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Old March 10th, 2008, 04:37 PM
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Bring Brew Home

Hello, I'm currently in a struggle to have our beloved Brewser returned to us. This is a case of good intention gone bad and missing information sending us astray in our efforts to have our 6yr old Border Collie returned to us. His registered name is Serendipity's Brew and he's a registered Border Collie with the AKC that I introduced to my family in New Brunswick 6yrs ago April 4, 2002. I currently hold his ansestry bloodline documents, registration papers and immunization record. He's a big part of our family and we rarely go or do anything without him. He is so well behaved and well manoured that he's always complimented. When we walk him it's common for vehicles to stop and comment on his looks. He's very large for a border collie and i've yet to find one like him in this community. We only moved to Carberry, Manitoba 1 year ago and we like the slower lifestyle of this small community. We feel safe here with our children (we have 4). The local children have come to know my dog and adore him, especially the way he plays hide and seek. He loves children, cats and is especially calm and gentle with the elderly. I've actually considered visiting one of the 5 or more elderly living establishments that make Carberry home. Being such a small community you'd think that the passage of information would be smooth but as i've experienced it's only as smooth as you make it. This all began approximately 1 month ago when we still had the surge of cold weather that Manitoba is known for. My 11yr old son let Brew out for his nightly business. Brew has in the past wondered out of our yard when given the chance so we've made it necessary to watch from an open door and return the pooch as soon as he's done. Unfortunately my young son was lured by his open computer game and returned to it's side rather that do what was required at the door. Brew saw the chance and decided to go visiting. 1 hour passed and I asked where Brew was which triggered my son's memory and he checked the door. No Brew. I stayed up and waited for the pooch for a long while because he always returned home. No Brew. I went out and looked for him. No Brew. I figured because of the cold a family had taken him in. It had happened in the past that a family would decide to take him in even going so far as to remove his collar and try and adopt him on sight. It took a week but we retrived him thanking the family for their concern for him. They only lived two blocks away. We happened across him when they attempted to walk him. Not their fault I hadn't updated his ID tags to reflect his new phone number. I promptly did this on his return. With this new disappearance I decided more change was in order on his return to ensure he no longer had the opportunity to take advantage of an 11yr old's mistake. This night his collar had already been removed for a quiet night of sleep. We decided he must be in some good somaritan's care again. One week passed and my son's tears sent me searching every chance i could. I'd asked many residents in Carberry if they had an animal shelter in the town and was told no. Not a big surprise, not a big town. Two weeks passed and still no Brew. The weather picked up, and brought hope that we'd find him being walked again. Every day of nice weather sent us searching to no avail. Unfortunately my search was limited by demands from work. I work for an office that oversees the financial and administrative services for all military members being deployed to Afganistan and with the tours changing hands this was a very busy time for me. I think i'd almost settled with the idea that perhaps a local farmer snagged him. In any case i'd find him and relay my story of pity and woe. The following week i was informed that i was being scheduled for Spinal surgery. In the week that followed I spoke to a grocery store cashier in hopes that someone had mentioned a found dog. It was at this point that I was informed that found dogs were relocated 70kms away in Brandon at their animal shelter. Panic set in, I know from past experience that they only hold an animal for a very short time before being offered up for adoption. I used to volunteer at a local humane society. Being too late for business hours i called the following morning from work and enquired about a Border Collie picked up in the Carberry area. I was told there was one and he'd been adopted out to a Brandon family. I couldn't tell my son. He already blamed himself and I was having major surgery the following day. I couldn't do that to him. My short stay in the hospital saw sleepless nights filled with tears over my pup. I finally discussed my situation with the night nurses in hope that I could get some much needed sleep and purhaps a solution. It was mentioned that I should call city hall. My delemma is this. I don't want to challenge the legalities of pet adoption. I am an avid supporter in their cause and currently own a 19yr old cat that i adopted at age 8weeks. She's a joy even in her senior years. The shelter provides a much needed service, but I love my Brew and I don't know what to do. I guess i hope that in hearing my plee the family that currently has Brew will side with reason and understand that a mistake has been made. I didn't know to call Brandon or I would have immediately. In retrospect there were probably other places i could have seeked to help. This is not a widely known fact in this community or at least one the residents I spoke to would have offered up this information I would assume. If i could turn back time i would but in the meanwhile my son cries and so do I. In his blaming himself, I blame myself. Last night he pulled out all Brew's documents to feel closer to him I suppose. The shelter will not divulge the new owner's name but has promised to send to them our phone number. That was 3 days ago. No call. We are more than willing to offer up financial restitution for any costs incurred. We love him dearly and although he carries a wonderful diposition and a happy character his heart belongs with us. He has crossed this country with us and I couldn't possibly leave without him. We are a military family and with our service we give up all emotional connections and friendships we create at every post when we move on. The only sense of continuity we possess are the people and possessions that travel with us from post to post. Please bring Brew home, we miss him very much. Any ideas out there on past issues like this?

