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Old December 21st, 2005, 08:15 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Just got a new APBT puppy..

Hi all, I'm new to this board. SO I thought I'd introduce myself!

My fiance and I just got a pit bull pup. We got her from someone who had got her from someone else who got her from a breeder. This girl had to get rid of her because her baby is badly allergic. THis is my frist time with an APBT pup. We have another dog, which was my fiance's family pet and we inherited her when his mom had to move. She is THE BEST dog in the world...so smart and obedient and loving. We think she does have pit bull in her but his mom said she's English Bull terrier and rotti. Meanwhile she looks like NEITHER. THye found her when she was only a few months old, someone left her in an apartment. She's now 8. Anyways, we just brought the puppy home today and she is about 10 weeks old. She's hyper but she's also been jumping on our other dogs (my parnets have a 13 yr old lab) and growling a bit and barking. She was kind of biting at my cat too. She's been nipping me and just grabs things out of my hand. I know she's a puppy but I'm worried with the biting other animals, growling and barking if this is demonstrative of an aggressive dog and how you stop it.

Thanks all!
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Old December 21st, 2005, 08:29 PM
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Hi babygrrr. and welcome! I have an Am Staff, he is my first dog, how old is your pup, it sounds to me (no expert) like this is normal puppy stuff, probably just play growling and trying to find her place with her new pack. Others will come along soon with more experience but its kind of a slow night LOL anyways welcome and congrats on the new member of your family. Also there is a Pit Bull forum(BSL) here as well if you want to check out more specifics regarding the new pup.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 11:10 PM
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Welcome aboard.

I have a question.

How old was this pup when she went to her first home from the breeder?

I'm trying to do the math here and I can't see this pup going to two different homes in 2 weeks.

If this pup was taken away from her mom before 8 weeks,then this could be another reason for the biting and nipping,and growling.

What you do need to remember is that she is teething.I would give her a stuffed Kong.Or what you can do is wet a face cloth,roll it up and freeze it.Then let her go to town with it.

Also,you need to correct her right away.If she starts to chew on you or things she shouldn't.give her a firm "NO" then give her a toy that she can.Then praise her.You should also teach her the "leave it" command.

I know I am forgetting other things,but I am just so tired...LOL

Can you post some pics of her?
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Old December 21st, 2005, 11:43 PM
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Hi Babygrl, welcome to the board.

When Trigs, the pittie would nip as a pup I would always disengage play, say "uh uh", stand up and walk away, making sure to avoid eye contact until he stopped acting silly. Then, when he would calm down, I would start to play with him again. If he started getting rough I would go through it again. APBT's are smart, pup will learn quickly that nipping means that the playing stops.
I found that training him was very enjoyable, he was so fast to learn new things and so loving. Puppy classes are great becuase they get the much needed socialization, and they get to spend time with you, and of course, they learn.

BTW have you chosen a name?
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:00 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Mona: I'm not sure how old she was when she left the breeder. I was actually wondering that myself last night. I was doing the math and my fiance and i were wondering if she had left too early. It's 8 weeks I think, so either she's been in 3 home in 3 or 4 weeks or she did leave too early. Either way, this could be playing a part too I guess, right?

It's so strange because it's almost like I'm intimidated by what she could grow up to be. Which makes me so mad (and quite frankly a hypocrite) because I have been the BIGGEST advocate of pit bulls. I even wrote a very long and nasty email, to McGuinty and Bryant after the legislation came up. Lacey, our other dog, we think has either staffy in her or APBT. We're not sure though. I don't have any pics of her...hopefully I will after xmas and I'll post them so I can get everyone's input. BUt I did read last night that it's not always good to have 2 pit bull types together, especially same sex...does anyone have any thoughts on this?? Does anyone have two pittys that they can share some stories of how they get a long??

I do have have pics of the new pup, who is named Shelby. I am attaching a pic, or at least trying to so I hope it works!!

I guess so far I've been doing things right, I just wanted to make sure. She's also not se gentle when she takes things from you so I've been saying "easy" and then praising her when she is gentle.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:04 PM
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wow, she is very cute.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:10 PM
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Cutie Pie

Wow! She is soooooooo cute! Welcome to the board. I have 3 'pitbull type' dogs and love them all.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:19 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Bulllover, does that mean they all get along?? And there's no aggression towards one another?? In order to keep them from getting animal agressive, do we just have to make sure they are socialized?

Also, I forgot to mention this, but Shelby hasn't had her first set of shots yet...she was scheduled to go in January but then the girl had to get rid of her. I read that she shouldn't be around other dogs if she hasn't had her shots. Is this true!?!? What can it do??? We will get them done ASAP in January. I believe there's 3 sets?? Does anyone know the cost per set?

