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Old February 19th, 2008, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by growler View Post
uhh I think you must be thinking of Rabies, that is the only virus that cannot be tested for until after death.

FIP is a coronavirus (similar in nature to the Corona and Parvo viruses that dogs get) & testing will give a definative diagnosis.
Actually, Remy21 is right about how difficult it is to test for FIP. You see, FIP is a mutation of the coronavirus, which many 'normal' cats have anyway, so the presence of FCoV antibodies is not a definitive diagnosis. Here's some more info from a leader in FIP research: http://www.dr-addie.com/WhatIsFIP.ht...sis%20of%20FIP

Diagnosis of FIP – this section is intended for veterinary surgeons
FIP is a notoriously difficult condition to diagnose, many other conditions present with very similar clinical signs. Definitive diagnosis is only possible at post mortem, or occasionally by biopsy (though for accurate biopsy results one has to actually biopsy a visible pyogranulomatous lesion, which may necessitate laparotomy). Only 18% of samples sent to our laboratory for FIP diagnosis turn out to be FIP. Since cats with FIP are usually euthanased, it is absolutely vital that FIP is accurately differentiated from other, treatable, conditions.

In our laboratory at the University of Glasgow, we offer an FIP profile which confirms or rules out a diagnosis of FIP in over 90% of cases. The FIP profile consists of four parts: a feline coronavirus (FCoV) antibody titre, albumin:globulin (A:G) ratio on the effusion or plasma, alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) level and cytology or haematology.

Note: many healthy cats and cats with diseases other than FIP have FCoV antibodies. The presence of FCoV antibodies alone is NOT diagnostic of FIP, if the other parameters of the profile do not indicate a diagnosis of FIP.
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Old February 19th, 2008, 08:22 AM
Remy21 Remy21 is offline
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Yes, like sugarcatmom said, I've read that the FIP test may read positive but it might only mean they are carrying the coronavirus and many (something like 30% of household cats? correct me if I'm wrong) healthy cats carry the virus without ever becoming sick.

zsvoboda - When did you find out your cat had worms? I had a fecal test done on my cat which apparently ruled out all parasities (except tapeworms, she said), so does that mean my cat most likely does not have ascarides (I'm not sure what that is - a type of worm?) Does anybody know?

My cat quit eating the litter because I changed it to the Feline Pine, but we still have this little cement brick that he likes to lick and we gave it back to him (after throwing it out previously) because he likes it so much. I think it makes him feel better.

zsvoboda PLEASE keep me updated. This morning I am thinking my cat may be a little worse. He's walking worse and I noticed when he was sitting at his water bowl he was rocking back and forth. I'm scared that he will need to be euthanised if he gets any worse.
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Old February 19th, 2008, 08:23 AM
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sugarcatmom - Do you know how to figure out the albumin to globulin ratio? His globulin was 5.6 and albumin was 3.3. I've read that if the "A:G ratio" is less than 0.6 (or some sources say 0.8) that it is another indicator of FIP.

Do you just divide 5.6 / 3.3 or how does that work?
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Old February 19th, 2008, 08:26 AM
Remy21 Remy21 is offline
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Originally Posted by zsvoboda View Post
The vet did the ELISA FIP test which turned positive.

The ELISA test tests more than just FIP, so are you saying it was positive for FIP or just positive overall?

This is all so confusing. I just want my kitty to get better.
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Old February 19th, 2008, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Remy21 View Post
sugarcatmom - Do you know how to figure out the albumin to globulin ratio? His globulin was 5.6 and albumin was 3.3. I've read that if the "A:G ratio" is less than 0.6 (or some sources say 0.8) that it is another indicator of FIP.

Do you just divide 5.6 / 3.3 or how does that work?
Don't take my word for it, but I think you would divide the albumin by the globulin, so 3.3/5.6 = 0.589
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Old February 19th, 2008, 02:24 PM
Remy21 Remy21 is offline
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Originally Posted by sugarcatmom View Post
Don't take my word for it, but I think you would divide the albumin by the globulin, so 3.3/5.6 = 0.589
Yes... that does make more sense since it is A:G ratio and not G:A ratio.... crap.