Old March 10th, 2008, 05:06 PM
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Holy lots-a-words.

I hope you find Brew. Have you put up posters, knocked on neighbours doors?
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Old March 10th, 2008, 05:16 PM
shirley1011 shirley1011 is offline
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Kelly, my heart goes out to you. If I were in your position I would take out an ad with a picture of Brew and your son and put it in the Brandon paper with a brief plea for the error in looking at that shelter and perhaps
when they hear your plight they may return Brew.
Have you sent a picture to the shelter to confirm that it was Brew that was adopted from there?
Best of Luck to you...it has to be the worst feeling ever to not know where your beloved pets are.
Old March 10th, 2008, 05:41 PM
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IWhoops should have read more closely. adopted a cat from a shelter a year ago, he is precious and I could not believe that somebody was not looking for him. Had the shelter called me letting me know that his family was looking for him, I would have contracted them in an instant (with proof I would have returned him). The loss of a beloved pet is similar to loosing a child. You never know, they may be out of town on vacation. Hopefully somebody will contact you soon. I would call the shelter again to ensure they passed on the message to the family who adopted him and to make sure they have your phone number correct.

I second shirley's idea of putting an ad in the Brandon paper.
Cat maid to:

Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

Jasper RIP (2001-2018)
Sweet Pea RIP (2004?-2014)
Puddles RIP (1996-2014)
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In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.-English Proverb

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Old March 10th, 2008, 11:06 PM
ddianam ddianam is offline
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Kelly27, I really really hope that you find your dog. I am in a similar situation as far as having lost my dog. You would think that people the community would help with a lost pet, but unfortunately some people aren't kind and don't care and know what it feels like to love a pet. My dog went missing a week ago and he has been spotted twice. The 2 different people who saw my dog on 2 seperate instances, did not do anything about it except call me to tell me that they spotted him. I asked them to keep track of him or hang on to him or something until I got there (which would be 5 mins later since I lived close by), but they both said no. When I called one person back to ask them if they would hold him they lied and said that they didnt even call and that I had the wrong #. Anyways, some people are just rude and mean and will never understand the feeling of losing a pet.
Hopefully you get Brew back and I find my dog as well.
Old March 11th, 2008, 06:45 AM
shirley1011 shirley1011 is offline
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I was just looking on www.canadastrays.com but noticed that there are not many dogs posted there as missing. Perhaps posting a picture there will make it easy for whoever has Brew to check the picture and see your story.
Old March 11th, 2008, 09:41 AM
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Oh my, Kelly...I hope things work out for you. I agree about taking an ad out in the paper - and hopfully the shelter told the family that you were willing to offer a reward. I would think that any person who would not give you your dog back after hearing this story could probably be bribed into doing so.
Fingers crossed for you...please keep us posted!
Old March 11th, 2008, 10:24 AM
Jim Hall Jim Hall is offline
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I am sorry for what you are going through but really. an 11 yr old is bound to get distracted no IDs or inaccurate ones and a border collie not on a leash.

