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Old March 30th, 2011, 10:31 PM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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My first scrapbook

We had to have one of our dogs put to sleep a few weeks ago. When we told my 6 year old niece it was going to happen, she was devastated so I offered to make her a scrapbook. Well, it turned into a book of all the pets I have ever owned in my life, even the ones she didn't know....but they had to be in there She was also very specific in some of the colors and certain pages

I finished the book today and delivered it to her. Thought I would share with fellow pet lovers as some of my family and friends think I am nuts lol.
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Old March 30th, 2011, 10:36 PM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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I needed 1 more page and came across the photos of her in the poodle costume from her first halloween. I had to include them and had her going for a few days about a poodle named Fifi whom we had to re-home cause she just too big My poor niece thought long and hard about Fifi because 1. She couldn't remember her and why did she not have any photos of this Fifi and 2. We have never re-homed a dog before so why would we possibley get rid of Fifi just for getting too big when we had a great dane????

I finally showed her the photos...she didn't find it amusing but they were too cute not to put them in. My niece has the same sense of humor I do so she did appreciate the joke, but still doesn't think "Fifi" should be in her photo album
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Old March 30th, 2011, 10:38 PM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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a few more pages.....
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Old March 30th, 2011, 10:40 PM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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the other half of Casey's layout....
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Old March 31st, 2011, 11:28 AM
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I think they're great, bj!!! Love the Fifi story, too! And I think your niece's taste in color and pages is just fine! What a wonderful memory book!
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Old April 1st, 2011, 07:22 PM
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Very nice book. I love scrapbooking my animals.
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Old April 1st, 2011, 11:35 PM
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They a real nice.you did an awsome job.
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Old April 2nd, 2011, 01:57 AM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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Thanks everyone! There's more pages, every pet on the furry friends page has their own page. I just didn't want to overwhelm everyone with a whole bunch of pages. If anyone wants to see them, I can share.
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Old April 2nd, 2011, 09:23 AM
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I love seeing other people's scrapbook pages! I have no talent at it at all

So please, do post!!!
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Old April 5th, 2011, 11:08 PM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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Lol, ok Hazel...here is a few more
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Old April 5th, 2011, 11:16 PM
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and some more lol
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Old April 5th, 2011, 11:26 PM
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Old April 5th, 2011, 11:29 PM
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Last 2. I think the last one is one of my favorites! My niece and nephew don't seem to agree
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Old April 7th, 2011, 12:47 PM
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love the last one!

You've had some lovely furbabies over the years, bj. Lefty and Spice are my faves, though, I think. And Maggie--lol--she looks like she'll take on any or all, with or without paws tied behind her back! Now that's cattitude you gotta love!!
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Old April 9th, 2011, 04:09 PM
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Lefty and Spice were my childhood dogs. Lefty lived til he was 17 and was bad right up until then. He was a champion in show and obedience and did field trials as well. Get him home and if youhave ever seen the movie "Turner and Hooch"......well Lefty was worse than that lol. He was perfect in the ring only. My mom still twitches when you mention lefty or german shorthair pointers LMAO!

Maggie was my cat I had since college. She passed away 2 days after we had to have Buddy put down. That was a rough week! She did have cattitude in spades!!!!!! It was on her terms and her terms only
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Old April 9th, 2011, 07:45 PM
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Oh what tough timing with Maggie and Buddy both passing so close to one another

So Lefty had a bit of the in him, eh? Your poor mom!

Thanks so much for sharing your memories, bj! I love your stories!
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Old April 9th, 2011, 08:00 PM
emilie42 emilie42 is offline
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Those look really nice bj601. If you ever want to do them "digitally" look up fotofusion. It a nice easy program to use . I use it to do picture collage but it is made for scapbooking.
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Old April 10th, 2011, 09:03 AM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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Tahnks Emilie, I will have to look into that. I haven't tried digital scrapbooking yet.