I read this somewhere:

Serum Protein Levels. If the total serum protein is 7.8 g/dL or greater AND the A:G ratio (ratio of two different blood proteins) is less than 0.6, FIP becomes a more likely diagnosis. A few other diseases may also cause this, but these are also very severe and usually fatal. These findings occur in 50% of the cases of FIP.

His TP is 8.9.

I don't give up though. I'm still not convinced it's FIP. Does anyone know if having a parasite could affect a cat's TP, albumin and/or globulin?
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Old February 19th, 2008, 11:58 PM
zsvoboda zsvoboda is offline
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FIP testing & roundworm

The FIP test doesn't say anything. According to studies 90% of cats that have access to outside and 30% of cats that live at home have been exposed to some form of coronavirus (in most cases NOT the FIP mutation) thus are "FIP" positive according to the ELISA test. If the test is negative it also does not mean anything as it does not detect the coronaviruses during their incubation period. The test has only one meaningful outcome. If it is negative, vets usually perform the more precise PCR test. If the PCR is positive than it again does not mean anything (just presence of some form of the virus, no one can say if it is the FIP form or not). If the PCR test is negative, your cat is the rock star with no coronavirus. Because of the above vets in UK stopped using the ELISA test as it is quite useless.

Our cat was positive to general coronavirus. Nobody can tell if it is FIP or one of the many other forms (which causes no serious issues).

If your cat licks the brick or eats the cat litter you should double check the parasites! This is the direction that we are now following as we have detected the worms (ascaris is one of the most frequent roundworm). Unfortunately all the misleading treatment that the cat has received in past two weeks (ATB, corticoids, steroids etc.) plus the worms (roundworms excrement many toxic stuff when they are dying) lead to issues with his liver and he started turning yellow yesterday (this is unfortunately very serious). Our only hope is that all his issues were caused by the worms and when they are gone, he'll start doing better. It seemed to me that he was a bit more agile today morning but it might be a false hope. I'll keep you posted.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 01:55 PM
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Ok, I need some advice...

If you haven't read this whole thread, all of a sudden my cat's hind legs became weak on Feb. 7th. Then he started eating his cat litter. I changed the litter to Feline Pine and he quit. He was lethargic, seemed depressed, hid away, and was eating less, but still eating. He was still urinating in his cat box but would not deficate in it, seemed like he couldn't control it. I've been following him around and when he had to poop (he would always fall on the floor first, that was my cue) I would always carry him to the litterbox and hold him up.

He had a negative glucose test, negative x-rays, and his blood work showed slightly elevated globulin at 5.6 and slightly elevated total protein at 8.9. Finally the doctor talked to someone down at the University of Minnesota who suspected FIP.

I brought him to another doctor and he also was suspicious of FIP. Since there are no tests to definitively "diagnose" FIP, he suggested serum electrophoresis and possible a titer test. I decided to wait and see if he got better or worse.

Now today, a couple hours ago, I went to pet him on the couch and he smelled like urine. He peed all over himself. Then I put him on the floor to clean him up with wet paper towels and he all of a sudden got diarrhea (first time he's had diarrhea since he became sick) and he went all over the carpet and finally onto a towel after I hurried and got that under him.

I called the doctor and he said he thinks it's time to put him to sleep. I asked him if he thought I should get the serum test incase he thinks it might be ANYTHING besides FIP. He said it could always be something besides FIP, but at this point whatever it is is probably really bad.

If it were any of you, would you be worrying that it might be "something else" and be hesitant to have him put to sleep? After I cleaned him up he crawled (he can barely stand up anymore) to the little dog/cat carrier I have on the floor and he's been lying in there. His face and eyes still look alert and that's what kills me. I don't know how I could have him put to sleep when he's still looking at me like that.