I hope you get Brew back and have learned something from this.
Old March 11th, 2008, 12:23 PM
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Finding Brew

Thank you for your support, it heartens me to see that not everyone is so quick to lay blame. I first and foremost want to admit that it certainly was our families error that caused this. You wanna believe that we've learned something. I've gone 6 years without having issues with Brew's whereabouts and i've never had a single complaint about any of my pets. I believe we are good pet owners and good neighbours. Sleep or no sleep the collar stays on! Not to mention better use of the kennel, i've always bent when Brew disagreed with going in there....guess i was too soft hearted...In response to all the questions, i have sent an email to the Brandon Sun with my dilemma, i've also contacted local radio stations on phone and email. I will put in an Ad shortly. Good idea. I'm currently creating a poster for distribution in Brandon. When i did initially contact the shelter they were very quick to go on the defensive and throw the blame back at me and mentioned that if i pursued this then no one would want to adopt from the shelter anymore. The second time my husband called and they said they'd pass my phone # to the new owners. But they will not tell me who they are. I'm not even sure if they'll actually do as they've said they will. The fight continues.

Thank you for the support

Old March 11th, 2008, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Kelly27 View Post
When i did initially contact the shelter they were very quick to go on the defensive and throw the blame back at me and mentioned that if i pursued this then no one would want to adopt from the shelter anymore. The second time my husband called and they said they'd pass my phone # to the new owners. But they will not tell me who they are. I'm not even sure if they'll actually do as they've said they will. The fight continues.

Thank you for the support

I can understand both sides, but I think out of compassion, the shelter would pass your number onto the new owners. It is not like you surrendered your dog, then decided you wanted it back. The dog got lost. Like I said in my second post, had the shelter contacted me that Jasper's owners were looking for him, I would contact them.
Cat maid to:

Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

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In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.-English Proverb

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Old March 11th, 2008, 01:27 PM
shirley1011 shirley1011 is offline
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Don't give up..plaster him wherever you can..use the internet lost and found sites, do ads and don't give up. I first hand know how awful you feel and I know you will do whatever you can to try and find Brew.
My heart goes out to you and your family and my thoughts are with you.
Old March 11th, 2008, 02:46 PM
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Kelly...I agree with Shirley...don't give up!!!
Maybe the new owners don't know how Brew ended up at the shelter but as long as his face and your story are out there there is always a chance.
We're pretty sure someone has our Billie, she's now been missing for over 10 months, but I keep reposting her face on as many lost/found sites that I can.
that the new owners realize how much he is loved and return him.
Old March 11th, 2008, 07:11 PM
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Bring Brew Home

I really feel bad for you and hope the new owners of Brew find out you are looking for him and return him to you. Seven years ago a co-worker found a golden pup. I was looking for one to adopt at the time. After keeping her for a week my co-worker decided to give her to me. The next day I began making phone calls to all the shelters in the area. I wanted to make sure that no one was looking for her. Everytime I called a shelter and asked about reported lost goldens my heart would sink. I was so afraid that I would have to return her to her owner as I was already in love with her. My point in all this is that after a month I am sure that Brew's new family is in love with him. I understand you have history with him but love begins immediately. Even if they find out you are looking for him this doesn't mean they will give him up. I think you should be honest with your son and explain the situation to him. It won't be easy for him but knowing that Brew is safe and warm in a new home is better than him thinking that he was hit by a car or freezing outside.

Good luck to you
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Old March 11th, 2008, 07:31 PM
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Cooperbelle, you are so right....and I think most of us would be upset if we knew that someone had our lost dogs, but to know that they are safe and warm and loved would make it so much easier to bear.
It is the not knowing that is so hard so I think you must continue to try and find out what happened to Brew and know that you did everything you
could..... and never give up
Old March 11th, 2008, 08:05 PM
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Bring Brew Home

[QUOTE=shirley1011;561827]Cooperbelle, you are so right....and I think most of us would be upset if we knew that someone had our lost dogs, but to know that they are safe and warm and loved would make it so much easier to bear.
It is the not knowing that is so hard so I think you must continue to try and find out what happened to Brew and know that you did everything you
could..... and never give up[/QUOTE

