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Old June 29th, 2014, 12:32 PM
lietzel lietzel is offline
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wild farm kittens one with sore

We found 3 kittens in the barn the morning just a-hollerin' and without their mom around anywhere,they are about a maybe 6 weeks not sure. There are others whose mom takes care of them but these may be a younger mom who doesn't know better?
One has a sore about dime size on its rump. We took them too the porch , the other 2 seem healthy so they are in a crate with a towel. I washed off the sore , put peroxide on it then neosporin, mixed 1/3 2% milk with 2/3 distilled water (warm) and feed with dropper.

It's sleeping in a towel on my lap .

Any help would be appreciated,
thanks, Lietzel
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Old June 29th, 2014, 12:37 PM
lietzel lietzel is offline
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i goofed

sorry i couldnt find the quick reply icons
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Old June 29th, 2014, 09:15 PM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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I'm not sure what your question is? Or what you want help with?

If you are on a farm then I'm going to guess there's experience in dealing with minor wounds. What you are doing sounds reasonable for a dime sized scrape but a deep wound of course might need stitches and the kitten should see a Vet.

A six week old kitten does not need to be fed with an eye dropper. Did you mean six days? At six weeks they can eat soft canned food or wetted kibble. I started my kittens (born in my backyard) on KMR when they were four weeks old and they soon progressed from licking my finger to lapping it from a saucer. You should get kitten milk, not cow's milk. KMR means Kitten Milk Replacement, that's all I could find.

Unless it's weak from the wound or something else and then again it should be Vetted.


There are some good images at the link of kittens so you can tell their ages by comparing. That's your first need, I think. If they are six weeks old, well, it's not ideal but they can be weaned and eating on their own. Mine nursed till 8 weeks and one I had till 12 weeks. But six weeks is ok.
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Old June 29th, 2014, 09:31 PM
lietzel lietzel is offline
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Thank you Longblades, in looking at the pictures we are thinking they are 3 weeks maybe 4, so I was off a bit.

I will get some of that KMR tomorrow and go from there.
One more thing, I needed to clean their eyes off , they were matted shut.
I'll probably give the vet a call to see if I need to bring them in.
The one with the sore is a runt i'm thinking because the other two are pretty healthy feeling and strong when I pick then up.

thanks again
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Old June 29th, 2014, 09:47 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Does the look like something bit the kitten ? If it a puncture wound you need to keep an eye on it as it could get infection . When my dog was bitten on his butt he had a puncture wound and I was told to watch it as if got infected the wound would have to drain out. Of course all cuts can get infection but puncture wounds can worst b/c they do not bleed and the blood helps clean a cut out.
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