Newfoundland or Leonberger?
Newfoundland or Leonberger? which would you pick for a family with small children and other pets and why? we cant decide between the two and would appreciate your thoughts
Can you please tell us more about yourself and your family. Do you live on a property, what kind of lifestyle do you have (are you home a lot, do you do a lot of outdoor activities, are you an active type), what other pets do you have, how young are your kids, what experience do you have with such large dogs, etc. all these would help provide feedback as its relevant
Monkey and Amy (cats) Jermy (GSD) “Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God.” "The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." |
Good questions. Do you mind dog hair and drool? I am sure we can help you out or at least try
Robin A dog has so many friends because they wag their tails not their tongues. R.I.P. Buddy 2002-2008 The best Mastiff ever. Now owned by Clark the Crazy American Bulldog |
thanks for responding Mascha, well we have 4 kids two 14 yr old boys a 3 1/2 year old girl and an 18 mth old boy. Our house is a good size and the yard is pretty decent size for a city yard. We have property on a lake up north that we spend alot of time at between april and october. During the winter months we're not as active but the dog would be coming with me as I drop off my daughter to school and pick her up so that would be 2 20 min walks a day. We dont have much experience with big dogs other then our friends who have a bernese.
I was being serious Newfs and Leonbergers shed a lot and Newfs require a lot of grooming Newfs drool a lot. Both of these dogs get pretty big and no meaning to they will knock down kids. I have seen more than a few end up in rescue for this reason. Newfs do not require a lot of exercise but they do love to play and Leonbergers are more active. Both are great dogs but I tell you these things to be realistic you should have all the facts good and bad. Big dogs double the food bill and double the vet bill for one reason they require double the meds, and they do have more medical issues than medium sized dogs. But with that said they are big love bugs.
Robin A dog has so many friends because they wag their tails not their tongues. R.I.P. Buddy 2002-2008 The best Mastiff ever. Now owned by Clark the Crazy American Bulldog |
We went through the same situation, and chose a Leonberger. Harley is now 9 months old, and the most wonderful dog you could ever wish for.
We have 3 children, 7, 9 and 15, but all our neighbours have little ones and we get daily comments on how wonderful Harley is. He is gentle, more gentle than any other dog I've met. He is apx.90 lbs now, his dad was 160, and mom 130, so he's still growing, food and vet bills are high, but worth every penny to us. Also, Leonbergers are expensive to buy from a good breeder, just another thought. They DO shed, but we groom him weekly, and "furminate" frequently. They do require alot of love. THey are constatnly by your side, even in the bathroom. They lean on you, often called "lean on bergers". THey talk, wookie talk, which is sooooo funny to get a full conversation out of him. And they do not like being alone, Harley has ever only been left for a couple hours in the crate. It was difficult to find a vet familier with the breed, so our vet relies on advice from our breeder. To give you an idea of their rareity, there are 18000 Labradoodles in Ontario and 300 Leonbergers. You will be asked everyday what kind of dog he is, and everyone loves them! I love Newfs, and may consider one if we ever add to the family, but had to come to the realistic decision, that I hate drool! Leo's have similar personalities, and in fact there is a Newf pup in our neighbourhood who is more energetic than Harley! He gets walked 2 20 min walks daily, with a few trips to the dog park during the week. The biggest problem we have at the dog park is that some dogs are intiminated by his size and go at him, and he's so sweet that he gets terrified of them, it's pretty funny actually, lol... My vote is Leonberger! |
I would just like to add that all the dogs you mentioned Newf, Leo, Bernese
love the cooler weather, fall, cool springs especially winter. they love water but can get lazy through the summer months as the heat does bother them somewhat, and you have to be careful with heat exhaustion ![]()
Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts." |
Hi breeze
You have definitely given me alot to think about I read that leonbergers and Newfoundlands aren't the most active dogs and the leonberger breeder I spoke to said they don't need as Much exercise as other breeds. During the winter the dod would be going to the school twice a day and we do have a pretty big backyard that the kids are always playing in. As far as walking the dog in the rain or sleet I can honestly say would probably not happen, I'm pretty sure I couldn't even convince the big kids to do that. If I tried to get koko my sheltie/shepherd out in the rain she'd give me her "not gonna happen look" lol. |
hi amanda
not sure about newfs, as for leo's maybe as they get older around 5/6 years of age (they mature around 4 years of age, so I'm told) Bree who is my 4 year old bernese has not grown up and always ready to play lol lol they may not need as much exercise, but a puppy/adolescence (4 and under) always wants to play and needs adiquite (sp?) exercise, and leash training, to keep their joints muscles and heath heathly and to learn what is acceptable in public. In cooler weather they go out more often, that's their weather. Archer (who is 2 now) will go out in whatever weather, as the rain or snow does not penetrate his coat, he does not notice that part of it. as a pup I had to take him out regardless of the weather to potty train him. and to give him the exercise that he needed. a bored dog is a very unhappy dog lol lol lol. socializing with other dogs and people are VERY important and also obedience training on these large dogs. ![]() ![]()
Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts." |
I agree with Breeze about the cooler weather. , We got Harley in March, so missed most of the really cold weather, but he is completly unfazed by rain, even violent storms, he could not care at all.
