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Old February 23rd, 2017, 06:08 PM
tehp tehp is offline
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Thanks so much for your weighing in on this, in comparison to your dog's episode, hazelrunpack.
It's stumping everyone so far. Particularly since he's been very normal ever since.
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Old February 24th, 2017, 01:11 PM
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With luck, it was a one-off episode.
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Old February 27th, 2017, 01:28 AM
Mander5829 Mander5829 is offline
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My 1.5 year old Lab has been doing the exact same thing you all are describing. It happens at night when he is trying to rest. It has lasted 30 minutes and up to 2.5 hours before. He did it Jan 25th, then nothing for almost a month and then he did it for 4 nights in a row and then nothing since then. I took him to the Vet for Bloodwork, all came back clear. My Vet said she has never seen anything like it. She thought it was maybe Myoclonic Seizures but im not sure I agree. If anyone has any updates, please post. Im desperate to know anything as Im very worried.
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Old February 27th, 2017, 01:19 PM
tehp tehp is offline
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Hi Mander 5829,
I managed to get a video of my dog doing this the one and only time it occurred. I posted a youtube link on the page before this. Please check it out. I would be curious to know if what your dog is experiencing looks similar.
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Old February 27th, 2017, 06:28 PM
Mander5829 Mander5829 is offline
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I was able to watch the Youtube video you posted. My Labrador, Leo's jerking is very similar to that. I also took video but for some reason when trying to post, it wouldn't load. I'll try again. When Leo does it, reminds me of full body hiccups but it definitely is not the hiccups. Sometimes it's worse than others. The first couple minutes it seems the strongest and then it starts to subside but like I said, it has lasted 2.5 hours once, the Vet really has no diagnosis and is unsure. I was hoping someone here was able to find out more info on this. Im worried. Thanks for replying.
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Old February 27th, 2017, 08:17 PM
tehp tehp is offline
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Hi again Mander,
Please do try again to post a video. I would be very curious to see it.
We have not seen it repeated or anything else unusual in our dog since (2 weeks ago). Would be great to keep each other posted if we get to the bottom of this.

Question: do your dog's episodes always occur at night? (ie when he has been sleeping?)
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Old March 9th, 2017, 02:51 AM
Mander5829 Mander5829 is offline
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Sorry for the late response. He has inly had 1 more episode in the past 2 weeks and still no answers. This one lasted 15 minutes and yes they always seem to happen at night about 30 minutes to an hour into him laying down. So if he starts relaxing and winding down around 8pm, his episode may occur between 8:30pm and 9pm. Like I said the vet could only come up with Myoclonic Seizures, however I am not 100% convinced that's what it is. Have you come across any other possibilities of what it could be? I may have to change the file in order to post the video as it wont seem to post from my phone.
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Old March 9th, 2017, 03:06 AM
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Old May 1st, 2017, 05:22 PM
Hailwvu Hailwvu is offline
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Dog jerking

I just had my 10 year old boxer at the vet today with this exact thing, he also does it at night and it last between 30min and 4 hours. My bet also had no idea but did put him on steroids in case it was a unseen tumor and the steroids may help. I also noticed he does single jerks thougout the day wile active but the episodes are mostly at night. Did your vet give any ideas or medicine to try? I also have a video I showed the vet and they said it was definitely some sort of nervous system issue but had no idea why.
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Old June 22nd, 2017, 08:21 PM
MiMiVanV MiMiVanV is offline
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Puppy jerking all over

I have a Coton de Tulear who will be one next week. She was outside for about 45 minutes, it was warm out, but when she came in, she laid down and her whole body started spasming. She won't drink water and it's been almost an hour. She did not want to be held, just went and laid down behind the couch. No one seems to have an answer, even the vets, and it seems like a fairly common malady. I wish I could post a video. Any ideas yet?
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Old June 22nd, 2017, 11:03 PM
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Does she feel warmer than normal to the touch--or better yet, can you take her temp? Was it warm enough for her to get a touch of heat stroke?

