L4H Duffy quite likes the Wellness Turkey
![]() ![]() ![]() I bought an automatic water fountain today (super quite ![]() ![]() When she was on EVO canned she would drink water after every meal and I was adding 2 tsp of water to her food. Now with trying the NV & Wellness I'm adding 4 tsp water cuz she doesn't seem to be drinking. In the last 2 years everytime I had to take Duffy in for re testing because of the Hyperthyroidism, the vet techs have told me "she is slightly dehydrated" even when I knew via observation she was drinking water everytime she ate. I'm going to open the last can I have of Evo tomorrow for her breakfast & see if she drinks water after - maybe if she will only drink water with the Evo I may have to go back to it & get some phos binders, or talk to her vet re sub-q fluids. Hopefully she will take to the fountain ![]() I have noticed some hind end weakness esp when she turns corners. She will still play with & chase the new laser toy & jumps on the bed & also the table to get onto the window sill. This could be dehydration, or high phos - though her count was in the middle of normal range, could be other things as well - will be keeping an eye on it for sure Only vomited (food) once this week (none prior except for a def hairball) after mixing Evo & NV Beef with a couple of krunchies. hmm maybe the krunchies? not the mixing of food - have done that since & no vomiting. She doesn't seem to be nausious, no retching/coughing, litterbox is good - little pees though - to be expected ![]() The krunchies, which she isn't touching anyways, I took today down to the SPCA. I have also noticed with the Evo (high protein) she was eating 1/2 a can per day & wasn't hungry after her two meals. With the lower protein NV & Wellness she is eating between 3/4 of a can & a full can per day & is going back several times to the dish.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying Last edited by growler~GateKeeper; October 3rd, 2007 at 10:10 PM. |
It sounds like you are doing ok with Duffy
![]() My Rockys weightloss is mostly noticed on his backend,some weakness,vet says he's arthritic but I believe it's because of his HTism. With my 3,it's really nervy at feedingtime,Vinnie slurps all of his food,I have to sit with Rocky until he finishes the teaspoon of food with his pill,usually no problem,after he finishes he gets the rest. Chico might just sniff the food and walk away,only to return later to eat,it's a constant moving dishes around so Vinnie does not eat it all,pain in the butt,but they are worth it ![]()
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal" 3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie |
L4H here's some of the NV info for the Instinct from their website
I included the dry matter conversion for calcium for you since Puddles needs lower level - though I'm not sure what the level she needs is but you can check lower end levels. I didn't include the Vension variety cuz the phos level is ![]() The levels below are per can not converted into dry matter (except for the conversions I did ![]() Nature’s Variety Instinct Canned Chicken Formula Guaranteed Analysis Crude Protein (min) 9.0% Crude Fat (min) 7.0% Crude Fiber (max) 3.0% Moisture (max) 75.0% Calories 209 per 5.5 oz can Minerals Calcium: 0.384% Phosphorus: 0.307% Magnesium: 0.029% Sodium: 0.114% Potassium: 0.273% Chloride: 0.181% Ash: 2.206% So the dry matter phos level is: 1.228% Dry matter calcium level: 1.536% Nature’s Variety Instinct Canned Beef Formula Guaranteed Analysis Crude Protein (min) 9.0% Crude Fat (min) 7.0% Crude Fiber (max) 3.0% Moisture (max) 75.0% Calories 220 per 5.5 oz can Minerals Calcium: 0.399% Phosphorus: 0.341% Magnesium: 0.023% Sodium: 0.145% Potassium: 0.252% Chloride: 0.211% Ash: 2.296% Dry matter phos level: 1.364% Dry matter calcium level: 1.596% Nature’s Variety Instinct Canned Rabbit Formula Guaranteed Analysis Crude Protein (min) 9.0% Crude Fat (min) 7.0% Crude Fiber (max) 3.0% Moisture (max) 75.0% Calories 222 per 5.5 oz can Minerals Calcium: 0.444% Phosphorus: 0.327% Magnesium: 0.022% Sodium: 0.121% Potassium: 0.327% Chloride: 0.207% Ash: 2.111% Dry matter phos level: 1.308% Dry matter calcium level: 1.776%
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
So it looks like so far she hasn't been drinking on her own outside of the water added to her food & the little bit I have been syringing down her throat - let me tell you she is NOT impressed with that
![]() I will have to do a water measurement either sun/mon when I'm off work to accurately compare levels in the 3 dishes. Chico As for her hind end weakness, I was also thinking arthritis, but since it can be an indirect side effect (through a second additional condition) of CRF I'm not ruling out anything. The weird thing is it just started on the 30Sept which is when I switched her off Evo to lower protein/lower phos & that is when she started to not drink. But when she sits it really looks alot like Callys' arthritis sit - very controlled careful placement of the legs/hips underneath them in a way to ensure they won't fall/lean over - several years ago I bought a hand-held electric massager for Cally to help alleviate his arthritis, so I have started using that on Duffy - good thing she is used to it from Cally - I would massage her too abit then & she likes it. Purrs away during her massage but still lets me know when she's had enough. ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
Rocky(11yrs old) has no trouble sitting,walking,running,but he went from 16lb's to 12lb's in a very short time,in losing so much weight,he also lost musclemass.
