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Old May 22nd, 2006, 11:17 AM
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Adopt a senior dog!!
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Hi I'm Crystal. I grew up with cats, dogs, birds and horses. I live with my SO, Chris - who didn't grow up with any pets and is allergic to dogs but he deals because he loves them. We have 2 boxers, Vegas (almost 3yrs) and Dudley (8-10yrs ish). We have two dsh cats, Baby and Poonie. We love senior dogs and always have a spot or two for them to spend their "retirement" living the good life. We help run http://www.boxerrescuequebec.com We also have a Uromastyx named Molly. Oh and two foster boxers, Winnie and Fergus.
Crystal, mom to dogs, cats and a horse
Vegas (5yrs), Georgie the Beagle (around 9yrs), Dora the Beagle ** Forever My Angels Uncle Monty, Olive, Beautiful Beagle Millie, Darling Dudley

Last edited by BoxerRescueMTL; May 22nd, 2006 at 11:19 AM.
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 11:45 AM
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I grew up on a habby farm that had cows, horses, pigs and chickens. There have always been dogs and cats around me as well. I am currently the dedicated human for one cat, female age 9, named Pringles and one dog, male, age 1.5 years, named Charley. Also living in this household are my boyfriend with his dog and cat as well as a room-mate and her cat.
And yes, we realise there are more animals than humans in this place but they all get along so its ok.
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 12:39 PM
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Hiya, I'm Lianne and I currently have 3 babies:

1) Pokey - Red Eared Slider Turtle (4 years old)
2) Scout - Black Kitty (2 years old)
3) Audrie - Yorkshire Terrier (6 mos. old)

During the summer I sometimes do foster care for kittens, so last summer I had my babies plus 5 kittens! Looking forward to 2 more this season.

Lianne Catherine >^..^<
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 03:28 PM
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Cool to learn all your names!I'm Nadine,grew up in Montreal but now living in the "country" (not far from you Marie-Eve) owned by 3 golden retrievers (all rescues,all seniors but still crazy) + foster from time to time (www.goldenrescuequebec.com) maybe allergic or nasal problem would like to be rich enough to quit my job and do rescue 24/7.
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 04:00 PM
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owned by Tucker
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Hi I'm Diane, I was born in England but I am a . I live in Scarborough Ont.I have lots of pets Tucker my 2 year old BC that everyone knows. 2 cats 1 from a barn the other from a store, a bearded dragon and lots of fish. In the past I have owned just about every pet you could think of birds, rabbits, frogs, lizards and so on. I have a cottage near Owen Sound and I love the country, I use to have a trailer on my friends farm that raises Black Angus cattle. I have two children a 18 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. We are all animal crazy,
A man who looks into a collie's eye to receive an icy stare is but a fool. Be at one with man's best friend and through his eyes you will see his very soul.
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 07:11 PM
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I'm Stacy in Toronto. My man and I have 2 cats Angus(m) and Finn(f). He didn't have pets growing up, but my family has always had cats. Growing up we had Tigger, her daughter Snuggles (named by my little brother), Speck and her son Stupid, don't worry everyone was eventually spayed or neutered. Tigger was a stray that hung around our house, so we eventually let her inside and she made herself at home, she was pregnant so we kept her only surviving baby. Speck was a kitten when her I found on my paper route when I was 12, unfortunately we didn't get her spayed quickly enough, she had a litter of 4, we kept her only son. When we finally buy a house we'd like to get dogs (I want 2, but the man says no way, only 1. We'll see about that ). I'm aunt to 2 cats, Finch and Murray, a JRT named Belle and an albino hedgehog named Tumbleweed.
"One cat just leads to another." - Ernest Hemingway

Meowy Meowers - Angus n' Finn - 5 yrs old
Barky Barker - Skylar - 4 yrs old??
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Old May 22nd, 2006, 09:02 PM
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My name is Teresa. We live in Alberta with 1 Shih-tzu cross(Melei), a golden gecko(Apollo), Syrian Hamster (Deliah), 2 Bettas(Percy & Ming-Yu), and a guppy tank with a pleco(Eureka).

