeze it. You dont need much really just a teaspoon or less on their food for a few days...not sure if it will work for you but it did for us.

Good Luck I know you must be frustrated. I dont think its the neutering
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Old February 13th, 2016, 12:24 PM
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I'm with Winston--I'd switch him to a new protein source and if he's not on wet food, I'd wean him over to that, as well. Do it slowly so as not to upset his intestine more--mix in a little more each day until he's eventually on the new stuff totally. Try to find a single protein food--and try not to duplicate the protein source he's eating now (so if he's on chicken now, switch him to a turkey or lamb or beef food--and try to avoid foods with grain in them).

Pumpkin is definitely worth a try, too. For a cat, you'd probably need less than a teaspoon of the pumpkin per meal per day. We use it a lot. In fact, I always have frozen pumpkin cubes in the freezer. Less pumpkin helps to firm the stool; more pumpkin helps to loosen it up. For our ~50-lb dogs, 1 TBSP is enough to help firm them up. If they need to loosen up a bit, we give them 2 TBSP. So it doesn't take much--and works like magic!

I'd continue with the probiotic--you can buy some to sprinkle on his food daily. Out of curiosity, did they give your little guy antibiotics after his neuter? He might just still be recovering from the affects of the antibiotics. In that case, the probiotics should eventually help to rebalance the organisms in his gut to normalize his stool.

And, when your little guy is feeling better, we sure would love to see a few pics of the little darling!
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Old February 13th, 2016, 01:01 PM
Livster Livster is offline
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Thank you both so much for your advice!! I really appreciate some feedback. It's been a stressful few weeks. We've tried the canned pumpkin before (100% pure, not the pie filling) and he loves it but it didn't seem to really help with the diarrhea for him. He got sick first about 2 days after his neutering and the vet said it was probably just the anesthesia which makes sense. But it kept up for at least 3 days so they put him on the probiotics. About a week after the pills ran out, he was right back to square once. And today is an exact repeat, so I'm thinking it's the probiotic that's keeping him stable.

Hopefully they will be able to prescribe me some for longer this time (not sure if he can take that daily indefinitely). He's on the wet food right now, but sometimes I sprinkle some hard food of the same exact brand and flavor into his wet food because he's a very hungry kitten and I want him to feel full. I'll cut him back to just the wet food and see if that helps. It seems to agree with him really well - his poop looks better than it ever had before when he's on the pills and the wet food.

I might try a second opinion with another vet as well just in case. I'll do just about anything to help him feel better. I just want my little guy to be able to roam free in the house and use the litter box.

I've attached some pics too! Neville is the black kitten and the orangish cat is his older brother Cooper.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 07:30 PM
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What beautiful cats you have, Livster! Thanks for sharing the pics!

If he's on wet food already, you might want to look into that different protein idea--it might be that your little guy has a protein intolerance for what he's eating.

I hope you get some answers soon!
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Old February 13th, 2016, 08:40 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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What sweet kitties ! You should made sure your kitty is drinking enough water if he has diarrhea if new food doesn't help he should be taken to the vet. It not good for cat to have diarrhea more than 3 days.
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diarrhea, diet, kitten, neutering, probiotics

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