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Old November 7th, 2016, 09:01 PM
a18wheelslady a18wheelslady is offline
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Exclamation 13 year old cat renal failure UTI medication dr wants me to use.


I have a 13 year old male cat. that at the age of 4 months old was neutered. but long story there they make a boo boo and he ended up with no penis.
this has never bothered him one bit.

About 2 months ago he got real sick and was loosing weight so i took him to the vet they ran a cbc and gave him shots of penicillin,B12 and sub-q fluids. The results came back the next day and they stated he was in renal failure and only had about a 20% chance to make it. But we gave it a good try and now he is doing so much better.

Did lab test on Saturday and got the results today his bun when way down from 126 to 53 and his creatinine was at 4.4 and came down to 3.1 but his wbc is off the charts at 2200. checked urine and he has a UTI with a bit of blood. You would never know he was sick he is acting fine and eating good but the test show different.

The vet could not be leave that he was seeing the same cat because he looked so much better and appeared to be gaining some weight.

Now i'm a bit scared he wants him on baytirl,clavamox,B-12 complex with iron, all every 12 hours for the mext 10 days.
I'm so scared of the baytirl but he said to take the 22.7 pill cut it in half and then give him 1/4 morning and 1/2 night.
can not understand why two different medications are needed.

Reading the posts Dr Lee has stated that for an older cat that is in renal failure that baytril is not a good idea.

Any help or information would be wonderful.
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Old November 8th, 2016, 11:20 AM
Lynne&Co. Lynne&Co. is offline
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Very sorry your kitty is going through this. If I were you and not happy with my vet advice, I would seek out another vet and get a second opinion ASAP.
Good luck to you and your
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Old November 8th, 2016, 01:24 PM
a18wheelslady a18wheelslady is offline
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Thank you so much for your response. I have thought about that but i called the vet this am and said not comfortable with 2 antibiotics for this and he told me to stop one.

Now i'm feeling better

now i'm reading that cats with renal failure that have a uti should not be given B-complex containing iron.

Just more confuesion
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