Anyone have any advice? What would you do if it was your cat?
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Old February 27th, 2008, 01:58 PM
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By the way I am tentatively scheduled to have him euthanized tonight between 4:30-6:00pm so a prompt response would be appreciated. Say anything, really, I just want to know what you all think.... thanks.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 02:07 PM
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I think you're the only one who can make that hard decision...you know your kitty better than anyone else on the planet, and if you feel he still has a pretty good quality of life and is getting enjoyment out of things despite the mobility impairment and incontinence (which is the case for many, many pets who suffer from paralysis or other similar conditions), then maybe it's not time just yet. However, if you don't think the quality of life is there, then maybe it is time. It's a horrible decision to make, but you probably know the right decision in your heart of hearts. hugs to you.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 02:21 PM
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If I were faced with this situation now...and, having been in two similar dilemmas in the recent past...and, still having distress over the decisions I made in both cases, I would today do whatever was available to me to ensure that I had no choice but to make that ultimate decision.

I would have the tests done.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 02:26 PM
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Oh my gosh, that's so hard. I'm not sure if anyone can tell you what to do in this case. I had to euthanize my beloved kitty, Egypt, about 3 years ago after a month of struggling to save him. He had IBD, which wouldn't normally be fatal, but it's possible there was something else going on as well. He became incontinent, was projectile vomiting and had explosive diarrhea. The day I that I knew that he'd been through enough, there was just something in his eyes, a pleading desperation to make it all stop, and I couldn't get him to the vet fast enough. I certainly don't regret trying all that I did for that month, but I also wish his last day was more peaceful and not filled with my frantic hysteria.

I wish you peace and love in this extremely difficult time. Here's a link that talks about quality of life, maybe something in there can help with your decision:
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Old February 27th, 2008, 05:05 PM
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:sad:I am praying for you both.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 06:18 PM
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It's always tough to make that decision - you have to do what is right for you, and for your kitty. We're here for you no matter what happens.
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Old February 29th, 2008, 10:11 AM
Remy21 Remy21 is offline
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Thanks for all the support everyone. We had him euthanized on Feb. 27 at 6:00pm. It was really hard to do and I stayed with him through the entire thing but deep down I knew he wasn't going to get any better. I don't think he was in pain yet but I didn't want him to be in any either. I'm really going to miss him.
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Old February 29th, 2008, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Remy21 View Post
Thanks for all the support everyone. We had him euthanized on Feb. 27 at 6:00pm. It was really hard to do and I stayed with him through the entire thing but deep down I knew he wasn't going to get any better. I don't think he was in pain yet but I didn't want him to be in any either. I'm really going to miss him.
My condolences on your loss. It's such an incredibly painful decision to make, but you did a very brave and loving thing.
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Old March 5th, 2008, 03:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Breeee123 View Post

I just noticed late last night that my cat was having a hard time pulling her hind quarters up into a standing position, and she seems to have a difficult time walking or jumping. She'll walk a couple feet and then sit down to rest, and she's extremely reluctant to get up again. I took her to the Emergency clinic last night and they checked her pulse in her hind legs to make sure it wasn't a blood clot, and she had a strong pulse in both hind legs. They took X-rays, which showed no damage that would explain the limping. They basically just gave her a shot for the pain and said to watch her for a few days and bring her back in if the symptoms persist. This morning she was the same.

She's an indoor cat, so I doubt if there was any serious trauma. She's 10 years old and has always been in fantastic shape - always energetic and running around the house. This is the first time I've ever had a medical problem with her.

She did have a dental appointment a week ago, and they gave her anasthesia. I called my normal vet and asked them if it could have been the anasthesia, and they said probably not because it's been a week. They also did a routine blood test right before the dental, and they said everything came back normal and her glucose levels were fine so it's not diabetes.

Any help would be very much appreciated!


Hi Briana!