I don't think he's arthritic,but I am no vet...I just don't want to give him painpills if it seems he does not need it. I hope your little girl will do ok,it's a worry when they don't drink,luckily all of mine drink quiet a bit,I change the water about 15 times a day ![]() I had a waterfountain once,but they were afraid of it ![]()
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal" 3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie |
As for the arthritis issue, I did read somewhere that 90% of cats over the age of 12 have radiographic signs of arthritis. Most commonly in the elbow, followed by the hips. It wouldn't hurt to ask your vet about Cosequin, or even the new Dasuquin. My Aztec started showing signs of a persistent limp in one of his front legs last year and after about 6-8 weeks of Cosequin, he is now limp-free. It's not a pain-killer but more of a joint-rebuilder and is easily mixed with food.
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Sugarcatmom - thanks for the links I will check them out.
![]() She's not limping just leaning/wobbly abit & sitting *carefully* & laying down more when she used to be sitting. The thing is I know the weakness could be related to not having enough water re CRF, I don't want to assume it is arthritis & ignore the other possiblilities which is why I'm probably too cautious with the water - though (arthritis) that's what it looks like The EVO NA looks like this: ......................As fed Basis,............Dry Matter ............................%..................... Basis, % MOISTURE..........74.03........................-...... PROTEIN.............13.23....................50.94 FAT...................9.23..................... 35.54 CARBOHYDRATES...1.01.....................3.88 FIBER..................0.19.....................0. 73 ASH....................2.30......................8 .85 CALCIUM..............0.45.....................1.73 PHOSPHORUS........0.36.....................1.38 POTASSIUM..........0.26.....................1.00 SODIUM...............0.16.....................0.61 I see now the sodium is higher than others, so that maybe it. With EVO I was adding 2 tsp, now with NV & Wellness I'm adding 4 tsp so it's quite gravyish. What concerns me is the techs always mentioned she was a bit dehydrated {gums are def not tacky feeling} & of course I'd like to stall sub-q as long as possible. According to some info the techs gave me from RC Quote:
![]() 1 tsp=5ml 11 tsp = 55 ml low end of scale 11 tsp * 5.5kg (Duffy's weight) =60.5 tsp water per day ![]() ![]() this would be assuming only straight h2o drinking - not including amount in canned food If you take the ME kcal of Wellness Turkey:M.E. KCAL/KG = 1397.62 % per can as fed 165g can = 230 kcal/can * 1ml = 230 ml = 46 tsp = 1 cup h2o/perday ![]() ![]() I'll be measuring water over the next 2 days to see if she has actually had any Thank you everyone so much for all the help & suggestions posted so far ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
I found this website with tips for increasing water consumption: http://cl-ruth.s-ivil.tripod.com/id8.html
One of my favorites is to use the "juice" from a can of unsalted salmon or tuna, diluted about half and half with plain water. You can keep topping up the can with more water and store it in the fridge for 2 or 3 days to get the most out of it. Also 'Baby Food Soup' works well. Plain chicken (no onions) mixed with plenty of warmish water is a big treat for my kitty. I understand not wanting to do subQ fluids just yet, but if it ever does become necessary, it's not so bad if you follow a few tricks (like warming the fluids first, using a higher gauge needle, giving lots of treats, etc). In fact, I'd way rather give my cat subQs than anything orally! Many cats learn to associate the procedure with feeling better and become quite compliant about the whole thing. I have lots of links on subQ stuff if you ever need them. ![]()
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Sugarcatmom Thanks
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Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
SCM,that goes double for me,you are amazing
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal" 3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie |
Awww shucks . . . thanks guys! It's my pleasure.
