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Old July 7th, 2010, 08:41 AM
rshopelmt rshopelmt is offline
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vibrating dog

My 8 yr old fm yorkie is acting odd. Yesterday she began by walking around as if she were trying to find a place to lay. Also seemed to act like it would hurt her to lay down. I put her on the couch with me and noticed that she seemed tight all over and that she seemed to be vibrating.
I listened to her heart with stethoscope and you could hear the vibration as if she had a motor running inside her. The vibration seems located only in her upper quarters, head and neck.
Some history: She has been having seizures for about 2 years. She gets very stiff and pants and drools until it ends. Usually lasting several minutes.
I have very limited income and a trip to the vet would be a hard hit right now.
Any ideas?
She seems to be slightly better today than last night but not at all well.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 09:07 AM
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ask your vet if you can do a payment plan and get her in soon. Have you spoken to the breeder you purchased her from? find out if any of the others in her litter have anything wrong
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Old July 7th, 2010, 09:07 AM
pugsrule pugsrule is offline
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If your yorkie has been having seizures, I would think this is definitely related. Have you seen the vet for this? If you have not, I strongly recommend that you do so. I know that finances can be difficult, but this is so important and critical to the health and longevity of your baby. |If she is under the care of a vet for seizures, usually a phone call to your vet is not charged for.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 09:15 AM
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I agree you need to get the dog to a vet. Is there a university where you are that has a veterinary program. If so contact them they will probably help you and it will cost a lot less. If not work out a payment plan I have done this with my vet before. Also do a google search of credit cards for veterinary services because there use to be one it is only for vet care. I sounds like your dog may have epilipsy and that can be controlled with meds that are not expensive.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 09:28 AM
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sorry, thought I read 8 months and not 8 yrs...so of course the breeder would no longer be involved. my mistake
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Old July 7th, 2010, 10:56 AM
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Melinda, a reputable breeder would still be interested and should know if siblings are doing okay even at 8. One of my shelties I sold as a pup developed Evans Syndrome at age 7 and I followed every detail of her battle to overcome it. I only got Bo back as a 5 year old too because the owner knew I still cared about him.
rshopelmt,is your little one speyed?
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dog, seizures, shaking, vibrating, yorkie

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