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Old September 29th, 2005, 04:03 PM
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Fireangel,that's great news
Maybe his swollen paw is part of his original injuries,but was overlooked by the vet,because of his more serious injuries.
You'll have to take another picture now that he's doing so much better,maybe one where he's standing up :love:
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old September 29th, 2005, 07:13 PM
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hes doing SOOO great today hes been eating and he hasnt drank since ive been up but as long as he drinks something while im asleep im happy as requested i just grabbed a pic of him walkin into his kennel its not exactly the greatest shot but you can see how well hes doin... when he walks for more than 5 or so steps he starts to hyperextend it more than usual so im guessin its pain or somethin but later ill get a pic of him walkin without hyperextending
i have a couple pictures of him ill post... you see he LOVES his picture taken big time he gets all cute like hehehe
his wound drains a lil bit today and its still clear liquid with a tiny redness from blood and the wound area is nowhere near red or swollen or anything its look so great so here are some pics
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Old September 29th, 2005, 07:15 PM
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now hes starting to relize its a camera and hes getitng pics taken
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Old September 29th, 2005, 07:16 PM
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and now hes pullin out all his tricks and being full on cutie
sheesh hes knows hes a cutie and knows how to use that to his advantage hehehe
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Old September 29th, 2005, 07:54 PM
justncase justncase is offline
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About the chicken broth suggestion, make sure you skim off the fat after the broth cools because it can trigger diarrhea .
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Old September 29th, 2005, 09:35 PM
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yes thank you for reminding me about that
the vet had to completely take him off clavamox now and since then the blood has been getting less and less and his diarrhea has been getting less and less she is a lil worried about his front right paw and said if the swelling doesnt go down take him in tomorrow

there is no puncture wound around it
its just swollen with a hard bump it doesnt seem to hurt him at all and he walks just fine on it
we both agree that it started to get swollen after he got home... altho i know for a fact he hadnt gotten into anything or hurt it in anyway here unless it was already hurt and with the lil walking he does might irritate it
hes been ok with being in the kennel all day ive been opening the door throughout the day so he can wander but hes pretty happy stickin by his food
i forget what i said earlier so im sorry if ive repeated anything hehehe and also i havent had a chance to update my page for him lately my boyfriend has been getting a new web hosting place and the site has been up and down
but hopefully soon i will be able to put even more pics up there and update it finaly
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Old September 30th, 2005, 12:50 AM
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What a sweet kitty! He's so lucky to have a caring owner like you.

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Old September 30th, 2005, 12:54 AM
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What a beautiful kitty. He's so lucky to have you.
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Old September 30th, 2005, 02:55 AM
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thank you guys
hes doing so much better today hes eating and drinkin on his own i was going to get some chicken tomorrow and make him some chicken broth but it looks like he doesnt really need that
he must be getting a lot better cuz his poop is starting to stink like normal kitty poo... before it at 0 smell to it and now its got the normal stink so now i gotta keep my window open hehehe
ive been keepin my door open off and on today while the door was closed on his kennel hes was snoozin but the other kitties cames in and took a look around baby didnt seem to mind
see baby and smokey never really got along
smokey used to be 22 pounds and baby is 9 so smokey would always pick on baby also theres about 5 years difference in their age smokey would chase baby around and baby would hide.. no one in my family really likes smokey cuz of that and meows like crazy but i love him hes my lil puppy dog(he follows me around everywhere i go and now that he cant really go in my room he camps outside the door) so does anyone have any advice on a great way to reintroduce them? i dont want smokey attackin baby or anythign like that especially now
when we moved into this new house he stopped pickin on him but now with the wound im worried
heres another picture i took of him earlier
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Old September 30th, 2005, 06:02 AM
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He looks great. You did really well..give yourself a high five.
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Old September 30th, 2005, 07:27 AM
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Thank's for the pics,Baby certainly is a little beauty and somewhat of a miracle-kitty :love:
More often than not,when cats are seriously injured,they don't make it :sad: it seems cats often don't take well to meds etc...but Baby,with your love and attention is certainly an exception.
His little tail will be soo cute when it gets all fluffy again
As for introducing Smokey,I can only suggest to be careful,maybe let him sniff him while he is in the crate.
I too have one cat who is a little bossy with my other 2,especially Vinnie the youngest,but he never chases or fights him,just hisses and growls as a"that's close enough!"warning!
Baby is probably defensless right now,not able to run,so be very careful,sniffing should be enough for now..
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old September 30th, 2005, 01:41 PM
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thats exactly what ive been doing
baby will be in his kennel with the door shut and locked and smokey will come in
he sniffs baby for about 5 seconds and then starts exploring the room
this room is smokeys favorite room and hes never reallu in here anymore cept for the couple hours i had the door open yesterday
but im guessing the fact that he didnt pay too much attention to baby is a good sign
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Old September 30th, 2005, 08:25 PM
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fire angel, although i haven't posted 'til now, i've been reading all posts on your thread with interest. baby sure has come a long way - thanks to you! you've done a great job, and deserve a huge pat on the back!