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
So yesterday I measured out exactly how much water is in the single, double dishes & fountain & will recheck the levels tommorrow
![]() Duffy has decided she doesn't like the NV Prairie Beef anymore (after 2 days with other varieties fed alternative meals) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Wellness Turkey is the lowest of those she will eat @ 1.05% dry matter. I have been playing with the laser pointer with her & giving her massages & she does seem to be a little bit more stable on the hind end ![]() ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
Not a single drop of water has been drunk from the bowls
![]() ![]() ![]() Talked to the vet today re blood tests/vaccines/phosphate binders/food etc etc etc I'm so glad Dr is open minded she would prefer the prescription ![]() ![]() I asked her opinion on phos binders (not necessary now but always good to know what their stand is on these kinds of things) & the generally accepted level at which to start them. She hadn't heard of the tasteless/odourless ones & asked me to fax the info I have on them ![]() ![]() Dr wants to do FVRCP every other year while she is still stable (to be stopped when she is not longer holding steady) & continue with the 3 year rabies due this year - though she did leave that decision up to me (Rabies infected Bats are not known in my town but are 2 cities away~less than 1 hour away) I'm thinking I will have to think abit more on this ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
Puddles was the same way when I started her on NV Instinct. She loved the first can of chicken and also of beef, but she won't touch it anymore? She will eat the Wellness Turkey now, but not much of it before she tries to bury it. |
Growler,do you think Duffys current problem has anything to do with her Thyroidtreatment??
Cats can be the most frustrating when it come to food,I have a supply of Merricks,now mine don't like it anymore,Fancy Feast must be like a drug to cats ![]() They still eat Pet-Values own brand,but for how long,I think I have tried every kind of canned in the store...this morning they all 3 gulped down Performatrin Adult Life Stages Turkey-Formula,probably only a small step up from FF,but still a good thing ![]() ![]()
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal" 3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie |
L4H - have you tried mixing varieties? mix turkey in with beef or chicken? That helped to get Duffy to eat the last of the NV Beef
![]() Funny thing is when she was a kitten & eating crappy food she would bury it all the time - then come back for more 5 min later ![]() ![]() ![]() Chico - no I don't think the HyperT treatment (radioactive iodine) has affected her kidneys though some studies have shown a link between CRF & T4 treatments - not mentioning which kind of treatment though ![]() ![]() Duffy's test results were all perfect in March food recall came down (she was on the recalled RC) test results in April -> early kidney failure ![]() The large spike (35.5 points ![]() 11 points in 5 months would be natural progression of the disease but 35.5 points in 1 month is toxin related in my opinion march creatinine 165 normal ![]() april creatining 200.5 high ![]() ![]() sept creatining 211.8 high ![]() I emailed Royal Canin/Medical re compensation/help w/future medical bill payments, the vets there spoke to my vet & RC/MC vets are now reviewing all of Duffy's test results to see if they come to the conclusion that it was food related & they will get back to me. RC/MC was not part of the Menu recall & I have found no class action lawsuit against them & I have not heard of any animals getting sick from their food. So we shall see what they decide. Thanks for the continued good wishes for Duffy =) - right now she is holding steady in terms of how she feels, tests in 6 months, I faxed phos binder info to my vet this morning for her to read (not neccessary now but I like to be prepared for what's to come), we're skipping FVRCP vaccines this year & I still haven't decided about the rabies yet
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
Growler thank's,not that I am considering the HyperT treatment at the moment for Rocky,but I am having problems with him still.
I am going for a consult with the vet monday morning(without Rocky)he is on meds,but drives me crazy at times,with pacing and sometimes aggression towards Chico..I'll see what she says. We are going away thursday,my youngest son (37)will stay here with the cats,so that worries me a bit.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal" 3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie |
Chico from this quote is seems like any kind of treatment (meds/surgery/RaId) for HyperT can result in CRF esp since most cats with HyperT are not treated with RaId because of the cost & availability of this treatment.