Many years ago I read a letter from one cat lover whose young male (I still remember his name, it is Tazz) had the same problem and, after all, it was discovered that he had FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)! It was of so-called dry form so Tazz managed to survive! But, if your cat is strictly indoor, it is hard to believe that she acquired that virus. Maybe it's worth checking your cat for the presence of retro-viruses? I really hope her disease is not so horrible.

Many regards from Deda Brada.
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Old March 5th, 2008, 03:06 AM
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Hi Briana!

Many years ago I read a letter from one cat lover whose young male (I still remember his name, it is Tazz) had the same problem and, after all, it was discovered that he had FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)! It was of so-called dry form so Tazz managed to survive! But, if your cat is strictly indoor, it is hard to believe that she acquired that virus. Maybe it's worth checking your cat for the presence of retro-viruses? I really hope her disease is not so horrible.

Many regards from Deda Brada.
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Old May 18th, 2008, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Remy21 View Post
Thanks for all the support everyone. We had him euthanized on Feb. 27 at 6:00pm. It was really hard to do and I stayed with him through the entire thing but deep down I knew he wasn't going to get any better. I don't think he was in pain yet but I didn't want him to be in any either. I'm really going to miss him.
I've just joined, after reading through this whole thread. I was initially interested in this topic and found this thread through google, because I was searching for answers and information to better understand and help resolve the rear leg weakness for my kitty Spot, 15 years old.

Remy 21, I just wanted to tell you that I greatly admire how well you cared for your kitty and how hard you tried to help him get better. And though it was so hard, you did the right thing to let him go. I really empathize. I had to let my 12 year old pug dog Tish (companion for Tucker) go last October, after battling rear paralysis for about three weeks.

You are a truly great cat parent, and there are so many kitties out there in the world who need good homes. I hope you will, when the right time comes, adopt another cat so s/he can have all the love you have to give. Bittersweet kudos to you.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 02:39 PM
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My Cat Just Started the Same Symptoms

This started about two days ago that I noticed. Sam is an 8 year old - and very fat - 24lb - cat. A few weeks ago, one of my other cats was coughing - either asthma or acute bronchitis. Treated, but also stool sample revealed roundworms - so all three treated for roundworms. A week ago Monday, they all received their 2nd dose of roundworm treatment. This past Monday, I noticed Sam didn't really want to get up from the couch. Tuesday I noticed the same thing, but when he did get up, his hind legs are wobbly and they just don't seem to be working properly.

Took him to the vet yesterday. Xrays normal, CBC came back normal. No signs of infection, no diabetes. She's instructed me to keep a close eye on him, try to get a urine sample over the next week. Also, if he doesn't get better, more blood work to see if perhaps a clot.

I just had to put my 11 year old Simon to sleep in April after a 2 week stay in 24 hour care that cost me $5800 just to find out he had liver cancer and needed to be put to sleep.

Can anyone please offer some help with what might be going on with my Sam?

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Old August 13th, 2008, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Remy21 View Post
Thanks for all the support everyone. We had him euthanized on Feb. 27 at 6:00pm. It was really hard to do and I stayed with him through the entire thing but deep down I knew he wasn't going to get any better. I don't think he was in pain yet but I didn't want him to be in any either. I'm really going to miss him.
I found your post when i search in google "my cats back legs are weak" I read your whole post...My heart goes out to you. *hugs and i would like to say Thank You for the post.

On a personal side I'm 23 weeks pregnant and my cat (patches aka patcho). 6 years of age has started showing the samething, however not eating kitty litter. My boyfriend was spinning the cat on the wood floor Tuesday morning and nothing seemed to be wrong <-- inmature for 32.
Yesterday i noticed he's limping with his back left and front right. Patches is a indoor cat as well I've check all this paws for anything that might be sticking him, an nothing. Patcho is eating and drinking.
I only noticed it today that Pacho was having a hard time standing and limp's when moving around. He rather sit then stand. I'm going to give it until Friday and if he doesnt get any better im going to take him in...I've been off work for over two months due to this pregnancy and the money isnt there for me to ba able to take him in....Why is it always like this.