i just wanted to say that i hope you intend to keep baby inside now that he has been so severely injured. i went thru something similar with my cat, chesse, who was hit by a car. i nursed her through two broken back legs, depression, infections, ca-ching, ca-ching, ca-ching. she did get better, and i intended to keep her inside after that. but then hubby and i moved to a house in a wooded area, and she seemed keen on going out again. unfortunately, i didn't know there was a problem with coyotes in the area. so, a month and a half after moving, she suddenly went missing after i let her out late one night. i now know that coyotes hunt at night and in packs. i'm fairly certain this is what happened, as we never found a body (she was nervous of the road after having been hit, and i knew she wouldn't run away). the thing is, prior to her injury, i don't think even a coyote could have caught her (she was greased lightening!). but, because of the accident, she wasn't as quick as she used to be, so i wish now i had listened to my instinct and kept her in. i'm thinking baby probably isn't as nimble as he used to be either, so i just wanted to give you a bit of advice. after going thru everything to get baby better, you should consider keeping him in and safe. he's a real sweetie, and quite a ham for the camera! not meaning to be forcing advice on you, just wanted to share my story so you'd consider keeping him in.

tracy :love:
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Old September 30th, 2005, 11:44 PM
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i want to keep him in along with my 2 other cats but my mother does not want a litter box in the house at all what so ever and will not concider it
she hates the smell
ive tried everything under the sun to talk to her about it but she wont hear of it
so i told her if the cats will still be going outside and you have such disreguard for their safety we will build a cat fence preventing them from leaving the yard and only let them out when they need to pee and get them right back in
i will not let this happen again so im doing everythign i can in my power to prevent it but some people would much rather risk that then smell cat litter(wich to me isnt a big deal at all)
im thinkin about putting a litter box in the garage and talkin her into atleast trying it... if she says it stinks... all we gotta do is opene the big garage door for 10 minutes and poof the stink is gone
but i think shes too stubborn to even concider it
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Old October 1st, 2005, 02:07 PM
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I was awy for most of your posts - and had little access to the internet where I was (Louisiana) - but I am gald to hear how well you have done with your kitty and that she is on the mend?

I wonder if you could teach her to "go" outside on a leash - and then you would know she is safe. Sort of like we do for dogs. I take my cat and foster kitties outside only on leashes but they still have litter boxes. And they rarely smell since they are cleaned daily. There are ways to reduce the odour.

Er--- I mean the boxes never smell. Neither do the cats!!! Gawd, I think I need an editor today!

Last edited by CyberKitten; October 1st, 2005 at 03:59 PM.
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Old October 1st, 2005, 03:03 PM
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yes baby is doing great the vet put him ona new medication to help with his uclers that were causing bleeding since then the blood has been getting less and less
he does have to go to the vet today because his front paw is still very swollen and hes been lickin his butt area a lot and its lookin pretty raw so he might have to have one of those lovely collars on to prevent him from doing that
im thinkin hes gonna have an x-ray done of his paw so we can figure out what is causing this im hoping its nothign more than a really bad sprain or fracture
is really doesnt seem to bother him he walks on it and uses that paw to move the litter when hes in there and uses it to grab my hand when im giving him his kitty treats
im thinkin about getting a lil video of him walkin and uploading it to my site so you guys can see how far hes come
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Old October 1st, 2005, 03:10 PM
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fireangel, is there a closet in your house that could be designated as the "litter closet"? we have three litter boxes (because of having three cats), and i keep them in a cubby under the stairwell in the downstairs of our house (it's a split entry). because the cubby has a door to it, we had a cat door cut through. it has a flap, but i don't even keep that on it (i left it off in order to train them to use the hole, and never bothered to put it back on as the smell doesn't even come through). show this picture to your mom and see what she thinks...

