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Old March 6th, 2018, 01:48 AM
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Neutered cat has white discharge??

Heyo folks,

I have an approximate seven and a half month old kitten(or would it be cat? Idk).

We got him neutered ASAP (I think it was at six months)

These past few weeks the household has noticed something usual with our youngest member...
He humps objects like pillows and blankets, and even the human arm! Yuck! He will bite it with his teeth and really go for it, honesty makes me feel like I’m intruding on a private moment lol!

This was all fine and dandy, I had read up that this was somewhat normal?, until tonight. He was doing his thing, per usual, when he started making a chittering cooing sound. I can only describe it as a mix between a chitter and and pigeons coo, it was unusual. He then leaves the blanket right after the deed, as a good tinder date does y’know. But I noticed an usual white substance left behind. It was white almost yellow and mucus like. It only had a few spurts? Balls? Clumps? And it has the texture and consistency of boogers. Double yuck.

Anyways I had no clue what in the world this was. My first thought was the very obvious one, love juice, y’know. But he’s neutered and has no health issues. This is the first and only time this substance has been left behind. I have no idea what it could be. I don’t think it’s coming from the booty area, but geez I’m stumped.

I figured I don’t know enough about cats and their intimate parts to truly discover the answer to this question. Maybe y’all have some insight?

Cheers and thank you in advance,
Sorely confused and hoping my cat did not bust a nut on my good pillows,
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Old March 6th, 2018, 08:39 AM
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Hmmm...something's not right there. In dogs, I know, it takes a while for testosterone to flush out of the system after a neuter, but it's not usually apparent in pediatric neuters because there's not enough testosterone present at surgery time to make a difference--and certainly not a month after the fact.

I'm not as familiar with neutering in cats, but at this point, I would be suspicious of any discharge. I think a vet visit is in order--both to check that the castration was done properly and to check for infection.
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Old March 6th, 2018, 11:45 PM
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hello Milkandvine:

We had a male cat - Shadow - who basically, after being neutered, went through the ritual for breeding, daily at least once with our spayed female Missy.

This didn't start until Missy was about a year old..

He didn't do this either on us or the pillows, blankets, or whatever - just Missy.

This went on for nearly 12 years - she was 12 when she passed, and Shadow was 12 1/2.

We had no problem with any discharges though. But he would scruff the back of Missy's neck while he was performing. This could be what happened to your arm. He'd be so engrossed in what he's doing he mistook your arm for a female cat .

You will have to take him in hand and explain the difference to him.

I would be tempted to phone the doctor's office where you had him neutered and speak to the vet - explain your dilemma and see if you can get a reasonable answer. If not, I'd follow Hazel's idea and make an appointment to take him in and have him checked out.
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Old March 7th, 2018, 10:01 PM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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Neutered cats and dogs can still ejaculate. Personally I would not Vet but that is always the safe way to go. I would provide him with a washable toy or pillow and encourage him to use that instead of your arm. Our once feral boy was neutered at just past one year old and he still carries on with the feral female outside, just as you describe and the link describes.

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Old March 7th, 2018, 10:03 PM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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Originally Posted by Reg View Post

You will have to take him in hand and explain the difference to him.
I bet the way I first read this is not the way you meant.
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cat, health, neutering, vet advice, weird

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