Last edited by bambi1980; August 14th, 2008 at 05:51 PM.
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Old August 13th, 2008, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by bambi1980 View Post
...My boyfriend was spinning the cat on the wood floor last friday and nothing seemed to be wrong <-- inmature for 32...
Welcome to Pets.ca!.

I have to say, I urge you to put an end to that. Cats are not toys nor are they like dogs. One might play with a dog like that...I say "might" if the dog was interactive with the human and if it were gentle "play"...sorry, though, inappropriate for cats who are far more "delicate" and more easily injured...and, such behaviour may very well lead to agressive behaviour on the part of the cat.

I hope this was not the cause of the symptoms you are seeing.

Please book the appointment. Hopefully, a simple consultation will take care of everything.

I'll give you one caution - if the Veterinarian prescribes the drug Metacam politely refuse and request an alternative. Click on the drug name to find out why.
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Old August 13th, 2008, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by bambi1980 View Post
...He's limping with his back left and front right....
I only noticed it today that Pacho was having a hard time standing and limp's when moving around. He rather sit then stand...
With this kind of behaviour, it is usually recommended that the cat be confined to one small comfortable area without anything that can be used as a "perch" and where both food, water and litter are easily available without climbing.
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Old August 14th, 2008, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by RUSTYcat View Post
Welcome to Pets.ca!.

I'll give you one caution - if the Veterinarian prescribes the drug Metacam politely refuse and request an alternative. Click on the drug name to find out why.
Thanks for letting us know, I hear so much about it being used on dogs, I probably wouldn't have thought twice about using it on cats.
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Old August 14th, 2008, 07:57 AM
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Bambi, I'd take your cat in today. Nothing about what you describe is normal. Please don't wait until Friday.
And no spinning
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Old August 14th, 2008, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by RUSTYcat View Post
Welcome to Pets.ca!.

I have to say, I urge you to put an end to that. Cats are not toys nor are they like dogs. One might play with a dog like that...I say "might" if the dog was interactive with the human and if it were gentle "play"...sorry, though, inappropriate for cats who are far more "delicate" and more easily injured...and, such behaviour may very well lead to agressive behaviour on the part of the cat.

I hope this was not the cause of the symptoms you are seeing.

Please book the appointment. Hopefully, a simple consultation will take care of everything.

I'll give you one caution - if the Veterinarian prescribes the drug Metacam politely refuse and request an alternative. Click on the drug name to find out why.
Oh dont worry i blasted him for doing it...
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Old August 14th, 2008, 05:45 PM
bambi1980 bambi1980 is offline
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Originally Posted by RUSTYcat View Post
With this kind of behaviour, it is usually recommended that the cat be confined to one small comfortable area without anything that can be used as a "perch" and where both food, water and litter are easily available without climbing.
Yes i've already done that. Might i also add i use to work at a vet office a few years back. You know how you go to the gym and your always sore not the next day but on the 2nd? i think this is what has happend. However if it doesnt improve i will take Patches in.
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Old August 14th, 2008, 05:48 PM
bambi1980 bambi1980 is offline
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Originally Posted by badger View Post
Bambi, I'd take your cat in today. Nothing about what you describe is normal. Please don't wait until Friday.
And no spinning

I'd love to take him in however i dont have the cash until tomorrow. i moved about two months ago and this new place doesn't have a payment option. You just have to pay in full once leaving. Normally i have money, i work for the biggest communications company in North America. However have had to take some time off work due to complications with this pregnancy

Last edited by bambi1980; August 14th, 2008 at 05:52 PM.
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Old August 14th, 2008, 05:50 PM
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kinda better

His walking has improved slightly...but not back to normal
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Old August 15th, 2008, 07:14 AM
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Well this morning jhe walking way better. Still not 100% however its a huge improvement from the other two days.

Last edited by bambi1980; August 15th, 2008 at 12:05 PM.
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