just trying to help.
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Old October 1st, 2005, 03:45 PM
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Fireangel,before my first cat,eons ago ,I too would not want a litterbox in the house.I was under the false impression cats needed to go outside and of course one day,Blue(a SiameseX)did not come back in the morning..I found him dead in the snowpile,the snowplow had left.I learned a really hard lesson :sad:
I can honestly say,litterboxes do not smell if you look after them.
I have 3 cats and they have their boxes downstairs,a friend of mine has 5 cats and you would never know it,there is no smell.
After your mom was wonderful enough to pay all the expenses for Baby,I would think she would not want another accident to happen.
My cats go outside,but with me,I go in,they go in,even in the winter,since I have the luxury of being home and they do not leave my fenced in backyard.
My vet said,the average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 5 yrs and that is a shame,since cats can live up to 20yrs+.
If I were you,I would be terrified of letting Baby out after all he and you have been through. to Baby and You!
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 1st, 2005, 03:57 PM
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yes i am terrified to let any of my cats outside my step dad hates the litter being spilt on the floor because smokey is obsessive about covering up what he just let out and he splashes it everywhere
unfortunately ive tried talking to my mom about puting a cat door on the garage door and having the litter box out there
shes thinkin about keeping the litter box out there but absolutely no way will be she put a hole in the door... this is her first home that shes ever owned and she doesnt want to mess it up(sad to say but my mom is stuck up and snooty she needs everything to appeare perfect and litter boxes arent part of that picture) since the cats are so used to waiting for us to let them outside i figured it wouldnt be hard for them to wait for us to let them in the garage to go
but for the time being the litter box is in the kitchen until my mom and i come to some sort of agreement... see we moved to this place in the middle of august and smokey hasnt taken to using the bathroom outside so this entire time there has been a litter box outside but everyone has this thing about cats have lived outside for MANY MANY MANY years and they've been able to survive and its their instinct so they can handle it
so i dunno what to do guys... even tho there is a litterbox in the house the cats still go outside and over the fence into the unknown
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Old October 1st, 2005, 04:06 PM
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Please ask your mom to read this:

(If it were not from another site, I'd ask for it to be a sticky). AAs Chico has noted, indoor cats live longer and healthier lives than do their counterparts who are allowed to roam outdoors. This is becoming even more important as our society becomes less rural and there are more dangers in urban areas to small critters (tho a friend of mine said calling my YY a critter is an insult - I think she is right, she is a Diva, lol).
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Old October 1st, 2005, 04:07 PM
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FA,I too did not like litter everywhere even if it was downstairs,so I bought 2 large Rubbermaid storageboxes($7each)with higher sides,rather than the standard litterboxes and that solved the spillproblem,also more room for the cats to scratch and cover up.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old October 1st, 2005, 06:21 PM
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thank you so much for that link
i wrote my mom an email with that link and a couple others along with some questions
the biggest question i have in there is this
im pasting it in here
what if tomorrow weatherby was found dead on the side of the road? how bad would you wish you had kept him inside and how little would the litterbox problems seem at that point?
weatherby is her cat and she loves in dearly
i felt it was very important to put it close to home with her and make it her cat isntead of mine
ever since baby was hurt i havent slept much knowing my other 2 cats are outside ive had nightmares and if the cats are gone for more than a few hours i start to panic... i have many things that haunt me because baby was hurt and numerous regrets because of this that i will have to live with for the rest of my life
and i know that deep in my moms heart she cant really be as selfish as she seems i just need to get to that part and hope she stops being so stubborn

i felt today was the perfect time to write the email to her(theres NO WAY i could ever talk to her about this in person even tho shes 30 feet from me right now she woudl interupt me and would put her foot down and owuldnt hear me out) today i took baby to the vet and his front right paw was x-rayed
its broken in 2 places
the pinky and the ring finger like on the back of your hand the pinky break isnt bad just a small fracture but the ring finger break is stickin up and thats what that bump is that i feel
the vet said that it doesnt seem to bother him or hurt him he moves it just fine and he uses it like normal
this is the lesser of 2 evils thats going on with him so its not a worry to him she cant put a splint on his paw because he would have to put preasure on his back paw to walk and would prevent it from heeling as much as it could
plus if they were to do anythign for it theyd have to go in and set pins in and that would stress him out a lot more than he needs but if it starts to bother him or hurt him we might have to do something

but on a lighter note hes gained a pound since we last took him in about 4 days ago woohooo yay
his nose is lookin pinker and insisted on walkin in the hallway a bit while the other kitties are busy sleepin in my brothers room
sorry for the long rambling post lol
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Old October 1st, 2005, 08:14 PM
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I cannot imagine how you feel about Baby and his injuries tho it does seem like he is a cat who really wants to live!! If I were in your shoes, I would find it impossible to allow him back outside - even if he may be interested in going. He may be a little more cautious but cats are so curious. There are just ao many dangers out there for cats - he has overcome so much and come so far that surely your mom will see how unfair it is to force him back out there.

