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Old February 28th, 2011, 01:03 PM
deedee4592 deedee4592 is offline
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Question Please Help kitty Chaos

Please help we just took in a neighbors cat because we heard that she could not find a home for her because she was moving to a new apartment that did not allow cats & planned to dump the cat off at some abandon barn.my husband & I really were in no position to take on the financial responsibility of having her spayed,shots,&exam $200 was just not possible a month and a half ago when we took her in, due to my husband being laid off we had to add this in over a few weeks and she "Peanut" will be spayed March 29th.out of the 6 wks she has been with us 4 wks has been total chaos and its to the point my husband & I are both stressed, we already had 2 cats that we adopted as kittens ages 5 & 3 yrs old and they are stressed my husband actually can not take it anymore because Peanut follows him 24/7 and i mean 24/7 he actually can not sit down she is there,he gets up to get away she follows,to bed she is there he is not even sleeping at night and he has to be up @ 5a.m. for work. And its not the following and rubbing her head on his legs that bothers him so much, she starts with doing that meaowing the same as she does all day & night but then she starts with the deeper meowing and then latches on to his legs digs into his legs/knees drawling blood and growls but shes not meaning to hurt him, she has a very strong foul discharge and rubbing on his legs.The strangest part of all of this is i am the only one that can touch her, pick her up, etc. when she is not in heat and when in heat, my husband can not touch her, if she is laying on his side of the bed when he goes in to sleep he can not even attempt to touch her she will growl,she has went after him and its aggressive and that includes anyone else my mom,sister, & my father when they come to our house but in heat she will not be aggresive toward him she'll growl etc. but its diffrent he can pick her up with no problem.We are at the point where we are prisoners in our own home i know she cant help it its not her fault but is there ANYTHING we can do or are we doing something wrong that she is doing this to my husband?We have about 5 more weeks and shes been in heat 4 out of 6 wks we had her so im sure she will have another few week spurt of this and my husband is actually at his breaking point he screams at her constanly,he feels bad but its disrupting our lives his legs & knees are torn apart i dont blame him for being upset mad etc IS there anything anyone could suggest that could possibly calm her down a bit, make her back off some? I had cats all my life i have seen them in heat,they alll did something a bit diffrent,they will follow you rub on you and call out but when i say this is out of control, i have never seen anything like it and persistant thats not the word we have a huge second bedroom and we would put her in there just for about 1/2 like 3 times a day just to get a break and forget it she dug the floor up, tore our wood trim up & door!! We are just hoping there is something we can do just to calm her down for at least even for a feww minutes an hour would be wonderful we have a month of this to go...PLEASE anyone i am willing to try any suggestions, we took her in so we are responsible for her so getting rid of her etc is outta the question we are just trying to get through this month with a little less CHAOS!! Thank you
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Old February 28th, 2011, 02:21 PM
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sugarcatmom sugarcatmom is offline
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First, thank you so much for taking this poor girl in and looking after her!

Second, is there anyway you can move the spay date up, perhaps if you can find a subsidized spay/neuter program in your state? I hate to tell you this, but I doubt there's a lot you can do about Peanut's behaviour until then. I'm willing to bet most of it is due to her raging hormones. Believe me, I have utmost sympathy for you and your husband. I have an ex-feral Siamese that went into heat 4 times before I could get her spayed, and she was HORRIBLE to live with! But now she's such a doll and an absolutely amazing cat, that I can't imagine my life without her.

So all I can say is hang in there! If there's anyway to get her spayed sooner, that would about the best advice I can offer. I would even forget about getting her vaccinated for now (she really shouldn't be vaccinated at the same time as her surgery anyway). Maybe your husband can take some sedatives in the meantime?
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Old March 1st, 2011, 10:34 AM
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catlover2 catlover2 is offline
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I've seen many cats in heat, but this cat is an exception. Her aggression is an extreme reaction; most females in heat are exactly the opposite, extremely sucky and needy wanting lots of pets. Can you get her spay date moved up? That would be best for everyone. For your husband's peace of mind and safety, frankly I would restrict Peanut to one room, or a large dog crate until you can get her spayed. Since you're the only one who can deal with her, you should be the only one interacting with her until she is spayed....feeding, cleaning her litter box, etc. If she becomes aggressive with you, I suggest you speak with your vet about it and ask for a sedative to calm her down. I wish you all the best, and hope you'll keep us updated.
"We humans are indeed fortunate if we happen to be chosen to be owned by a cat." -- Anonymous
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behavior, cats, health, in heat

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