![]() Quote:
![]() I made the decision re the Rabies vaccine & made the appt for end of the month for the poke ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
Growler,I am holding off on Rockys vaccines this year,he's been vaccinated every year for 11 years,it's just that we have enough to deal with right now,without adding possible problems from the vac's.
Thank's for all the info. I sent you a PM.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal" 3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie |
Growler, did your vet mention anything about using calcitriol at any point in Duffy's treatment? I've been reading some interesting (well, to me at least
![]() Quote:
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb “We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler |
Sugarcatmom no she hasn't mentioned that as yet since Duffy's phos, calcium & even her creatine phosphokinase levels are still in normal range, BUN 14.3 & Cre 211.8 are high USG is 1.038 so not too too bad, she's eating good (even looks like she's put on some weight she didn't really need
![]() ![]() I did send her info on aluminum-based tasteless/odorless phosphate binders she wasn't aware of, so I will print this info off to show to her. Thanks for the link I will ask her about it & see what she says re the effect it might have on her T4 level, when Duffy goes in for her Rabies Vx @ the end of the month ![]() And no you are not a ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks again ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
I found a great site for converting the US values to Canadian/International values:
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
My kitty with CKD
My 6 yr old Tortie Persian was diagnoses with CKD. She was put on Hills K/D wet food and pediolyte right away. Now I keep a bowl of both the wet and dry K/D out for her and she eats up a storm and has gained weight. Her blood work is back to normal. You can only buy the food from your Vet, but I highly recommend it. It worked wonders for my baby!
Are you talking about chronic renal failure, because as far as I know, kidney damage is permanent and non-reversible. Chronic meaning "on going" |
By the way the ingredients in Hills or any other prescription food is mostly chemicals, grain & fillers that our pets do not need in their diets. A grain free holistic food with all natural human grade food is far better for their health. If I had been aware of this before feeding my cat Royal Canin - she wouldn't have been affected by the food recall which lead to the kidney failure she is currently going through.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
So Duffy has an appt for her Rabies Vx on Oct 30, & I am researching herbal supplements to talk to her vet about, there unfortunately is alot of conflicting info on which herbs to use. I have info on the combo I'm thinking to use & I can get it locally through a trusted supplier, so no shadey internet buys
![]() Speaking of fluids - seems Duffy has been drinking from the pet water fountain, the water level dropped 500ml within 2 weeks & there is no way that was all just evaporation - it's been cold here lately, I just never SEE her drinking ![]() ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
It's good that she's drinking and holding her own, growler.
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"We are--each of us--dying; it's how we live in the meantime that makes the difference." "It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived!" "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." |
Thanks Hazel, she has her more active/less active days too (today a less active day - no play tonight) not sure whether that's her age or the CRF perhaps a bit of both. I'm glad I have a visit scheduled next week & can talk more indepth w/her vet then & bombard her with all my gathered info
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
Duffy had her Rabies Vx (skipped the FVRCP this year) a few days ago, had a long talk w/the vet on a variety of topics related to CRF - ratio of calcium-phosphorus, potassium levels, vaccines, food, drinking water, supplements, herbs, the plethora of conflicting info on the web
![]() ![]() Since her vx she has been eating a little less during the day & @ dinner time, but did eat all her breakfast Friday morning Duffy also seems a little more lethargic & seems to be a wee bit drooly - I know that can mean several different things (mouth ulcers/teeth/nausea/just plain old age) so I will be keeping an eye on those things, hopefully it is just a mild vaccine reaction. She did ask to go out for a "hallway walk" tonight & we did, a wee stroll through the halls of the apt bldg ![]() ![]() I have also booked an appt for a Homeopathic vet consult for the end of the month (earliest available that is convenient & my day off since it's not an emergency) we'll see if that helps ![]() So far she is stable, no supplements, medication or fluids necessary right now ![]()
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying |
Growler,I have not commented much since I know very little about treatments etc.for Duffys problem,but I have been reading every post,to learn and also of course to find out how Duffy is doing.
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal" 3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie |
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Tags |
crf, crf cats, homeopathy, kidney failure, raw diet, subq fluids |
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