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Old April 8th, 2005, 09:44 PM
dinkey810 dinkey810 is offline
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Red face kitten

I'm an university student lookin for a kitten. I don't mean to sound cheap, but it would be best/easiest for me to get find a low priced kitten. Does anybody know where there is a young (2-6 months) male who would like to be nutured by a loving girl :love:?
Thanks a lot!

ps. as i cannot drive, it would be nice if it were from a place accessiblle to montreal public transportation!
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Old April 8th, 2005, 09:59 PM
Prin Prin is offline
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If you can't afford to pay for the cat, are you able to pay the vet bills?
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Old April 8th, 2005, 10:03 PM
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Here we go......
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Old April 8th, 2005, 11:09 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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We just got a call from a university student is who is moving back to the family home. She has two kittens, and of course now they have to go....

Free kitten:

Vet exam: 35$
Deworm and de-flea - 35$
Vaccinations - (I don't know)$$
Spay or neuter - 65$ - 100
Carry case - 25$
Food - 10$ a week (depending on type)
Litter - 10$ a bag
Toys - 10$ to start

So now you're up to approx 255$ right off the bat.

Unexpected vet visits for illness (rhino, UTI etc) 50$+

This is just the basic expenses for a "free" or cheap kitten.
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Old April 9th, 2005, 05:36 AM
poodletalk poodletalk is offline
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save a life by fostering!

I understand why you would like to have a kitten, but if you are a Universty Student on a low income budget it will be a big expense at once. Why don't you foster a cat or kitten, or a mother cat and kittens? This way, you are saving a life, and the rescue group or humane Society where you are fostering your animal will pay for the expense of the food, and the sterilization. Remeber though, when that rescue group finds that cat a home, you willl have it up. Which is sad, but remember if it wasn't for YOU, that animal may have been put to sleep.
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Old April 9th, 2005, 12:51 PM
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Old April 9th, 2005, 04:07 PM
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Poodletalk,fostering is a great idea I would never give a kitten to a student,I would want that kitten to have a FOREVER home which could mean up to 20yrs.
I have nothing against students,but their lifestyle changes and sooner or later the cat is inconvenient and is dumped.
My own son wants a kitten and although I know he loves cats,his situation is not suitable for a cat and I'll make sure he does not get one,at least not now.Getting a kitten because you feel lonely and want something to hug,is never a good reason,it has to be a well thought out decision.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old April 10th, 2005, 05:32 AM
ykstrip ykstrip is offline
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looking for a kitten

i am looking for a kitten or two if they are brother sister or two brothers or some family.

just haven't had any luck finding any
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Old April 10th, 2005, 06:45 AM
poodletalk poodletalk is offline
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Where are you located? Are you looking to adopt or foster?
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Old April 10th, 2005, 11:41 AM
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When I left home to attend university, I had to leave my pets in the care of my grandparents and parents. (two cats hand reared by me as kittens) and my poodle. My poodle became so attached to my grandparents but he had the best of care and love and I got to see him as often as I could get home. I also talked to him on the phone - me cooing to my baby and him barking and whining - wish we had videocams then, lol

Finally, when I was almost on my feet as a med student/Resident - some yrs later - but living in Boston - the cats came to live with me. And my poodle came to visit so often that gram and the border crossing guys were almost family, lol

I personally do not think a young person starting univ has the best lifestyle to care properly for a pet. Now, someone who lives at home and has mega support is in a different situation. As is a "mature" student - often with children - who can care for a pet. But someone who does not normally reside in the community s/he attends school is putting a pet thru a lot of trauma and change. Ask Rescues about the many pets abandonned at the end of univ sessions.

I have a young student who wants a pet very badly but I convinced her to volunteer at the local SPCA - which she does when she has time (How much time does a pediatric Resident have who works 48 consecutive hours?!!). Now she is fostering a young feral family (mama and two kittens) - with the help of a new roomate, her fellow Residents and one Prof! She found an old baby stroller at Kermesse (a fund raising event for the Children's/Womens hospital which features a huge gararge sale) and she walks the entire family in it - they've become somewhat of a fixture in her neighbourhood.

So, my advice is to look into fostering/volunteering - especially socializing the kitties and kittens at a local Rescue (and that way you will also get to know the people and pets there). Good luck!
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Old April 10th, 2005, 03:18 PM
kayla kayla is offline
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I'm a university student and got a puppy a little while ago and although it has been fun, it definitely restricts what you can do. For instance, after university if you need work experience you need to take whatever you can get and not be picky. I don't know what your are studying but I'm doing biodiversity conservation and many student type jobs that pop up are out of town, a couple weeks here or there. I'm lucky because I have friends and family who are more than happy to look after my dog while I am gone, but this is just an example of things you need to consider. I love my puppy and wouldn't give her up for anything but if I did it again I would do it differently and not adopt a permanent pet until I was more settled.

I am fostering kittins for the SPCA now and it is sooo much fun! Think of it this way, it's like having permanent kittens around! And you don't need to worry about what to do with them later on, and when you are in a more permanent situation you can get a kitten of your own. Also, the SPCA pays for food and vet bills for students, so it can be done on a budget.