It's been 13 years since I've had a puppy so please bare with me.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:21 PM
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Shelby is GORGEOUS! You'll do great raising her... I can't answer your questions about having 2 pitties... just wanted to say welcome! and thanks for sharing a pic of the little darling!
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:26 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Originally Posted by jessi76
Shelby is GORGEOUS! You'll do great raising her... I can't answer your questions about having 2 pitties... just wanted to say welcome! and thanks for sharing a pic of the little darling!
Thanks Jessi! Is that your puppy that you have as your avtar?? She's beautiful!!! She looks like our Lacey. I love the tan pitties, they are gorgeous.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:26 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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What a beautiful puppy! I have a pit bull too and can't imagine life without one!

I"m worried about yours not having had any vaccinations. Be very careful with her, since pit bulls do seem somewhat predisposed to getting parvo.

Once she's vaccinated, start socializing her with people and dogs as much as possible. Take her to obedience school too.

In order to keep them from getting animal agressive, do we just have to make sure they are socialized?
She could get along with some other dogs, but the number one rule with pit bulls is to NEVER leave them alone with other dogs, no matter how well they get along. Socialization is great, but it does NOT mean she will not be aggressive towards dogs or other animals on maturity.

If you choose to keep this breed, you have to work around this and be committed to keeping her no matter what.

Last edited by Lucky Rescue; December 22nd, 2005 at 01:29 PM.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by BabyGrl
Thanks Jessi! Is that your puppy that you have as your avtar?? She's beautiful!!! She looks like our Lacey. I love the tan pitties, they are gorgeous.
why thank you... yes, that is my pooch, Tucker. He's a basenji-pittie mix. (although, the pittie part is a guess)

I do hope you stick around for a while, (TONS of great people, advice, and info here) I for one, would love to continue to see Shelby's pics as she grows up.

I must 2nd Lucky's recommendation for obedience classes (once she's vaccinated). The socialization they get at a class is wonderful.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 01:43 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Uh oh, we are going to my mother in law's for xmas dinner and have to bring her with us. There will be two other dogs there... I was going to keep Shelby on eher leash while we are there but I'm woried that we can't take her ow. Ugh!!!

As for not leaving them alone with other dogs or anymals. Ok, this worries me now. We have 2 other dogs in the house and a cat. And while she'll be in her crate until she can be trusted to roam on her own, she can't be kept in there forever when we're out of the house. I dont want to come home and find dead animals around the house. And we do work!
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 02:31 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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You don't need to worry now, since your puppy is just a little baby! The more she interacts with tolerant adult dogs who can teach her manners, the better! Many adult dogs will correct puppies without harming them. It's also a good opportunity for you to teach her she may not act like an idiot with other dogs.

She may be fine with other dogs for a long time, or maybe forever. Many pit bulls do not show dog agression until 2, 3 or even 4 years old. Even if she's okay when she matures, it's always better to be safe than sorry and you must be prepared. You can gradually get her used to spending time in a separate room for when you're not home.

Look at it this way: You wouldn't leave a husky outside in your unfenced yard, because the odds are he would run away, as that's what he was bred to do. Pit bulls were bred to fight other dogs, so an ounce of prevention is really worth a pound of cure!

To get a better understanding of this breed, here is one of my favorite sites for you to read.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 03:27 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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I have actually read therealpitbull.com Apparently I should have read it more thoroughly BEFORE getting a puppy though. I am very apprehensive now that they might turn on each other. We don't know exactly what Lacey is, I just figured from pictures she was partially an Am Staff or APBT but we're not 100% sure. BUt to litterally keep them seperated when we're not home?? The reason I got Shelby was so that when we move outof my parents Lacey wouldn't be lonely and would HAVE someone with her when we weren't there. Now I find out were going to have to keep them in seperate rooms??

ANd on top of that I just spoke with my fiance and apparently he was trying to get Lacey used to Shelby so he picked her up and puther in Lacey's face. Lacey showed her teeh and growled and Mike went to give her trouble and she showed her teeth to HIM!! she has NEVER done that before and she apparently went to bite him too!

Sorry if I sound like a basket case but I'm having really bad feelings now that this may not have been a good idea without introducing them first to see how they would interact or at least read more in-depth info on the breeds. BEcause I thought Lacey is partially pitty, I just wanted another dog just like her, but now even SHE is turning aggressive! She's never done anything like this with my parents dog Checsea or any cats she's lived with before.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 03:43 PM
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Introducing a new dog to a household with dogs can be stressfull for everyone - especially for the dogs. You haven't had Shelby very long at all, it will take some time for Lacey to accept her, I'm sure.

