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Old January 28th, 2015, 06:07 PM
Kesha12 Kesha12 is offline
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Cat peeing because she's mourning?

I hope I've put this in the right spot - this is my first post!

My cat Anais is almost 16 and in great health. We haven't changed the litter brand and her litter is clean (did a check list of all the normal go to ideas)

We had to say goodbye to our Boxer Nov 5th, so it's been a couple months. Initially Anais would go around the house meowing like crazy - and then that relatively stopped. But now, she has started to pee outside the litter box. She peed numerous times all over a couch that use to be Kesha's (our Boxer) and has peed on the landing on the stairs where Kesha use to sleep at night. I can't figure out what is going on? Could she be missing the dog (they were together 8 years) or is she happy she's Queen of the house again - trying to erase the dog scent? Thanks in advance for any help!
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Old January 28th, 2015, 07:25 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Maybe you should have her checked for an urine infection to be on the safe side.
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Old January 28th, 2015, 07:34 PM
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sugarcatmom sugarcatmom is offline
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I agree that a check-up at the vet would be a good idea if she hasn't had one recently. Even if she appears to be in good health, there may be some stuff going on internally that you can't see. A senior blood panel and a urinalysis is the best place to start. At 16, there are a number of age-related illnesses that can result in inappropriate urination (kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroid, etc.).

If that all checks out, then it's certainly possible that the peeing could be stress related. Make sure you're cleaning every where she goes with a good enzymatic spray (Zero Odor Pet, Urine Off, or Nature's Miracle, for example). A Feliway diffuser or 2 could help calm her, but maybe just lots of attention and some one-on-one play therapy, plus time and patience, can also help.
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