Hazel, I have another story for you lol. And by the way, I love your pack! Your dogs are beautiful

I took my 6 year old niece to one of her friends birthday party last fall. Now, my nieceis dog obsessed..always has been..always will be. The neighborhood dogs will not pass by my house if she is outside, they HAVE to stop and see her a get a treat.

Anyways, this friend's b-day party was beingheld at her grandparent's farm. There was puppies involved. I get there to drop her off and out comes daddy german shorthair pointer followed by 6 not so little GSP babies. Momma GSP was being field trialed that morning but would be back soon. My niece is just gushing from the back seat as she realizes these are what grandpa used to have and what AUntie B grew up with. I drop her off, go home and tell my dad...who just has to come with me when I go pack to pick up my niece. Now we are in trouble because one just happened to be pure liver (like lefty) and these pups come from very well-bred, german lines (like Lefty ). Of course my mom does not know at the time that my dad came with me.

So we get there, dad wanders off with Grandpa to discuss the lines, the field trials, the hunting etc...my niece is still surrounded by these puppies (which are almost 10 weeks and would be ready to go soon). My neice will NOT leave. She informs me, she is NOT, NOT leaving without a puppy!!! You can see the wheels turning in my dad's head (even though he will be the first to admit at his age, he can not handle a shorthair), but the heartstrings are going, grand daughter is sucking up to grandfather. I, while in love with these little guys, inform my dad if he even THINKS about it further, better get a divorce lawyer because "if you come home with another shorthair..mom WILL divorce you!!!!!!!"

Dad starts laughing but I manage to get the 2 of them in my car. My niece is devestated that her loot bag did not contain a puppy I am trying to explain to her 1. this breed is very high maintenance 2. those puppies cost a LOT of money ("I have money in my piggy bank") 3. Grandma will kill grandpa if he ever thinks of getting another shorthair.

So long story short, I let my sister know on the way home what has transpired, she is killing herself laughing on the phone. And calls my mom to give her the heads up of where dad has been. Drop my niece off and take my dad home. Walk in to my mom literally twitching. While she finds my dad's adventure amusing, the thought of ever having another shorthair leaves her traumatized lol. Her eye starts twitching, she starts scratching and her nerves are shot

I think secretly she did love Lefty but if it is possible to have PTSD from a dog....Lefty gave it to my mom.

There is 17 years of antics my dad got into with that dog. I have an arsenal. Including the fact that when my dad went to look way back when "he was just going to look." He actually didn't bring Lefty home for 7 months because 1, the breeder didn't know yet if she was parting with him (his father was top short hair in the 80's) and 2. they weren't sure if my dad could handle him lol. So my dad spent weekends working with Lefty out at the kennel. And a few months later "surprise honey!"

Then came the birds for field trials because buying them became expensive so he decided to raise some himself (well him and his buddies), the trailer for the dog shows because my mom got to the point that she refused to sleep in a trailer. We also had wild turkeys....that was dad's LAST bird auction he was ever permitted to attend. Spice came along later...

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Old April 10th, 2011, 02:19 PM
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Your poor mom!!!! Lefty must've been quite the character to inspire such residual effect! I know, I know, I shouldn't laugh! Give your mom a big hug for me when you see her next...probably best not to tell her we have 8 sporting dogs.

How long before your niece stopped bugging her mom about the puppy?

And the Pack thanks you for the compliment
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Old April 10th, 2011, 08:51 PM
bj601 bj601 is offline
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Lefty was a character, he was my childhood friend....his 10 offspring in 1 litter still didn't cause her to kill my dad Lefty and Spice were bred once after being titled etc. Mom didn't know dad was planning on breeding...until after the deed was done. Dad does all the vet trips, has Spice x-rayed, vet estimates 4 puppies and gives a possible date. Now being 20 years ago....machines weren't the greatest. Dad plans a hunting trip for weekend before. Spice goes into to labor about 1 am. Puppy number 4 comes and mom thinks we are done. Number 5...6...7...8...9...10 Dad comes back and it was probably a good thing he had his shot gun with him

My niece stopped bugging for a pointer puppy about a month after. Of course, I started the paper work to adopt Casey so that distracted her lol.
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