I am allergic to the hamster, but my daughter keeps her in the bedroom and superclean so it doesn't bother me too much, and I am supposedly allergic to cats and dogs, but only cats bug my eyes, no dog ever has.
Women are angels, and when someone breaks our wings . . .
We simply continue to fly . . .On a broomstick.
We are flexible like that.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 08:51 AM
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My name is Melissa, I live on the South Shore near Montreal. I have two Australian water dragons ( Bandit - male and Lola - female, lizards). I have had many types of pets over the years and I loved them all.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 10:24 AM
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My name is Kelly. I have a Papillon named Maxx and a Maine Coon named Sabrina (sabrina is bigger then maxx lol) I also look after a friends westie.. he's like my own fur baby
"If i see it, its mine. If it's broken, its yours"

Last edited by Swanky_Kitten; May 23rd, 2006 at 10:26 AM.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 08:10 PM
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I'm Randy (aka Rick). I'm a Maritime kid who is presently residing in Halifax with my wife and three wonderful mutts:

Monty - age 8ish; terrier / porty / ?? mix
Lucy - age 2 1/2; border terrier mix
Jack - age 1 1/2; yorkie / silky / devil mix

I grew up with dogs. My first dog as a kid / teenager was a black lab / old english sheepdog mix named Thumper (big and goofy! He went over the bridge about 17 years ago ... I still have a lock of his hair in a shoebox). He had similiar markings to my (much smaller) Monty. When I first started dating my now wife, she had a cockapoo named Bambie.

I've tended red eared sliders many years ago.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 08:55 PM
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Bushfire, present family four dogs, one HB and two sons. Recently added a mini horse"Sunshine" to the family.

In the past I've had too many pets to name or even list properly. Grew up spending time between country and city. Had cats, rabbits, dogs, horses, sheep, turtles, turkeys, geese, chickens, cows, hamsters, budgies, canaries,fish of all kinds, that's all that comes to mind at the moment. I guess I can list them.
Mom to
Lacey (7yrs) Shih Tzu/Chi, Buster (5yrs)Shih Tzu, Mavis (5yrs) Border cross,Lily (2yrs) Shih Tzu, and two of the best human boys

Spelling is an option
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 09:37 PM
Boubou Boubou is offline
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Hi! I'm Cindy from the south shore of Montreal.
We usually have a few foster fur kids, but right now our home is full of 'permanent residents'......

Nelly, our Rottie, rescued from the gates of the SCDD (our local city pound)

Petunia, (aka Little Bear cuz she looks like one!) - rescued from her chain -pics of her can be seen on Pets.ca

Ginger, Xlab, great dane and ??, rescued from euthansia

seven very loved kitties: Cali, Moo, Chin-Chin, Baby, Wally, MiMi and our blind cat, Marmie

and two reptiles: Spitfire our Bearded Dragon and Spike our Leopard Gecko
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Old May 24th, 2006, 08:46 AM
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Kathy from Northwest Oklahoma
Mom to human son...Sean

Domestic servant to 6 cats
Totally loved by 4 dogs! :love:

Have had Guinea pigs...highly allergic to them!
In younger days...have also owned 2 ferrets, bull snake, garter snake and one really smart blue Beta named Max!
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Old May 25th, 2006, 01:38 PM
Luvmypit Luvmypit is offline
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Colleen, Ajax ON here also, Canadian, female, owned by a 3 year old pit bull named capone who is my soul! If he didn't demand all my attention I would have more.

Been on this site for a while now and check it constantly...... Love it!

Had a border collie named Max, a mutt possible lab/pit cross named Bo and a scottish terrier named Pepper. Not to mention my turtle who ran away and a couple fish....
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. --Gandhi
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Old May 25th, 2006, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Luvmypit
Not to mention my turtle who ran away ....
was he that fast
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Old May 25th, 2006, 04:07 PM
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I too had a turtle that ran away! She was a South Carolina Boxer and her name was Gertie. It was summer and she loved being outside so we built her a pen around a rose bush and she dug her way out. :sad: I was so upset.
Stupid People Have Stupid Children, Hence All The Ignorance In The World!
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Old May 25th, 2006, 07:09 PM
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Kristen, from Jacksonville, FL.