We are lucky with Harley while he is walked a couple times a day, he can go without as well. There have been the odd day when it gets skipped, and he's quite happy to lounge around and snuggle and watch movies too! I had the stomach flu, and he lay beside me for 2 days, so sweet. He really does love the off leash dog park, we get there at least a couple times a week, and he loves to have a good romp and play. And yes, we did get him from A in Havelock. She gave us a few names to contact as references, we contacted all of them, and they all had good things to say. We had a great experience. You will LOVE her gang. We would have taken Konan home if she'd let us! |
sorry @mastifflover I must have been answering mascha while you posted, i'm defintey ok with the dog hair, Koko my sheltie/shepherd sheds and the cat is long hair so im used to sweeping everyday, we have leather furniture and very little carpet so I feel I'll be able to handle the dog hair. The drool is one thing i'm not sure about yet.. I have never interacted with a newfie before. Is the drooling constant? and as far as knocking down the kids I guess I just thought with good training they could learn to be careful and aware of the little kids I know my friends Bernese is pretty careful around kids.
wow Flicka Harley sounds amazing, when you say you groom him weekly what does that mean? just a good brushing? I read that Leonbergers are very gentle just like newfies its good to hear someone who has one reinforce that, with the little kids thats our first priority in looking for a puppy.
Hi, 2 20 min walks a day for such a dog is way too little. You will end up with an under exercised dog that can lead to destructive behaviour and other problems. The reason i asked all these questins is that these are two large dogs that require a lot of commitment. they both require regular brushing and exercise. if you could increase the walks to a min of two 45min-1 hr it would be way better.
if you are ready for the work and commitment of owning such a large dog, i would recommend a newfoundland although they are both good family dogs, givenproper care. Newfies are supposed to be great with kids and animals. but both are described as great with kids. may come down to personal preference. grooming and exercise needs are similar.
Monkey and Amy (cats) Jermy (GSD) “Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God.” "The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." |
He get's brushed a couple times a week. Not only is he gentle with kids, he is so calm! All the neighbourhood kids have street hockey games and he watches and plays, never disruptive. When we were looking for a pup, we stressed to the breeder that the temperment was the priority for us. Our breeder picked our pup for us. He isn't a "show dog" we were told, but he IS the sweetest pup ever. He has a crooked tooth, and a couple other small flaws that make him a " companion dog", but we didn't care, as showing him was not our plan. I spoke with many breeders, and we brought the kids to meet the adult dogs before commiting to a pup. Our kids loved the adult Leo's. As for the 20 min. walks, alot of the time it's longer, but our vet and breeder have recommended to not over exercise when he's not fully mature as it can cause great damage to his hips as he grows. So we keep him exercise so that he's happy, he lets us know. Good luck with your decision. If you pick a good breeder, you can expect quite a wait for your pup, but worth the wait! |
My vote is for Leonberger....I don't have one but a friend in Georgia has one and he is the most gentle giant. I agree they do not like to be left alone...he is at university in Arizona right now as he was so upset when she went away to school last year that she took him with her this year. There is a breeder out in Whitby (Ashburn) area who is a raw retail outlet. She is president of the leonberger assoc. and has multiple dogs that "hang out" in her store and she always welcomes visitors to see her dogs and her Alpacas...probably a good days outing for your family.
Yes Newfs do drool and it is a normal thing, staring at food will cause them to drool or just sitting staring out the window will make them drool. Drool can be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Slingers as they are commonly referred to will get flung on walls, hair, floors and of course the clean clothes you just changed into. I have lived with a Neo and an English Mastiff and have become an authority on drool if you go with a Newf (which are the sweetest big babies and are great with kids you will want to buy stock in Mr Clean erasers they remove dried drool off surfaces without removing the paint. If you think your dog and cat shed I know when a Newf blows his coat it is like sweeping up a small dog on a daily basis. I am not sure about the Leonberger I have only known a couple but we have someone here who does so lets leave Leons to Flicka. They do not as high maintenance as the Newf. I do know a lot of people who have Mastiffs and kids and they do get knocked over but if the kids are growing up with the dog from a pup it will not be as much of an issue since they will feel comfortable with the dog and it will learn to be more careful. But the will at some point get knocked down and as my friend says it just makes the kids a little more resiliant he has 3 Mastiffs, who have decided it their job to watch over the kids, which they take very seriously. If the kids are in the back nobody gets near that backyard. They are sweet and loving dogs just do not go near there skin kids. Giant breeds are big lap dogs who do not have a clue how big they are especially when they are standing on your feet or leaning against you.
Robin A dog has so many friends because they wag their tails not their tongues. R.I.P. Buddy 2002-2008 The best Mastiff ever. Now owned by Clark the Crazy American Bulldog |
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