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Old October 2nd, 2011, 06:30 PM
My Gatosan My Gatosan is offline
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No more meow

It's been just over a week since my Maine Coon cat Gatosan has a silent meow or just the first part of meow. I looked at the back of his throat and all's good. He swallows hard a lot, licks his nose more often and huffs. Otherwise, he seems okay. He eats well, likes attention and purrs, even chases the squirrels. His tail is up whenever we talk, but he can't talk much anymore.
Gatosan adopted us when we bought this house 11 years ago. He seemed full grown, so we don't know his age. We'd seen him around all summer and fall, but when the first snow fell he pawed at our patio doors until we let him in. He inspected the place then decided to stay. Strange thing is, now he's sleeping in the playroom downstairs...he hasn't done that for years. Yes, I know where the vet is, but I can't afford it. In Quebec it costs over $40. just to walk in. For me to have a broken tooth repaired it costs $250. for the cat it's $800. You see?
I hope someone knows what the lack of meow could be. Thanks.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 06:37 PM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
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Welcome to the board, My Gatosan.

Unfortunately, you're likely not going to get a decent diagnosis over the internet. For the most part, members here are not vets, and none of the vets would be able to venture more than a guess as to what's going on. Your cat really needs to be seen in person by a vet.

You need to know what you're dealing with before you can begin to treat it, so pls take your cat to a vet, and sooner rather than later.

I hope Gatosan is feeling better soon!
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cat, cough, doesn't meow, huff

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