I have a 1 1/2 year old Beagle mix (with GSD, Dobie, who knows???).

I've always been a dog lover, and always been slightly wary of cats. Not sure why.

To be completely honest, Harley has been my first successful stint at dog ownership. I've lost three previously due to bad choices in significant others. Horrible to not only fail at a relationship, but to lose your furbaby in the process.

Now that I'm independant, no one has a say in my baby but me!
I used to have a Multiple Personality Disorder, but the doctor says we are fine now.

Harley - 8 year old Beagle x Dobie
Jet - 10 month old Labrador Retriever
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Old May 26th, 2006, 10:07 AM
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Just found this thread. Cool.

My signature pretty much says it all. I live in Clarington, just east of Oshawa, Ontario Canada. I am not allergic to any of my pets, although when the water needs to be changed in Sasha's tank, I am allergic to the smell. Sam, Sasha & Josie allow my hubby and I to share their home with them. Food is of the greatest importance to them.

liSa - Animal slave 09/27/1972
Alicia - Orange Tabby 06/01/1999 to 10/22/2004
Sam - Lab/Hound 01/03/2001 to 06/14/2014
Josie - Orange Tabby 2003
Mr. Slithers - Red-tailed boa constrictor 02/2007
Zeus - Bearded dragon 06/04/2007
Ariel and Lola - Bearded dragons 06/13/2007
Harley - MinPin 01/26/2008

'A dog may be the only opportunity a human has to choose a relative.' -- Mordecai Siegal

Last edited by AliSam; May 26th, 2006 at 10:11 AM.
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Old June 19th, 2006, 10:51 PM
Trinitie Trinitie is offline
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It's been forever and a day since I last posted, so I figured this would be a good place to start.

I have two dogs, and 3 children (also a bit like pets - they act the same).

Married, and from Canada, I may say "eh" a few too many times.

Welcome to all the new members, and HI to all those I haven't seen in a LONG while!

I'm firm - but fair. Mind the rules and enjoy your stay.

According to the Humane Society of the United States:
There are an estimated 3-4 million dogs and cats euthanized each year in the US alone! PLEASE - spay and/or neuter your pets!
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Old June 19th, 2006, 11:17 PM
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Trinitie, it's been ages! You're one of my fave mods! Probably 'cause I love the name, and as your moniker says, You're fair. Welcome back!
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Old June 19th, 2006, 11:53 PM
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I am Kathy from Montreal. I did have a chocolate point siamese named Tia of 15 years may she rest in peace. I now have a budgie named Carmen, one lizard named Taz and a shih zu named Lily who isnt here yet but will be in 3 to 4 weeks.

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.(Gandhi)
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Old June 20th, 2006, 04:35 AM
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Adopted by Dani
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I'm, Lewis newly joined here since adopting Dani an 12 month young Golden/border collie mix who is the newest love of my life. I also have a 14yr old son and 17 year old daughter. My wife is also very fond of Dani as she only met her when the kids and I brought her to her new forever home.

We live in DDO and frequent centenial park for our nightly sppedwalk around the lake which Dani loves to strut her stuff along the walk stopping to say hello to any dog she meets on the way.

I love this board and check in daily.

I run a warehouse for a very popular fashion chain here in Montreal and they have 180 stores around the country. I also own one of the top "fitness sites" according to google search which is a hobby/side business that keeps me pretty occupied.

I love getting to know you all here as your great personalitys show up on all your posts.

Best regards,
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Old June 20th, 2006, 07:40 AM
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My name is Kelly. I am married with a daughter 14, a boy 11 and Annie the cat who is 10.

We just went through a bad experience doing a rescue where we were lied to and given a dog with a history of biting. Not knowing the history my daughter was bitten and will be scarred but fortunately just on her arm.

