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Old February 8th, 2004, 02:05 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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Unhappy my puppy is sick

willing to take any info possible b/c scared going to have to put puppy to sleep.

not sure how old but my grandfathers dog had puppies several weeks ago all have weened and started growing rapidly except one.
this one puppy is eating reguarly but, has no strength in his back legs, and doesnt seem to be growing as fast as the others.
i just got in town and after a few hours of observation brought the puppy inside to give a bath and try to fix up. when i gave it a bath noticed on his stomach where his imbilical cord had been was (hard to describe) like a hole that had tried to scab over but where it has stayed wet hasnt and smelled very bad. also his private part looked very swollen. finished the bath and put him in the basement where i could take care and watch over him.

im not sure if he cant walk on his back legs because of probuablem on stomach or if there is more to it.

also noticed has a hard time peeing will wimper intill he goes but then has hard time getting out of the mess.
trys using front arm strenght to walk like hes just walking on front legs but has hard time with that too.
noticed today place on stomach is drying up (had been laying outside on wet blanket) and starting to scab over.

also stomach seems very bloated looking

if any one knows anything about of of this it would really help b/c right now im out of work due to maternity leave and dont have any money to afford a vet . although im pretty sure if this doesnt clear up soon i will have to take him there.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 03:10 PM
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I don't know...

call around asking for a vet's advice... ask ur grandfather who his vet is & start from there.

search on the internet... otherwise don't waste time since the longer you wait, the more probs he may have later on....
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Old February 8th, 2004, 03:42 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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If your grandfather is breeding dogs, he should be able to afford to take care of them.
This puppy is suffering and MUST go to a vet - even if only to be euthanized HUMANELY. Sigh.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 04:07 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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any suggestions on where i could look on the internet for info

my grandfather has never used a vet
we dont breed dogs
he has a farm (jusst the acherage) so he lets the dogs run
we feed them several times a day and they happen to breed theirselves with other neighboring dogs
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Old February 8th, 2004, 04:12 PM
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ur grandfather has NO vet.

has NOT neutered/spayed his dogs.


something seems backwards here...

forget searching anything, get the dogs/puppies to a vet IMMEDIATELY!!!!

they NEED first aid, for god's sakes, ALL of the puppies MUST be dewormed!!!!

Educate yourself, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you, pregnant yourself, are you not going to get your baby checked out or is this a home delivery and if the child isn't walking properly by the age of 2-3, THEN u'r gonna log onto an internet chat room and ask these ridiculous questions??!

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Old February 8th, 2004, 04:57 PM
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I agree completely with Aggie,you sound like you care,but your grandfather obviously does not,just feeding is not enough..
What happens to all those puppies?
Farmdog or not,it's cruel to let them breed like rabbits.
This new little puppy needs to be put out of his misery,not drowned or thrown into a wall,but at a vets...Having a farm,I am sure your grandfather also must have a vet,unless he does not have any farm animals.
Please do the right thing..the little one needs help,even if it is to be put down.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 8th, 2004, 05:48 PM
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there are diseases that can be passed from dog to human, you may not get sick due to your imune system but you are having or have a small child who can get very sick from the dogs, there are worms, skin problems ect and the dogs need shots for these, if the mother was done the pups would have been protected through her, so it is your gradfathers fault for not doing it in the first place and saving himself money in the long run. take the pup to the vet or put it down, it is suffering, anything that smells bad is not normal and is dangerous, likely painful and unfair for the pup.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 06:06 PM
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Are you serious.No vet?

That just really pisses me off.

This puppy is in serious trouble and is suffering BIG time.

I suggest YOU find a vet.Take the puppy to get checked.And take how ever many dogs your grandfather has and get them all fixed.

What he is doing is so very cruel and inhumane.

You need to educate him.

My sister is on a farm with 3 Siberian Huskies,a Border Collie,cats and cows.

All dogs and cats are fixed.Even the barn cats.

The help this puppy needs is not on the internet.It's at a vets.

You sound more caring then your Grandfather.

I'm sorry,but this just upsets me.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 06:24 PM
Karina Karina is offline
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Please go to the vet immediately. This is the only place you can find help. Internet does not cure.

If you do not know where the vet is - ask around. Or use the Internet - google them or yahoo them. The search egine usually asks for the postal code, once enetered, it gives you the list of vets in your area. Enter the wider search radius (if at farm, chances are there are no vets in your immediate area). Do this NOW and take this puppy to the vet IMMEDIATELY. Once done with this puppy, take other puppies to the vet. Be responsible. You owe this dogs to be taken care of.