The vet has seen her, though? How many times has this happened?
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Old July 31st, 2017, 03:18 AM
Ggnutella Ggnutella is offline
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Hi there, I was wondering you or others ever got to the bottom of this. My 3.5 yr old dog called Gus woke me up at 4:30AM and asked to get into my bed. He could not settle. He'd curl up as if to fall asleep they he'd jerk a little. This happened every 5-15 seconds and it would only stop if I gave him a gentle jiggle, like a baby and as soon as I stop they start again. We went to the vet at 9am and she couldn't figure it out. He doesn't appear to have a stomach ache, his eyes are good and clear, and he's walking around and playing normally. She said it was not seizures.

He was able to sleep when we went to bed the next night but like clockwork at 4:30AM he woke me up and it's the same as before. I feel so bad for him because he just wants to sleep but can't, and he whimpers his frustration at this.

I can't find anything online for this but this forum so I'm hoping if anyone ever figured things out they could give us a lead. Cheers!
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Old July 31st, 2017, 07:27 AM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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They do dream and can get quite vocal and active when they do. Did you take video to show your Vet?
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Old July 31st, 2017, 08:19 AM
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Video is a great idea!

What kind of dog is Gus? Could he have hurt his back? (We've seen restlessness at night due to back pain, which is why I ask.)

Do you know if he's as restless before he asks to come up on the bed? Does he do it during daytime naps?
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Old July 31st, 2017, 10:53 AM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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I found this link about dogs getting muscle spasms ,poor puppy .
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Old August 27th, 2017, 07:21 PM
triplebees4 triplebees4 is offline
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My year and a half old dog is also having this same problem. started last night and has happened 3 times. vet and ER dont know what it is so were going to a neurologist tomorrow. if we figure it out ill post again and let you all know.

this is what it looks like,

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Old August 28th, 2017, 05:44 PM
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neurologist wasnt sure so we are doing x ray and mri saturday to try and find a cause. will update when i know more.
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Old August 28th, 2017, 08:14 PM
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Does the jerking happen all the time, or just when your dog is resting, triplebees4? Was the neurologist able to see it in person?
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Old September 10th, 2017, 11:49 PM
HollyM HollyM is offline
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Night time jerking

My Leya 3yr OEB started this jerking like a spasm 3 nights ago I thought it was a siezure but she was wide awake she was very restless sounds a lot lot like what others are saying in this thread have any of you found anything out yet? During the day she acts normal just at night this happens...
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Old September 11th, 2017, 07:51 AM
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Welcome to the board, HollyM. If it happens again, try to get some video of it to show your vet. Even with Leya's eyes open, she might have been having a mild seizure. A video might tell your vet if that's what's going on or if it's something different...
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 10:08 PM
triplebees4 triplebees4 is offline
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ok so we showed the neurologist the video of him twitching, had an mri of his brain, x ray of his chest and a spinal tap to look for meningitis (or however thats spelled). all of the test came back normal... so the neurologist said its probably a mild seizure disorder... kinda lame to not have a real answer though. she said its either a seizure disorder or a muscle disorder. both of them are pretty much "untestable". if its a muscle disorder she said theres really nothing you can do. if seizures the meds are worse then mild seizures so again no treatment. wish i had more info to post on here... thank god for pet insurance haha. i hope this helps whoever reads this but i know its not much. on the plus side goku hasnt had any more episodes of whatever this is since the first 3 days. i hope someone figures out whatever this is since i think weve gone through all the options available.

oh and whoever was wondering it happens to him as he starts to go to sleep but it keept happening even when we called him over. walking and all still happened.
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Old October 2nd, 2017, 10:12 PM
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At least they've ruled out the big ugly things like brain tumors, triplebees!

I agree, though--it always seems lame to me when a diagnosis can't be made. With luck, it was just a muscle strain and won't come back! Sending good vibes for Goku!
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Old August 25th, 2018, 12:32 PM
kg1130 kg1130 is offline
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Unhappy Anyone find an answer?

My dog is 4 and 1/2 healthy lab mix. I take her for daily walks. She has been having these spasms lately only when she lays down. She sometimes sleeps with me and her leg twitching will keep me awake. She is like my baby and although she doesn't seem to be in any pain and will act normal other than this twitching, it still concerns me.
Again it's just when she lays down to sleep or nap. Mostly her back legs will twitch and sometimes fully kick out. Every few seconds or so.
This was the only thread I found through google that had anything similar to what I am dealing with. I was wondering if anyone got an answer to what this was? Or any type of treatment?
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