Hi, I am new here, but I am hoping for some help identifying what breed(s) make up a little guy that adopted us in November '10. We don't care what breed he is, but we are very curios though. He is all ours now, and no matter what breed he has in him, we are happy to add him to our mix.
This highly intelligent little guy showed up at our house in South Texas on November 11. He is so sweet, funny, and incredibly smart that we immediately fell in love with him. He blends well with our other 2 older dogs, and even our 22lb cat...although he does like to bark at her sometimes ![]() My 14 yr old daughter and I, originally just called him Blue Eyes, but my husband said he needed a "real" name. I went with a play on Blue Eyes, and named him Frank Sinatra! Cheesy I know. He has the most wonderful crystal blue eyes, his right pupil has an odd look...it looks like the black pupil has run into the blue area. He hears very well (one of the first things I checked for was deafness), he also appears to have no problems with vision. He follows us all over the yard, & and even when inside. He is constantly watching all of us. We had to "baby proof" the house...he likes to chew...especially on plastic. He is a yellow/blonde color, with white on the face, legs, neck, and chest. He has a freckled belly, and pink skin and freckles on top of his nose. He also has a very noticeable underbite. The last characteristic that stands out is that he has 5 toes on his back feet (no dew claw). His feet are very odd looking. LOL I am going to try to post some pics. If anyone has any ideas on what breed he is, I would love to solve the mystery. 2 suggestions that we have gotten from several people are a Black Mouth Cur, or a Catahoula (sp?). Thanks for any help you can lend ![]() |
Welcome to pets.ca
![]() Frank is a very handsome boy ![]() ![]() I think he has Catahoula in him as well and perhaps some Norwegian Lundehund as the purebreds have six toes. He probably has a mix of several breeds. ![]() Whatever he is, he sure is a cutie. ![]() |
Whatever he is, he's very cute, MrsLisa!
"We are--each of us--dying; it's how we live in the meantime that makes the difference." "It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived!" "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." |
Oh Boy!!!! Does Frank ever look like my Hank! Hank is a Lab Husky Shepard (thats what we have figured out so far!) He has very similar front paws to Frank and has the same freckles too! The fur even bunches in the same way on the neck! I am putting pictures on to see. Does he have
Wow! They do look a lot alike! Hank is adorable
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Thanks Hazelrunpack, we think he is pretty cute too
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Rainbow, thanks for the reply. Also, thanks for the info on the 6 toes. Tried to google info on that several different ways, and just kept getting info on "Dew Claws"! I know this is not a Dew Claw, it is next to the other toes, AND there is a dew claw farther up the foot! LOL Thanks again
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oops, I meant 5 toes, accidentely put in a 6. I will go look them up now! Thanks
I am seeing australian shepherd mix too, with the above ideas as well.
Also, here is info on your pups unique eye http://www.ashgi.org/articles/eyes_can_you_see.htm Quote:
My cat is smarter than your honor student. Stop Dog Fighting ~ Neuter Mike Vick! ~ RIP Timmy ~ May 2009 - November 6th 2009 |
Kathryn, that's very interesting . I hadn't known about that type or sized coloboma. The ones we see sometimes here in Shelties are very minor in comparison, not visually noticeable. Do you have Aussies?
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My cat is smarter than your honor student. Stop Dog Fighting ~ Neuter Mike Vick! ~ RIP Timmy ~ May 2009 - November 6th 2009 |
Thank You so much for the info. I wasn't sure what had caused it, this definitely explains it. Very interesting. Luckily, he will not be breeding. He is going to the vet and getting that taken care of in the next couple of months. Right now I am getting my 11 yr old , Buddy, on arthritis meds, and he has to have 2 teeth pulled. Those vet visits, and bills will be taken care of in the next month, and then it is his turn! I had wondered if there was a little Australian Shepherd in him too. My father in law has had Aussies, they are wonderful dogs! Thanks again, |
No problem. Check with your local SPCA's for low cost neutering that can sometimes save you a bundle.
Here is the Texas branch of Spay USA http://www.spaytexas.org/ Hope that helps ![]()
My cat is smarter than your honor student. Stop Dog Fighting ~ Neuter Mike Vick! ~ RIP Timmy ~ May 2009 - November 6th 2009 |
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