If they die, and you know you could help - how will you feel?
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Old February 8th, 2004, 06:39 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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im sorry ive upset everyone or who knows maybe im just apologizing b/c im pregnant and due on the 21st of this month so am very emotional
so anyways thank you all for your input
i only came back in town to have my baby and its the only reason i found out about the puppy
i do plan on taking the puppy to the vet no matter what the cost is now
and the other puppies have already been given away so i cant take them for immunizations
both me and my grandfather have sat down and discussed the situation its just that (yes this sounds immature) i had always wanted to be a vet so i just thought i could help it myself im sorry i have offended everybody by this you know im veryly 19 and just now starting to realize what it is to live as an adult and know im not a child anymore and just so everyone knows i was very offended by someone saying i would get on the internet if my child was sick that was a very sorry thing to say
yes i know that pets are just as important and that i might look like a very cruel person right now
but when your pregnant dont have a car no family around my grandfather is old and sick himself just veryly able to take care of himself my husband is still in michigan trying to bring in money so we can have money to make it easier on ourselves and give the baby the best we can...............anyways how am i suppose to do anything ........... i have to depend on ambulance now for once i go into labor
so yes i thought i would try to find something on the internet first
yes i will get my puppy to the vet tomarro but intill then does any one have any suggestions on what could be wrong
he is eating well , using the rest room well , but seems like it hurts him when he pees, and what could be the reason for the scab on the location of umbilical cord and why would he have so much trouble walking could it be b/c of the sore ????????
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Old February 8th, 2004, 06:39 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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I understand that these dogs " happen to breed theirselves with other neighboring dogs." (So it's the dog's fault??)

I also understand that this is the way it was when your grandfather was growing up - heck, this is the way it was when *I* was growing up!

BUT, times have changed and animals are being killed in record numbers, and it's time for your granddad to get with the program, educate himself and be a little more responsible like all of us did.

As for the puppy - we cannot diagnose and treat it over the internet even if we were vets. If you can afford a computer and internet access, you can afford to help this suffering puppy that your g.f. helped bring into this world AND afford to get the dog(s) spayed. There really is no excuse.

Welcome to 2004!
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Old February 8th, 2004, 06:45 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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thank you karina
you are right i have no clue being from out of town and all where a vet might be so thank you on telling me where to find one

and luckyrescue i cant afford the internet or a computer or a car
right now me and my husband are trying to get on our feet
but yes im trying to find a vet and get my puppy there asap
i know there is no cure on the internet but i had no one to console in here on an empty farm and i thought this board might be able to help me

yes my grandfather needs to get his dog fixed i understand that
but like you said he went thru that generation gap and his 19 yr old granddaughter cnt tell him any different but yes if i had the money all this would have been taken care of along time ago
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Old February 8th, 2004, 08:07 PM
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and in the iterim (till tomorrow when you go to the vet) make sure the pup is comfy and warm, no cold breezes or anything, give plenty of fluids and try to keep things quiet and let the pup rest. make sure it has a nice bed to rest in and keep it away from people in a quiet place, did you say the basement, nice and quiet down there but make sure its warm and very dry and give the pup plenty of company, dont leave it down there alone for too long. oh and plenty of lovin and pats till tomorrow should help, but do go to the vet and get your grandfather to pay for it to. all your questions will be answered by the vet tomorrow. and if it helps, see if your grandfather could perhaps do a payment plan with the vet which might make it easier and encourage him to treat the other dogs.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 10:13 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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yeah hes in the basement that is believe it or not the warmest part of the house (where wood burning stove is) and is concrete floor
i made him a nice comfy bed but he seems to like floor better have been taking him water papas been cleaning up his messes so i dont have to be around that part plus that way the pup doesnt waddle in it
ive stayed down there alot today and it made the puppy real happy we even played a little bit
i believe it brought his spirits up
of course he doesnt like when i do come back upstairs he crys a lil bit but i leave a light on for him so he feels a lil more comfy
i did find a vet and they do take payment plans so me and papa have agreed no matter what the cost it would be better to take him tommarro and hopefully get him fixed up
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Old February 8th, 2004, 10:48 PM
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very well done!... so far.

Please keep us posted on what happens @ the vet....

I hope the puppy survives this...
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Old February 8th, 2004, 11:04 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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not exactly sure but have also been doing some research
and found something that sounds right
of course will have to wait intill tomarro
but i found Intervertebral Disc Disease (slipped disc).
, it may rupture, or herniate, causing a portion of the disc to protrude upward and place pressure on the spinal cord. This pressure typically prevents or inhibits nerve transmission along the spinal cord. The effect on the spinal cord will depend on the amount and severity of the pressure. Effects can include pain, weakness and paralysis. The location of the "ruptured disc" will also affect the cord. A disc herniation in the neck area may affect the entire body, while one in the middle of the dog's back may only affect the actions of thThe nerves affecting the bladder and colon may also be affected making it difficult for the dog to urinate or defecate on it's own.
but there is treatment and a good chance for survival
but like i said ill have to wait till tomarro
for now the puppy is quietly resting and i belive thats what i need to go do for now
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Old February 8th, 2004, 11:08 PM
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... I believe u did this to sleep tonight....

good for you...

there's really nothing stopping you or ur grandfather from taking that poor puppy in 2morrow!