We are currently looking to rescue a young beagle in the GTA from an honest rescue. Knowing the negatives does not mean we won't take the animal it just allows us to be best preparred.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 10:34 AM
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My name is Robin and I live in the High Park area. I am female and owned by Buddy an English Mastiff. When working I am in the film biz. I have had a lot of dogs in my life my last was Boo a Neopolitan Mastiff (rescue) who turned me into a Mastiff junkie. Most of my dogs have been rescues english bulldog (George) Bloodhound (Jake) Bullmastiff (Maximillian), Sharpei (Jazz) Puli (Bailey) Jazz and Bailey were from breeders (very reputable and still in biz today) but they were not show quality and that is why I bought them. But since then only rescues and hopefully another mastiff soon. I have been hanging around here for a few years now
A dog has so many friends because they wag their tails not their tongues.
R.I.P. Buddy 2002-2008 The best Mastiff ever.
Now owned by Clark the Crazy American Bulldog
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Old June 20th, 2006, 11:19 AM
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Hello Everyone, I'm Kim, I have two human chicklets (4yrs(g) & 2.5yrs(b)). I have been owned by many pets growing up and my own. We always had one cat and one dog (usually a Siamese 'Quisha', and our longest dog Puli x 'Babe'). My parents own a chi and a Choc pt Siamese senior (that I rescued as well)I have myself in the past owned, 'Carly' English Coonhound*red/wht, 'Muffin' Choc pt Siamese, 'Jasmine' Burmese x,'Nicholas' dsh*org/wht,'Friday'dsh*silver spotted tabby. I am also the best auntie ever to'Rolo' Shar x *brindle,'Ashley' Mal x*silver,'Tye'Lab x*blk (all of which are rescue, working in the field, you get your family involved ) I am allergic to all animals and so is my daughter, but that's not going to stop us Presently owned by 'Hoover' Walker hound x senior,'Libby' English Mastiff,'Ruby'Lynx pt Siamese,'Max' Snowshoe Siamese, and two tanks full of tropical fishes, and two outdoor ponds with koi, shubkins.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 10:12 AM
stinkytaz stinkytaz is offline
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Well, My name is claire, I am 22 years old and only have 1 furbaby - we call him stinky but his name is taz - he is not really stinky but it works for us! I live on my own In Headingly, in Leeds in the UK, I work for the national health service, national programme for It and I am a PA. I love partying, babrbecuing, power kiting, loads of sport, animals and most of all stinky!!
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Old June 21st, 2006, 11:26 AM
HunterXHunter HunterXHunter is offline
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Hi I'm Glen, and I'm an alcoho... ...I have a golden retriever named Hunter, but inside the house we also got a bird a some fish (they're my dad's ). When I was really young, I used to have 2 hamsters...which eventually became 7 (just use your imagination )
"The internet: where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents" -read it somewhere...

Last edited by HunterXHunter; June 21st, 2006 at 11:31 AM.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 02:47 PM
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Aloha! I'm Mahealani and I am originally from Hawaii, raised in Ohio and now live in Atlanta, GA. I have had pets all my life and was instilled with the deepest compassion for all animals by my beloved grandpa. I recently lost my pug Suki in a house fire, I currently have adopted a 5 year old rescued Pomeranian named Nicky, and maybe adopting a new, special needs baby (Pekingese) named Pickles.

Last edited by Mahealani770; June 27th, 2006 at 10:17 AM.
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Old June 25th, 2006, 01:21 AM
Cinnabear Cinnabear is offline
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I have 3 dd's, 9, 14 and 16. I maybe in the grave sooner than later with the way my 14 acts. Pushing my 16 soon to be 17 to get her learner's license, so she can have her drivers before she leaves the nest.

We have 6 animals and technically 2 are mine, but will feed, water and clean up after them. We have a lhasa apso/terrier 4 yrs(mine), bichon cross 3 yrs(everybodies), himalayan cross 9 yrs(last dd), tabby 10 yrs( middle dd), mouse 11 weeks( last dd) and a lynx point siamese 10 weeks (mine).

My oldest did have a lynx point siamese, he lived till he was 17 last year.

As you can tell I love the lynx siamese.
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Old June 25th, 2006, 01:36 AM
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1 17 month old great dane
1 18 week old great dane
2 3 year old chihuahuas
1 7 month old chihuahua
1 4 year old husky/shep/staffie mix

3 very large goldfish

And 1 rose hair tarantula .
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