I agree that you shouldn't give up and meant to write that. I know I wouldn't. One thing that came to mind because I work with rescue. Could he have gone to a Border Collie rescue group? I know in this area when an older purebred is found we are often contacted to take the dog. It isn't easy to find new homes for older dogs and shelters don't always try. They prefer to put the young ones up for adoption.
I think it may be a good idea to take a drive to the shelter and speak to the director.
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Old March 12th, 2008, 02:46 AM
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Funny you should say that. I'm up at 2:30am because i can't stop thinking about this. I was actually just considering heading out to the shelter and speaking to him one on one. Maybe if he hears the whole story he'll have more empathy for my situation. And I definately agree that any family that has Brew will love him but i'm fueled by my son's tears and that gives me momentum...In the end the best interest of the dog is supposed to be priority according to the shelter and that would be us....we're his family and we've had him from 8wks old...although i would feel bad about anyone's pain i believe Brew belongs home...It's a lose lose situation...but like most people on this site i couldn't keep a well loved pooch knowingly...btw i got my posters done today and am going to send them to all four corners of the city....I also sent a lost dog email to the shelter's site for them to post complete with picture....i wonder if they'll clue in?
Old March 12th, 2008, 02:57 AM
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oh and btw my avatar pic is Brew and if anyone would like to help my cause you could send a friendly email to the Brandon Shelter asking them to help bring Brew home. They do know who has him but they will not release any info or relay to the new owners what's going on. They also double as Brandon Kennels and funny thing is i used their kennel services last year for a couple of weeks for Brew and Kitty my 19 year old cat....while we were moving in here from NB. I didn't know at that time that they were also the pound. Go figure.
Old March 12th, 2008, 06:35 AM
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Kelly,like the others say,I would be very happy and relieved knowing my dog was safe,but Brew belongs in his home,the home he grew up in and loved.
The people who adopted him,did a wonderful thing and I am sure they love and care for him,it also shows they have compassion.
Hopefully their compassion will help them give Brew back to the rightful owner,you and your family.
I am hoping Brews story will be told in the local newspaper,that the adopters will relent and let you come and talk to them.
Seeing Brew was not an abandonned pup,in my view the shelter should be forthcoming and help resolve this very difficult situation
3 days is a very short time for them to give up on an owner,maybe Brews situation will change their policy.
Good Luck
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Old March 12th, 2008, 08:28 AM
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Don't give up! I am sure the family loves Brew, but Brew is still mourning the loss of his home and his pack.

If the new family doesn't know you are looking for him, then they can't contract you. If they are pet lovers they will understand and would want what was best for Brew and that is to be returned to his home.
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Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

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Old March 12th, 2008, 08:36 AM
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btw i got my posters done today and am going to send them to all four corners of the city....I also sent a lost dog email to the shelter's site for them to post complete with picture....i wonder if they'll clue in?

Ok he dog has been found correct so if you post a missing dog notice your making the people who read those and care look for a dog that isnt really missing
Old March 12th, 2008, 09:22 AM
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Jim - as far as the people reading the posters are concerned, this is the owner of the dog who has no idea of the dog's whereabouts. They don't need to know that this is a ploy to get the new owner's attention. If Kelly didn't know what she knows from the shelter, she would still put up the posters, so ultimately it doesn't matter that the dog has a current home.
Old March 12th, 2008, 12:32 PM
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He's missing from me and the only people that can help resolve this situation won't help regardless of the details they seem more concerned with the reputation of the shelter...If you ask me if my story is told openly it could harm the shelter more than if they assist me from the beginning...that will be the context of my conversation with them today....i hope they see the light....my posters are an effort to let the new owners know that Brew's family is still searching for him as we have from the beginning just apparently not in the right places....remember i don't live in Brandon I live 70kms away...oh and I called my town hall yesterday to discover that our town does not have an animal control agent right now, he resigned in Jan a month before Brew disappeared....so i still do not know how Brew made his way there...The shelter said animal control brought him in but we do not have one and town hall does not have any record of any dogs being transported to Brandon...Apparently this dilemma will be discussed at the next town meeting...adding proper communication and publication of all animals sent out of town so owners have a way of locating them....and get this....i applied for the animal control job....I'm a military member full time but this is only full time and i'm more than willing to take it on...
Old March 12th, 2008, 12:34 PM
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I had to laugh @ Chico up above....I looked at all his deletions and the first thing that crept into my foggy head was.....he stutters?....LOL
Old March 12th, 2008, 12:37 PM
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I think the shelter should notify the new family and leave it up to the new family to contact kelly if they choose to. I think that makes for a compassionate shelter.
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In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.-English Proverb

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Old March 12th, 2008, 01:36 PM
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...adding proper communication and publication of all animals sent out of town so owners have a way of locating them....and get this....i applied for the animal control job....I'm a military member full time but this is only full time and i'm more than

coreect me if i am wrong that he did not have any id cause you took it off so he could sleep?

so if you gert the animal control job and you get a dog you dont know whose it is and a week goes by and nobody contacts you and you get hiom adopted will you tell the new keepers sorry to braek your heart but .....