plz do so!! we can't emphasize enough!
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Old February 8th, 2004, 11:13 PM
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Bonsoir Frenchy!
I do sympathize with you and the puppy,it sounds like life to you is not easy and it sometimes difficult for us to understand,most of us have pampered,adored pets.
I once(a looong time ago)was seventeen and had a baby and not much else,but when my cat got sick we found the money to get him to a vet.
I know your grandfathers dogs are not your responsability and I am glad you are caring for the puppy,he's just a baby and has only you...Farmlife is probably very different from our city-life,but still there must be vets around.
I at one time visited friends in Alberta who had a ranch with many dogs,if a dog got sick they shot it,if the cats had kittens they threw them against the wall,these things happen..needless to say,I would never set foot in Alberta again.
I hope the little one is not in too much pain,how old is he?
If he's eating what I presume is dog-food,he must be a little older,right?
Anyway,I hope everything works out for you,the baby and your puppy. Bonne nuit,bonne chance!
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 9th, 2004, 08:58 AM
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Just an afterthought...I want to apologize to all Albertans out there,did not mean to offend.
Alberta is a beautiful province,I just had a bad experience visiting friends we had met on holiday.
Their dogs,mostly hunting dogs,were shot if limping or anything like that...the cats kept as rat-catchers were not allowed anymore kittens and were looked at as vermins almost like the rats.I am sure it does not happen on all Alberta farms...so,I apologize again
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 9th, 2004, 09:13 AM
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I'm glad Frenchy is taking the pup to the vet....I really hope all goes well there.

Chico...I'm from Alberta..Northern Alberta to be exact. Farm girl here.....I've seen more gross things in my time then I care to think about. It's not just Alberta though that does that to the dogs..or cats for that matter. Most farmers keep the dogs outside..there is no bonding. The dogs or cats are used as a farm animal and are expendable when they are not doing their job. It's a sad thing...very sad. Thats why I have gone to the other end of the spectrum and will do anything in my power to help an animal.
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Old February 9th, 2004, 09:39 AM
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Amaruq..one of my sons has been living in Alberta for 5yrs,in Vermilion 2hours away from Edmonton.I was on a farm in Pincher Creek south of Calgary and yes,I saw many other awful things..
I could never be a cattle-farmer,my animals would all be out in the field and die of old age
I hope the little Frenchy puppy survived another night..
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 9th, 2004, 11:43 AM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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well good morning everyone
well by baby puppy is doing ok and seems to be in good spirits this morning
we are getting ready for the vet right now
so everyone wish me luck
ill keep you posted
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Old February 9th, 2004, 12:03 PM
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I thought you lived in Quebec,since you call yourself "Frenchy"
Good luck with the little one!
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Old February 9th, 2004, 12:41 PM
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Good luck.

I have my fingers crossed that everything will be ok with puppy.

Please let us know.
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Old February 9th, 2004, 12:44 PM
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I lived in a small town called Thorhild. My Dad was from Smokey Lake..He had a trap line on the North Saskatchewan river....We also had a farm out there.
I used to fight so hard with my dad how he was so gross..I still do although we don't have a farm anymore..but he likes to hunt.
Now he thinks I'm crazy cause 5 have animals and am considering and iguana but want to research more to see if I'm the right person to have one. But I love Lizards...
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Old February 9th, 2004, 04:45 PM
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Amaruq..Iguanas are beautiful creatures,I just think they belong in the wild,like in Mexico and other places.
Once when we were in Mexico,this mexican had caught one at the resort,showed him off to the tourists and tied him to a tree,later at night I went down with scissors(to my husbands horror)and cut him loose....I could have sworn he gave me a big grin and a thank you as he ran off
We've been to a lot of places in the world and it never fails,there is always an animal who needs to be "rescued"
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 9th, 2004, 05:07 PM
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if the reptile had been in captivity for a very long time or was not physically well enough for rehabilitation after injury then it may be an option, but never buy an iguana or reptile as you are just feeding a terrible industry who prey on animal and reptiles in their native habitat and steal or poach them. these industries are based on a demand supply system, no demand no supply. please dont support this type of practice, yes cats and dogs are domesticated so it is not so bad for them but to take a beautiful creature from its natural environs and put it in a little box to look at is just down right horrific, animals are part of an ecosystem and valid memeber of the world, they are not here for human pleasure which seems to be the reason these industries do so well, please dont do it. also do you have a licencing system there for reptiles, in australia you must posess a licence to house a reptile. darn you people are distracting, i just burnt the toast so the dog is happily chewing away on blackened vegemite toast.
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Old February 9th, 2004, 05:34 PM
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Melanie,you are funny.....agree about the reptiles though!!
I am not sure but I don't think you need any license to own a reptile here.....in Canada
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Old February 9th, 2004, 05:45 PM
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finally got that toast, the dog is soo happy at breakfast time as i often get very distracted so she eats all my mistakes, and all must be coated in vegemite, her favourite.
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Old February 9th, 2004, 05:47 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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Melanie I agree with you 100%. Reptiles are not adaptable, as mammals are, and most people do not have the equipment, knowledge or resources to keep them properly. They have very strict requirements as to heat, humidity, light, environment and food and will not thrive on anything less.

It's outrageous that pet stores will sell them to anyone, without regard for their care or requirements.

Most reptiles in pet homes sicken and die, and a diet of crickets is NOT adequate.

If someone really wants a reptile, they should consider a turtle. They are about the only ones that can thrive in captivity.
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