Good luck and let us know what you decide!
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Old April 10th, 2005, 03:20 PM
kayla kayla is offline
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Just noticed in your first post about not being able to drive. That is also cool because the SPCA (in Mtl anyways) will deliver the cat/kitten to you and pick it up at the end.
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Old April 10th, 2005, 05:48 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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Kayla, you overlooked the fact that you had help getting the kittens a home (NOT from the SPCA) and also that if kittens and mother cat are not adopted they must go back to the SPCA.

The mother cat will be killed, and if the kittens contract rhino or any illness (very likely) they will also be killed.
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Old April 10th, 2005, 08:22 PM
kayla kayla is offline
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Originally Posted by LuckyRescue
Kayla, you overlooked the fact that you had help getting the kittens a home (NOT from the SPCA) and also that if kittens and mother cat are not adopted they must go back to the SPCA.

The mother cat will be killed, and if the kittens contract rhino or any illness (very likely) they will also be killed.
It was very easy to find the kittens a home, I had ads posted four places for them and I even ended up getting offered a bribe for them (which I didn't take).

Momma is harder to adopt but this isn't the SPCA's fault by any means, most people want kittens and there is nothing they can do about that. It is not the fault of the SPCA that there are more animals than homes for them. It is not their fault someone dumped their pregnant cat with them. Also, the momma will be put in the adoption room if I send her back, I have the word of my foster contact who I trust. Besides, I don't think she will be going back, Lisa offered to take her if she doesn't find a home.

I know you're anti-SPCA but really, they do a lot of good and everyone I have worked with there has hearts of gold. I know it isn't run by the best of people, but the best of people do work and volunteer there, and I know for a fact they pull strings to help the animals they love.

And I don't know why you posted your message, are you trying to deter her from fostering or just fostering for the SPCA?
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Old April 11th, 2005, 07:52 AM
poodletalk poodletalk is offline
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Kayla, I personally think you're doing a great job for the animals! Without you, who knows what would have happened to those kittens?! Yes, its tough to find an adult cat a forever home when everyone wants a cuddly kitten. But it can be done. SPCA Jean-Talon uses petfinders, which seems to give many rescues great success. At the SPCA Jean-Talon, there's nothing wrong with the animals or the volunteers who are there. My cousin volunteered at the SPCA Jean-Talon for over a year walking dogs, when she moved here from BC. She thought it was great, she made many friends. I hope more people will follow in your direction Kayla by fostering. Dikney, if you don't feel comfortabe about fostering from the SPCA Jean-Talon. well, theirs MANY rescue groups in Montreal and SouthShore where you can foster from as well.

Last edited by poodletalk; April 11th, 2005 at 09:30 AM.
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Old April 11th, 2005, 09:39 AM
kayla kayla is offline
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It is definitely hard to home an adult cat, it's nice to hear a positive attitude: "But it can be done." Thanks poodletalk!
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Old April 11th, 2005, 03:13 PM
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I do have to say having an animal and being an university student isn't easy. But I don't think you should be denied an animal BECAUSE of it, it should be based on you individually, not based on what your doing statistically. I for instance have had my kitty since I was 8. and yes she is and always has been my responsibility since then. of course not finanically when I was 8 but once I turned 18 she was and is fully my financal responsiblility. I now also have a dog who is completely my responsiblity and has been since the start. I may be a student but i'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure my furbabies are happy. a good example is i'm tight on cash this month because I got a flat tire and found out I had to replace all my rims (long story) well that means that this month I just eat bare minumum with no snacks so I can make sure my babies have everything they need. I don't want to sound like i'm underminding anyone but I don't think you should be told you won't take care of an animal because your a student, it's not always the case and from my experience I have never met anyone where it has been the case. All my friend that are students and have animals take very good care of them, yet my boss is getting rid of her puppy since she thinks that it takes up too much time (it was an impulse buy, she bought two BC pups, and two kittens at the same time, How stupid can you get?).

I think fostering is a great idea, if I could have more than two pets in the apartment I would do it. Keep log of how much the shelter spends on everything and when and see if you can affored it. After you've had the animal for a while look and see if you could imagine doing that all the time and be able to affored it and take the time. If the answer is yes without a doubt then maybe you could consider getting an animal of your own.
Jackie and her little babies.

Candi- Italian Greyhound
Cash- Italian Greyhound
Jasmine- Tabby cat
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Old April 11th, 2005, 03:50 PM
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Jackie,I am not saying all students are bad pet-owners,but many rescues Lucky's for one,can tell you what happens to cats once school is out...
the cats often are temporary pets and the let go or dumped,it is a fact.
You,I am certain are different and that is great,but I would be very cautious giving a pet to a student with temporary living-arrangments,a pet is for life
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old April 11th, 2005, 04:05 PM
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I understand what you mean, I just don't think it has anything to do with them being students, I think they are just flaky people who will probably be the same non-students in the future that get rid of their pet because of the baby, moving, "allergies", ect... Guess you could say same people, different point in their life.
Jackie and her little babies.

Candi- Italian Greyhound
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Old April 12th, 2005, 06:42 AM
poodletalk poodletalk is offline
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Thumbs up

Kayla, I am a firm believer you can accomplish alot more by postive reinforcment than negivitiy.
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Old April 12th, 2005, 12:15 PM
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Where did Dinky go???????????
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