Im sorry i am not usually this harsh but it seems you are blaming ervyone one else for this AND IT WAS YOUR FAULT
Old March 12th, 2008, 01:49 PM
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[QUOTE=Jim Hall;562206
coreect me if i am wrong that he did not have any id cause you took it off so he could sleep?

so if you gert the animal control job and you get a dog you dont know whose it is and a week goes by and nobody contacts you and you get hiom adopted will you tell the new keepers sorry to braek your heart but .....

Im sorry i am not usually this harsh but it seems you are blaming ervyone one else for this AND IT WAS YOUR FAULT[/QUOTE]

Oh Jim, you are being a big meanie! But when your heart is broken and hurting so bad ...
Like I said in a previous post, had the owners of Jasper contacted me when I first adopted him, and if they had proof he was theirs, and if Jasper was happy to see them, I would have given him back because I just couldn't keep something that I knew somebody was hurting over and missing.
Cat maid to:

Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

Jasper RIP (2001-2018)
Sweet Pea RIP (2004?-2014)
Puddles RIP (1996-2014)
Snowball RIP (1991-2005)

In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.-English Proverb

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Old March 12th, 2008, 02:02 PM
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I dont mean to be a meanie and i understand the heartbrake invovled Im just a little miffed that it seems that Kelly will do anything to get Brew back

all right I said my I hope you do get Brew back but i also hope that his new owners dont get too heartbroken also
Old March 12th, 2008, 02:53 PM
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I don't think you're being a meanie Jim, I think you're thinking along the lines that others may think also and you're right i do admit that my son made a mistake....he took the collar off so he could sleep not the dog....Brew tends to move around a lot through the night....taking it off through the night isen't an issue if my son was responsible enough to put it back on in the morning which was the case and we never had a previous problem...the problem this time is Brew wanted out one last time before bed after my son had already removed it then became absent minded about letting him back in immediately after he'd finished....he's 11, it happens. He's so broken hearted about this now that i doubt it'll happen again...i have no doubt whoever has him hasen't fallen head over heels for him but understand he's the product of a lot of love and attention, his natural good nature and our patience and love created a wonderful pet for us and anyone that he connects with...he's the product of us and no I'm not willing to surrender him over a mistake and a serioulsy faulty system for animal control...If i do get the job there'll be better communication and a well known area for people searching for there pets to go as an itial contact...something this area has none of....I had absolutely no knowledge of what happened to my pet or any direction as to where to search for him outside of my town....There are other towns closer than Brandon that would have made more sense to search....there was just absolutely no reason for me to search in Brandon, remember i'm new here and all i had to rely on were other residents knowledge and they didn't know either that adds to the case that more information is needed here...I'm not a bad pet owner and Brew loves us why punish him?...the bottom line is if i do not get better co-operation from the system then i'll be communicating through a lawyer soon and hopefully forcing the system to better it's ways...i'm just trying to fix this without causing a tidal wave first...and that's because i care about the family that has him now....it's not their fault either...but that doesn't change the fact that Brew is my family member not theirs...I still believe that if they knew about all this they'd feel as horrible as i do...and i don't want this ever to repeat itself to anyone in my town again...I think that's admirable....
Old March 12th, 2008, 03:03 PM
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and Jim I believe anytime an animal goes missing in some way shape or form it will be the human's fault. Animals don't make mistakes they only act on instinct. It will always be a human that steals the pet, ignores the pet, puts the pet in a vehicle etc etc....it's just people that love their pets never cause intentional harm and learn from there mistakes...i'm not being afforded that opportunity
Old March 12th, 2008, 04:25 PM
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Kelly,no I don't stuttermy PC was slow this morning and I kept klicking reply and they all came up eventuallyalso I am a she,but my Chico is a he
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