Dog dementia
Our dog turns 17 next month and her dementia symptoms are sadly progressing. I can handle it during the day, but at night we hardly get any sleep. She is very restless and seems confused. She paces and circles. We need to help her back to bed but she may just get up again or get stuck or fall off her bed. We have tried to decrease her pacing area by closing doors but when the lights go out she seems to be very unsettled. Mostly between the hours of 10 and 1. I have tried leaving lights on, melatonin before bed. I give her a Bach flower calming remedy. I am trying different supplements like more b vitamins and phospholipid. We even got a prescription for anipryl from the vet but it just made her more restless. It is hard because symptoms are not as bad during the day and I still try and give her two walks but she still can't sleep.
Just wondering if anyone here has been through this and what has helped?