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Old July 26th, 2013, 08:32 AM
AimeeA AimeeA is offline
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Question Dry Itchy Skin

I have a year old mix named Brady who has recently gone through some pretty stressful health issues these past three weeks and thankfully has recovered wonderfully. Although through the entire process we saw that he was trying to itch much more frequently, we originally thought it was just because he had to wear a protective cone and was trying to itch where his stitches were healing. Once we took the cone off he seemed to itch everywhere. We were told to give him Benadryl by a local vet to help suppress it but we don't know what it could come from. He sadly has not been on a constant food source for more than a few weeks so we don't know if that is a factor, or stress from his illness, dry skin, or a side effect from his medicine. We want to try bathing him with a good shampoo first but we don't know what kind would be best for the situation, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also he does seem to have dandruff from time to time. Oh he also doesn't have fleas we have given him flea medicine and check him daily for them.
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Old July 26th, 2013, 08:48 AM
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What are you feeding as this may have a lot to do with his itchies?

You could use an oatmeal bath which might be soothing to the skin but I would want to know what I am dealing with before bathing as it might make it worse??

Also look at anything new to your home. Whether it be new laundrey soap, cleaning supplies, or external items in your yard.

What did the vet say about the constant itching? has the dog been checked for things like mange??
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Old July 26th, 2013, 09:04 AM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by AimeeA View Post
I have a year old mix named Brady who has recently gone through some pretty stressful health issues these past three weeks and thankfully has recovered wonderfully. Although through the entire process we saw that he was trying to itch much more frequently, we originally thought it was just because he had to wear a protective cone and was trying to itch where his stitches were healing. Once we took the cone off he seemed to itch everywhere. We were told to give him Benadryl by a local vet to help suppress it but we don't know what it could come from. He sadly has not been on a constant food source for more than a few weeks so we don't know if that is a factor, or stress from his illness, dry skin, or a side effect from his medicine. We want to try bathing him with a good shampoo first but we don't know what kind would be best for the situation, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also he does seem to have dandruff from time to time. Oh he also doesn't have fleas we have given him flea medicine and check him daily for them.
I would check with the vet and see if it's OK to give your dog a bath yet. I know I had to wait a certain length of time to give my cat a bath after she was spayed.
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Old July 26th, 2013, 09:38 AM
AimeeA AimeeA is offline
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He is eating Wellness dog food right now but we don't know what he ate at the shelter or if he did, he was extremely under weight when we found him. He was checked for fleas and mange during his vet visit to get shots as well as before his surgery. We would like to avoid taking him into the vet if possible he is petrified of them and we don't want to stress him out more. Everything in our home is new to him so it would be hard to pin point anything in specific that could cause a reaction :/ we are in the clear to bathe him on Monday. His incision will totally be healed by then. I just don't want to buy the wrong shampoo. He doesn't seem to have hives or any break outs that could be a noticeable reaction the only thing I have noticed is what appears to be some dandruff.
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Old July 26th, 2013, 11:01 AM
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It could be a number of factors - best to focus on one thing and try to narrow it down.

Most skin issues as such are from allergies to food. Does the Wellness you're feeding have grains in it? I would try switching to grain-free (OR, if you were previously feeding a grain inclusive formula, it may take up to 3 months for the body to get rid of it in its system). Sometimes chicken in the kibble can be the culprit as well.

I would add some coconut oil or olive oil to his food to work on the skin in the meantime (even fish oil is great).

Was the Benadryl having any effect at all?
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Old July 26th, 2013, 11:01 AM
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Maybe its just the transition from the shelter to your home. How long have you had him?

I would pick up an oatmeal bath and see if that gives him some relief and try it on Monday.

The shelter wasnt likely feeding wellness so perhaps he just needs the time to get used to the good food. It may take a few weeks for you to notice any difference. Maybe you could pick up some fish oils and see if that helps. Go easy at first because you dont want to give him loose stools!

Also if he was an outdoor dog before you got him it may take time for his body to adjust to not having to be in the various elements...???

Good Luck

How about a picture of your new addition?
Tabitha April 10, 1995 - August 23, 2013
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Old July 26th, 2013, 01:14 PM
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Sounds like Brady has had quite a lot going on recently, between being in a shelter, finding a new home, the surgery and vaccinations (which ones?), meds (what were the drugs?) etc. Could be that all the stress has taken its toll on his immune system and maybe he just needs some time to recover and settle in. Supplementing his diet with a good quality fish oil is a great idea as the omega3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. Hope he's feeling better soon!
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Old July 26th, 2013, 01:14 PM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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I would opt for a bath too to get rid of any urface allergens, and I would feed a limited ingredient diet for now, something with preferably one meat source and one carb source. My girl is allergic to peas and white potatoes (among other things) and they make her itch, so it could be anything. The coconut is a great idea, and I like adding some extra support, like vetriscience's canine plus vitamins. If you add fish oil, don't forget to add vitamin E, or get some with E already in it.

Last edited by MaxaLisa; July 26th, 2013 at 01:16 PM. Reason: added fish oil stuff.
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Old July 26th, 2013, 06:40 PM
AimeeA AimeeA is offline
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We bought some all natural oat meal shampoo and hope that will help. He already eats the highest quality food we can afford it does have some grain but no fillers or by-products. It's wellness super 5 mix and it says it helps sensitive skin. We will try the fish oils but he is super picky so he may not eat it. We know the shelter fed him whatever volunteers donated they never stayed consistent. He was one three medications an antiinflamtory pain medication and antibiotics. Hopefully the bath will help.
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Old July 26th, 2013, 08:14 PM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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I'm a bit out of touch with current dog food ingredients, but the Super 5 isn't limited ingredients, which may (or may not!) be the problem. If you have continuing problems, it might be something to consider, and maybe there is an economical one out there that won't increase what you are currently paying.
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