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Old August 30th, 2005, 06:54 AM
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marko marko is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Montreal Quebec Canada
Posts: 12,651
Why we changed the policy

Title - Why we changed the policy

Until recently Pets.ca allowed any user to post their pet for adoption in this forum for any reason. This has caused the board numerous difficulties based primarily on the anonymity of users that want to give their pets up for adoption.

Pets.ca is first and foremost a site dedicated to pet information. Although helping pets get rescued is important to the owners of the site (that's why there are dedicated forums to rescue) Pets.ca is not a rescue organization. We just try and help the best way we can and we are proud that this site has become popular with rescue organizations.

Pets.ca is not properly equipped to verify each post and each poster when it comes to the extremely serious issue of pet adoption. Although most people are good people, there IS a lot of fraud on the Internet and many people have less than honorable motives. How can Pets.ca as a website check to make sure that both adopter and adoptee are legitimate? It’s just not possible and is beyond the scope of the site. This is something that a dedicated rescue does with the resources that it has to check out both parties. It is not our specialty. We therefore in good conscience cannot continue to give carte blanche to anyone that wants to give their pet up for any reason.

It is also for this reason that we allow only certain rescues to post their pets for adoption. We (the Admins, Mods and people already in rescue) make the best decisions we can as a team. We do it because we want to help pets find homes. We do it realizing that we cannot help all pets. We do it the best way we can.

If you want to contact one of the rescues affiliated with us the users associated with those rescues are - Badger, BAPS, BHRR, BMDLuver, BoxerRescueMTL, BoxerRescueONT, brianna079, canine14, chocolatecoffee, coppperbelle, cpietra16, 14+kitties, Frenchy, Gerdy's rescues, goober, HelenNutmeg, hezbglad, Inverness, JAB, Lil'Rickymom, luckypenny, Lucky Rescue, maddoxies, meb999, Mesaana, MIA, pennyspuppypaws, poodletalk, SOS MIOW, Sylvie, Toonces, totallyhip, Wudjah

You can PM (Private message) those users or contact the admin if you do not have PM privileges yet.

If you are a rescue and want to be considered for approval either PM a mod or admin or email marko(A T) pets (do t)ca (Use standard email formatting please)

We realize that this change is difficult for some users who may feel excluded. We are sorry that some users feel bad about our decisions. Please know that we make these decisions not to hurt users but rather to help pets in our own limited way.

So far we feel like we have made a big difference.

Thanks for your understanding.

Please tactfully EDUCATE or IGNORE posters you don't agree with.
Please PM me & Include URLs and post #'s for any issues and it's my pleasure to help.
I'm firm - but fair. Mind the Rules and enjoy your stay.
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Last edited by marko; March 3rd, 2011 at 09:55 AM.

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