Should I be worried about frothy pee?
Rosie - 1999 Callie and Tigger, brother and sister - 2001 Akira - 2010 Peanut - 2010 Spencer - 2013 Trey our 3 legged terror - 2014 |
Hi again:
The phlegmy cough could be due to irritation caused by the insertion of the tube. No idea what would cause the frothy pee. There is a possibility that some of the meds could be causing some sort of issue as well. All sorts of reasons could be at play here and we just don't know. For piece of mind, if you have an emerge number for your vet, give them a call and just tell them what's going on and what has you concerned. We know it's a concern, but sometimes we need to let meds and time take the necessary time to do the healing. We fully understand your frustrations over this - I'd be the same way.
Animals are such agreeable Friends. They ask no Questions. They pass no Criticisms. |
Most likely from the anesthetic and/or pain meds, but I agree that a quick chat with a vet might help ease your mind. Is the morphine called Buprenex (aka buprenorphine?) It can make cats feel weird, and therefore contributing to Tig not wanting to move around much until he gets used to it.
As for something to put around his neck to hold the tube, you might be able to get a type of surgical stocking from the vet that can be cut to fit like a turtle-neck sweater (with holes for the front legs). Similar to this link, but the vet should provide it for free: http://www.amazon.com/Comfy-After-Su.../dp/B00BTTHNY2 Smooches and good vibes for Tig. ![]()
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Rosie - 1999 Callie and Tigger, brother and sister - 2001 Akira - 2010 Peanut - 2010 Spencer - 2013 Trey our 3 legged terror - 2014 |
![]() ![]() I could weep with relief. Tigger had a non-frothy pee and a soft but formed poop, he's even cleaning himself. First hurdle over.
Rosie - 1999 Callie and Tigger, brother and sister - 2001 Akira - 2010 Peanut - 2010 Spencer - 2013 Trey our 3 legged terror - 2014 |
Wonderful update, tiggy!!
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"We are--each of us--dying; it's how we live in the meantime that makes the difference." "It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived!" "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." |
fabulous new Tiggy! I hope we hear as much good news as possible in 2015!
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News sounds great - thanks for the update. We're all pulling for him, and for you too.
Animals are such agreeable Friends. They ask no Questions. They pass no Criticisms. |
As a nurse I am very familiar with feeding tubes but never knew they could use them on cats so I have been reading this with interest. How do you keep the cat from aspirated the food? I was thinking about that cough. Also I am sure you probably had the teeth checked first thing as from past experience teeth problems cause eating disorders often. anyway, sorry to jump in but I am glad Tiggy is doing better.
The feeding tube is surgically implanted, either through the side of the cat's neck (an "E" or "P" tube), with the tube ending just before reaching the stomach, or another type is the PEG tube, which is implanted directly into the stomach through the side body cavity. Food aspiration is only a risk if there's vomiting.
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Day 3 and he's still not moving around. He just sleeps in a ball somewhere, mostly in boxes I have scattered around the house
![]() Last night he was shivering and I had him on my chest wrapped in a blanket trying to get him warm. His ears were cold and his feet. The cough is gone and he doesn't cry when I pick him up, but if I don't move him around he'd just stay in one spot. Did not see the pee or poop today. How long before he has a little more life? I feel like crap, as he looks so miserable and he's skin and bones. Sigh ![]()
Rosie - 1999 Callie and Tigger, brother and sister - 2001 Akira - 2010 Peanut - 2010 Spencer - 2013 Trey our 3 legged terror - 2014 |
Hi again:
Sorry to hear you're having problems. If it was me, I'd be getting the emerge number to the vet and giving them a call to get their opinion. I thought Tig would have been a little further along than you're describing - shivers are not good. He could be having some kind of a healing crisis. Too many ways for information to be lost through the forum that could be important. If SCM is on, she may have some ideas. With all you've done to this point, I'd hate to see something go amiss.
Animals are such agreeable Friends. They ask no Questions. They pass no Criticisms. |
Aww, poor sweetie. What meds is Tig getting at this point? How much food, and how often?
Do you have a heating pad or hot water bottle? I would make sure to wrap it in several layers of towel, and in the case of a heating pad, only put it on the lowest setting, and only use it if you're home and can monitor Tig. A large sock filled with uncooked rice, warmed up in the microwave for 20-30 seconds (depending on the amount of rice) can also be a nice source of heat. Just make sure whichever method you use that Tig doesn't get too hot, and that he can move away from it if he wanted too. Don't hesitate to call the vet again if you're concerned. They might have some ideas, (for instance, maybe a dose adjustment of a med that Tig is on).
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Only med's Tig is on is Pred., 5mg 2 times a day which I mix in his water. Food is 130ml of recovery AD and I split it over 4 feedings. He has a heating pad in a large box that he gets into sometimes and he can move away from it. Where ever I see him sleeping I put a blanket or towel over him to keep him warm. At night I have him next to me wrapped in a blanket and check on him through out the night, cuddle him into me to keep him warm.
Maybe the food or water was not warm enough? I try and heat it in the syringe in hot tap water. I'll see how tomorrow goes and definitely get him in on Monday for a check up. any ideas are welcome as this is out of my experience.
Rosie - 1999 Callie and Tigger, brother and sister - 2001 Akira - 2010 Peanut - 2010 Spencer - 2013 Trey our 3 legged terror - 2014 |
How is Tig doing today? Any sign of improvement?
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Well he's not hiding as much
Rosie - 1999 Callie and Tigger, brother and sister - 2001 Akira - 2010 Peanut - 2010 Spencer - 2013 Trey our 3 legged terror - 2014 |
And Tig: Hang in there little dude! We're all pulling for you. ![]()
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Rosie - 1999 Callie and Tigger, brother and sister - 2001 Akira - 2010 Peanut - 2010 Spencer - 2013 Trey our 3 legged terror - 2014 |
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