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Old February 10th, 2017, 07:27 AM
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Bart_Man Bart_Man is offline
Tuxedo the Fetching Cat
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Location: Winnipeg
Posts: 8
Vomiting Regularly

Hello everyone,

My cat Tux has always vomited once in awhile. My vet says to try a few new foods, but the food doesn't seem to be the reason. He doesn't seem to eat too fast. He's 8 years old now. I've never had him on feeding times, he always has food and he just grazes all day. I feed him wet food once a day, and for the rest of the day he has dry food available, and I give him treats a few times a week, not too many. He seems to vomit no matter which food he's been eating, wet or dry or treats, doesn't matter what.

He is a very healthy weight, the same weight he has always been. He vomits now at least once a day, sometimes twice a day. He has not, however, been losing any weight, and I have not seen a decrease in his energy levels. He doesn't seem to mind, but I also know cats hide their illnesses very well, if that is what he has.

Has anyone had this happen to their cat? I would change his food but since he's doing it on all kinds of food I don't know what to change to. I'll go to the vet again with him but I know the vet will just say the same thing again.

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Old February 10th, 2017, 09:08 AM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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That sounds like a significant change, from once in a while to every day. I think I'd see a different Vet for a second opinion.

Is it vomit or regurgitation? Your Vet will want to know. REgurgitus can look like a tube whereas vomit is often a puddle but these are not foolproof means of ID.


Is he an inside cat? Do you provide cat grass? OUtside cats might benefit from some cat grass in winter. If you start giving cat grass things might get worse for a while, probably best to see the second Vet first. If you are not providing cat grass check all your houseplants carefully to see if he is nibbling on one that might be poisonous. Check anyway. It would be logical for him, if he's an outdoor cat, to eat more of your houseplants only in winter when he can't get grass outside. That might be why the uptick in the upchuck.
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