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Old August 30th, 2014, 09:52 AM
woofendog woofendog is offline
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Senior cat meows at night

Sabrina, my eighteen year old female cat still jumps from the bathroom floor to the sink. She continues to be playful and active. She is quiet during the day but meows excessively overnight until I get up and open the faucet. She prefers drinking from the faucet despite having plenty of fresh water in her bowl. She has always been a small cat but has lost weight in the last year. Lately she is drinking more than usual but eats wet canned food as well as dry food. I realize that I will have to have her checked out at the vet but was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. Thanks.
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Old August 30th, 2014, 10:01 AM
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Woofendog she sure is pretty! Have you ever thought of trying one of those kitty fountains. My Boy Bomber used to drink from the tap. I tried the fountain and they didn't seem to like it but I know others that their cats love it!
Definitely have her checked out, she may have some kidney issues going on due to age etc. Has she had any blood work or urinary work done lately? If you have it may be a good idea to get that checked and see how they compare.

My Tabby had a lot of issues at that age with kidneys and then she became a lot more vocal..
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Old August 30th, 2014, 11:31 AM
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Increased vocalization in senior cats can often be one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism (as can weight loss and increased thirst). Also could be "kitty dementia", or even related to loss of hearing, plus a decline in kidney function as Winston mentioned. Along with a vet visit (sooner rather than later, as untreated hyperT can cause heart problems), you might consider turning on a few night-lights around your home.

Good luck!
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Old August 30th, 2014, 03:52 PM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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Two of my older gals had "deaf cat howl". There was definitely some dementia in the one as well. Ginger would walk right past us as we sat in the living room, hop up on the chesterfield, face the back and howl. We'd yell at her, "Ginger!" and she'd turn and look at us, the people she had just walked by, with an expression on her face that seemed to say, "Oh, there you are." And quiet down. Rescue Remedy helped calm her at night. It's sad when they get old.
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Old August 31st, 2014, 02:47 PM
woofendog woofendog is offline
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Thanks for the replies. She is also soft and loveable. My late wife taught her to drink at the faucet by giving her a glass of water every morning at the kitchen sink. I used the water fountain on a previous cat who would put his paw in the water bowl to create ripples. Depth perception problem. As an indoor cat she has visited the vet only as a kitten to be sterilized. Passed a quiet night with no meowing. Time for a visit to the vet to be sure. Thanks.
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Old February 15th, 2015, 10:01 AM
woofendog woofendog is offline
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Thanks for all the suggestions. A very expensive visit to the vet revealed a thyroid problem. Now two pills a day for the rest of her life. Ouch, she sure has sharp little teeth!
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