I also even understand her concern about the smell. I too hate the smell but if you clean the box daily, it never really smells badly. I too have a home that I want to look good and be nicely decorated - tho I am admittedly no Suzie Hoimeamker, never mind Martha Stewart!! My cats do not prevent me from doing this.

Does your mom know about the rule of thumb of the number of litter boxes - one per cat plus one. That cuts down on the smell if you have more than one kitty.
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Old October 1st, 2005, 08:41 PM
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yes i know of that rule (right now only 1 cat uses the litter box weatherby refuses to use it and baby has his own with special litter for him in my room) but its bad enough fighting her on keeping that 1 in the house so right now i need to win the battle with getting the cats to be indoor cats.... then we deal with the litter boxes... then of course in the agreement with her i know i will have to teach the kittie to use the toilet but of course will have a litter box in the house that baby can use since he wont be able to jump for a long time
but i know if i reminded her we have to have 4 litter boxes in the house she wont let me say another word and tell me to go on my merry way
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 08:32 AM
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Fire Angel,I have 3 cats and only 2 boxes,but as I mentioned before,they are bigger than the standard"litter-box".
Even when we are outside,my cats will rush inside to do there thing
CK,the story about Charlotte had me in tears :sad:
There was a cat,a beautiful longhaired black/white one across the street from me(a busy street).I watched him nervously cross the street every morning for a couple of years,to get to his front-door,only to lay there for a few hours before being let in.
I had not seen him for a while and the owner just yesterday informed me,he was killed by a car,she was quiet emotionless about it and will probably just get another cat :sad:
On the other hand,I hardly ever see strange cats in my neighborhood,but know of many indoor-cats many who go outside on harnesses,so maybe people are starting to change
FireAngel,even"people doctors" don't do much with broken toes.I had my large toe broken and did it ever hurt,but other than a bandage,the doctor did not do much,so I now have a crooked,funny looking toe

Good luck with working on your mom!! I too have a home I am proud of,of course we've had to make some minor adjustments because of the cats,such as hardwood instead of carpeting,roman blinds instead of floor-lenght drapes,but the cats are well worth it and I don't like drapes anyway!
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 12:52 PM
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Here, it's not YY (Siamese) who climbs the curtains - it is the Sphynx girls. Of course they also like to climb ME, lol YY on the other hand has my bedroom Venetian blinds dented and with little kitty teeth marks in them but I don't care. They can be replaced. YY is pricesless.

Sort of like the VISA commercial -

New Drapes $256.20 (a wild guess, lol)
New Ventian Blinds $345
Happy contented cats - Priceless!!
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 01:11 PM
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thats so sad about her cat
i know that if baby wouldnt have made it i would be curled up on my bed crying for the next month
oh my cats are glad we dont have hardwood floors all over the house now... they can run and play and not slide around and run into walls hehe i dunno how old your kitties are but my cats are 4, 4 and 8 they're great with drapes they dont mess with them at all i never thought about them playing with the drapes lol ok dont mind me i just woke up about 15 minutes ago lol so if i dont make sense just ignore it
hes doing so much better his poo is completely normal he just has a tiny bit of blood in it now so im very happy
hes even takin his pills good now i duno maybe its because i now give him 2 kitty treats after every pill hehehe
he keeps lickin his butt and the vet said if he does it too much i gotta put the cone on his head and i put it on him last night oh my god was that a mistake
he started goin bonkers growlin and pawin at it and trying to get it off he ran into the door and i was so worried hed hurt himself so i took it off
after that i kept an extra close eye on him and when i saw him licking there i told him no and of course i told him if ya keep doing that this collar will have to go right back on your cute lil head
and him being his cute self threw a hissy fit... he plopped down on his bed turned his head upside down curled up in a ball and meowed lol
it was the cutest thing in the world
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 01:20 PM
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Awwww! He sounds priceless too!! (As are Chico's cuties!). YY hates meds but she will take them with treats - she is my little weetheart and she knows it. Here are my babies:

Quan Yin aka Yin Yin aka YY: (with a supporting role by her bears)

The Sphynx Girls:
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 01:54 PM
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Fireangel,my guys are 3,8 ands almost 10yrs old.
Here they are...Rocky(tabby),Chico(black)and my little wonder Vinnie(white odd-eyed)..
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 01:57 PM
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Sorry about the size..here's Vinnie,my favourite pic...
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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