With proper socializing and obedience training, Shelby could turn out to be a great companion for Lacey - but don't assume from their actions right now that it can't happen. Shelby is a very young puppy and Lacey isn't used to her yet. Everyone needs time to get used to this change.

also, forcing them to interact isn't a good idea - let Lacey explore Shelby on her own terms.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 03:59 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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You're right, they need to get comfortable with each other on their own. It's just the whole idea of having to keep them seperate or constantly worrying that they're going to tear each other apart is what is now scaring me. Especially if they are known to be dog/animal aggressive. Lacey has never shown signs of aggressiveness to other animals or to people, but we dont know for sure what she is either. Shelby on the other hand is a pure bred pit. I just want a harmonius household :sad: I dont want to find out 2 or 4 years down the road when we have now got used to her being around that she's becoming aggressive with dogs and other animals. Or that Lacey is now becoming aggressive with her.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 06:24 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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my fiance and apparently he was trying to get Lacey used to Shelby so he picked her up and puther in Lacey's face.
This is not the way to introduce any animals, of any kind. In fact, I would say it's the absolute worst way.

If you are very uncomfortable with dog aggression, you shouldn't have brought a pit bull home. IF you dont' feel you can handle it, it would be better to try and find the puppy a new home NOW ( hopefully her last one) with someone who is knowledgeable about the breed and doesn't expect her to be a playmate for other dogs, especially another adult female.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 06:35 PM
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BabyGrl if you do decide to keep your pup, I don't know were you live, but we do a "pit bull" co-op socialization group and are just getting going in Toronto. We would love to have a puppy join, I have been talking to a guy who just got a pup too is that your fiance or do we have two new pups??? Anyways, if your worried about your pup, it would be really good to find a mentor so you would gain confidence in your dog, and yourself in your ability to deal with your dog. I really wish I had had this site or some good people in my life to help me through the more stressful parts of raising a "pittie" Most of the problems I thought I was having were just me over'reacting to behaviours because he was a "pittie" My boy is almost seven now and even with all of my bungling, he still has never been in a dog fight and most certainly has never been aggressive to a human! Youll do fine, as long as your sure you want this. Do you have anyone that you really trust to help you through?
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 09:23 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Thanks Babyrock. I'm in Ottawa. Too bad we weren't closer cuz I'd love to join! I dont think my fiance is on here...not that I know of anyways lol, so there must be 2 new pups!

I love Shelby but I am getting very nervous with reading what Lucky Rescue has been saying. If it's inevitable that my dogs are going to fight, regardless of what we do, then I see no choice BUT to give her to someone else. My fiance doesn't want to do that and is totally against it, but he hasn't read the stuff I've read on here. Especially the stories in the other boards about the dog fights at home, the girl who got bit, etc. And I do NOT want to come home to see one of them dead...and since Shelby is a purebred, it would probably be Lacey. I didn't realize that they were so animal aggressive. I guess I should have researched more!! :sad:

My fiance is confident that if we give Shelby the right training she'll be fine and Lacey will eventually warm up to each other.

The whole "two females can't get along" theory, I always thought was a wives tale. We have 2 females in the house, even before Shelby, and there's never been any problems with them. They're friends!
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 09:26 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Just a question... who is "comfortable" with dog aggression?? And if people aren't getting pit bulls to be good pets/companions, what are they getting them for?? Are ALL pit bulls animal aggressive?? If so, why do people have more than one or have a pittie with other pets?

Just trying to get an understanding here...
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 09:42 PM
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Im certainly not comfortable with dog aggression, but I have a pittie. Granted I have never had two, but Rocky was raised with three cats, he never was aggressive to them yet he now would be aggressive towards other cats if I allowed it. He seems to react to them the same way as he does squirrels, as if they are prey!! Anyways, i always worried when Rock was a pup so I crated him. That simple. What if you got the pup used to being crated so that when they are grown you can crate one of them while you are out and at night. Wouldn't that alleviate the worry? Is your older girl dominant? Does she guard resources or territory? Coppers mom has two pitties, they are not the same sex though but when shes on Im sure shell have some tips. She was going through similar anxietys as you are when she first got the younger one. We are trying to set u a "chapter" of the pb coop in Ottawa so hang in there LOL BTW alot of the pittie owners here have other pets. Unfortunately you have come at a time when alot of them arent on chatting, I guess there out Xmas shopping! Hey Stacy B is in Ottawa, maybe you could meet her, she is a trainer.
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Last edited by babyrocky1; December 22nd, 2005 at 09:45 PM.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 10:41 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Babyrocky, yes crating one of them (would have to be Shelby) while we're out would alleviate the worry of something happening but I don't want to have to resort to that. I wanted to get another dog so that Lacey wouldn't be lonely when my fiance and I buy our own house and she won't have Chelsea anymore. It's not like the two are always with each other and best friends or anything, but you can tell when they aren't around the other they get lonely. I do want a companion for Lacey, I guess that's really the bottom line. I certainly didn't think that having two females would be a problem since Chelsea and Lacey get along so well. It didn't even cross my mind, especially since Lacey doesn't like male dogs. Lacey isn't really that dominant. I mean she will put Shelby in her place but she knows her rank within the family and she definitely doesn't think she's the boss around here. Again, we don't know for sure what kind of dog Lacey is, but we do think she has some sort of pitty in her. And like I said, Shelby is purebred.

