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Old January 24th, 2015, 09:51 AM
Draygonfly Draygonfly is offline
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Hello! I'm new :D

My name is Amy! I live in Ontario Canada, and have four Cats.
Originally we had Sphinx, who joined our family 5 months after our daughter was born, in 2008. It was just her for awhile and then we began to foster animals about 4 years ago. The first to join our family from fostering is Monkey. She was 5 weeks old when she came to us. Someone had dropped her and her litter off in a boat around May with no Mom cat. She took to Me very quickly and Sphinx. Now her and Sphinx are best friends, and she's not really a people cat unless she's in the mood to be pet. Third to join us was Garfield. He came to us from a shelter that gives cats a second chance to find a home. My husband saw him and instantly said "We need to bring him home"
Garfield is a loving boy, and at a whopping 35 lbs, needed some dedicated people to help him. Garfield has probably lost about 5 lbs since then, over a year ago, and we are slowly getting him more and more active.
Noah is our newest and last cat member to the home. We found him emaciated and on his last days during Thanksgiving night. My husband heard him Mew-ing outside, and searched him out. We were about to have a very large rain storm that night, and we didn't want the cat to be caught out in it. We coaxed him out from beneath a truck and knew right away he needed to get in now. He would not have made it through the night. We had named him Noah, and for a week, we wondered if he was going to hold on to life. He was extremely lethargic. If he wasn't eating, or using the bathroom, he was sleeping. after that week, his eyes got their spark back, and he's been the most loveable, sweet cat I have ever known. our band of misfits fit well together. and really, they just needed a home and love, like everyone else.
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Old January 24th, 2015, 10:12 AM
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Welcome to the forum Dragonfly!

You MUST post pictures of your Sphynx....if you look around the pics sections, you'll see that my wife and I have two of them - and they love to be photographed

Hope to see yours soon
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Old January 24th, 2015, 12:06 PM
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Welcome to the board, Draygonfly!

Thank you for being such an angel to kitties! Definitely would love to see pics of your crew!
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Old January 24th, 2015, 10:23 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Hi , I love the way you and your husband saves your cats life . They're so lucky and I bet very graceful to have a forever home.
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cats, misfit, rescue, stray

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