An Ottawa chapter of the pb coop would be great!! I would love to talk to other owners of multi pits, especially Stacey B if she's a trainer.

My fiance doens't seem worried at all, he thinks Lacey will adapt and then from there it's all in the way you train the two to interact. But i can see Shelby thinking she's queen B and Lacey having nothing of it and showing her who the real queen is. And with shelby being purebred, I'm worried that she's going to be a little stronger than Lacey and since I brought Shelby into the house, if something were to happen to Lacey I would never forgive myself. Oh lord. Having a puppy is supposed to be a good, HAPPY thing!!
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 11:22 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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And if people aren't getting pit bulls to be good pets/companions, what are they getting them for??
Pit bulls are WONDERFUL pets and companions - to people. A pit bull with proper temperament should love everyone and never show aggression to people! They should not be brought home to be companions to other dogs. They were bred to FIGHT other dogs, and they are very good at it.

My fiance doens't seem worried at all, he thinks Lacey will adapt and then from there it's all in the way you train the two to interact.
What is your fiance's experience with this breed? Many people think that, and it's just not so. This is why so many adult pit bulls get dumped. People get them as puppies, then when they mature and attack another dog in the home, they are dumped and that is not fair. I've seen it over and over. I would just hate to see that happen to Shelby, as finding responsible and knowledgeable homes for adult pit bulls is nearly impossible. It's a very rare adult pit bull who doesn't have some dog aggression/intolerance. Anything can start a fight, and the pit bull will win and will not stop even if the other dog surrenders.

I"m not interested in separating dogs and dealing with aggression either, which is why I have only the one dog. She is wonderful with my cats, and adores all people, and that's enough for me.

Shelby might be fine, but you must be ready in the event that she is not. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

If you want to talk to many longtime and experienced owners of multiple dogs/pit bulls, please check out this forum. They'll be glad to advise you.
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 11:44 PM
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Originally Posted by BabyGrl
Mona: I'm not sure how old she was when she left the breeder. I was actually wondering that myself last night. I was doing the math and my fiance and i were wondering if she had left too early. It's 8 weeks I think, so either she's been in 3 home in 3 or 4 weeks or she did leave too early. Either way, this could be playing a part too I guess, right
Well if she has been in 3 homes within a month,then that would mean she left this so called breeder at 6 weeks..Which is to young.So yes,this could be playing a part also.

Also,you have to remember that Lacey is much older.And at times older dogs may not accept a new puppy right away,or maybe not at all.

As for the shots,this so called breeder should have had her first set of shots done at 6 weeks.

If I recall(now I haven't had a pup for 9 years)I got mine at 12 weeks.The first 2 sets were done by my breeder.Then I had them done at 12 weeks and the final including the rabies where done at 16 weeks.

All I can suggest is that you think long and hard about this.

Do you have any pics of Lacey?....

BTW,Shelby is such a cutie patootie..........
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Old December 23rd, 2005, 12:20 AM
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Originally Posted by BabyGrl
The whole "two females can't get along" theory, I always thought was a wives tale. We have 2 females in the house, even before Shelby, and there's never been any problems with them. They're friends!
It's just much easier with a male and female or two males than with two females. Females are harder to get along with as it is...
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Old December 23rd, 2005, 08:49 AM
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Guess it just depends on the dogs..

I've only had males.And had 2 at the same time.No problems at all.My sister has 3 females and they get along great.But I have heard of people having issues with two females.

Females are harder to get along with as it is...
Soooo true Prin....
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Old December 23rd, 2005, 09:50 AM
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Welcome, I am also in Ottawa. Are you taking this puppy to classes? Also, I would get the vaccinations done right away. Your puppy no longer has any protection and they don't start building their own until they are 10 wks. Keep her away from everything until she has had at least one set.
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Old December 23rd, 2005, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by mona_b
Soooo true Prin....
What's that supposed to mean?!?!?!?

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Old December 23rd, 2005, 02:18 PM
BabyGrl BabyGrl is offline
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Hmm I cna't send a PM for some reason..
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