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Old April 28th, 2004, 07:12 PM
Bill & Bob Bill & Bob is offline
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Just to be clear, I wasn't just talking about the people who own pets on a farm. All of my uncles were farmers and they all had cats and dogs. Many of whom lived outside in a heated dog house, or in the barn, or in the house, or a combination thereof. I also think there are jerk farmers in the country who own dogs, jerk lawyers in the city who own dogs, etc. It's human nature. We're fallable.
I was talking about everyone who posted on this thread myself included. We all confabulate when we participate in interactive activities on the internet. It's human nature.
I'm starting to sound like a priest here and it's pissing me off. I don't often like wearing the zebra shirt and playing referee.
Old April 28th, 2004, 07:19 PM
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GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they loose,hubby will be in the fetal position in the corner sucking his thumb.......LMAO
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 28th, 2004, 07:21 PM
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I agree with Bob! lol!

We live in the heart of the city...slum basically. Alot of welfare people and they don't give a crap about their dogs.

There is good and bad in all things. I seen farm dogs that heck I would love to take their place and some that I cry for silently.

There are all sorts of ideas...ideas aren't bad the people behind them might be though.
Old April 28th, 2004, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Bill & Bob
I also think there are jerk farmers in the country who own dogs, jerk lawyers in the city who own dogs, etc.

Heeeeeyyyyyy!!!!! As a lawyer that lives in the city and owns a dog, I think you are trying to personally attack me now... LOL

Old April 28th, 2004, 07:34 PM
Bill & Bob Bill & Bob is offline
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Personally I'm just disappointed with this thread in it's entirity. Not excluding any of the participants. City people condemning country people, country people condemning city people. So much faesces slinging here, you'd think it was a god damned monkey cage at the zoo.
Nice start with a cat sucking on an earlobe, and it deteriorates into an all out war with cliques being formed and too much negative energy. Tell ya what. Everyone find their favourite damn pet and either get it to suck on your earlobe or you suck on it's ear and if it has a lobe, focus on that.
I don't give a damn if you are in the country or the city. I don't care if you work in a shelter, or if your dog spends the night in a dog house.
Everyone smoke em if you got em, get a glass of water, or do whatever you have to do to relax.
Myself, I'm on my fourth beer and watching the Maple Loafs get their asses kicked.
Old April 28th, 2004, 07:38 PM
Bill & Bob Bill & Bob is offline
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You're funny Michelle. Lawyer eh? LSS or private firm? I worked with guys getting out of prison for 9 years around this town. Got Gordo Campbellized though. Now I bet Gordo doesn't have a pet, and if he does I bet it's stuffed and on his mantel piece. They are cheaper to maintain that way.
Old April 28th, 2004, 07:44 PM
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Nope, sorry no noble causes here. Just pure greed - private practice - insurance defence work no less . But no, not ICBC... LOL!! Actually, in all seriousness, I love what I do.

Sorry to hear that you got Campbellized. We need more people like you helping to reintegrate ex-prisioners into society. Sounds like you are a caring rational person. I'm glad Bob found you!

Old April 28th, 2004, 07:58 PM
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Ummmmm Bill,hate to break it to you,but the leafs are not getting their A$$es kicked...You sure you are watching the right game?.........LMAO

Scores 3-1 in the 3rd period.....LMAO....No more beer for you...
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:10 PM
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OH yeah LEAFOLA HOCKEY tonight man!!

Michelle you crack me up!!

who gave you the almighty power to say you were the one that was correct..
To the one who posted the above quote: I speak for the ones that can't speak, the cats and dogs...the pets turned into 'pests' by their families turned 'owners'!!

Mona, great job you're doing with your daughter you must be very proud of her
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:10 PM
Bill & Bob Bill & Bob is offline
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Just making sure you were on your toes. I'm ok with this actually, because in one pool I took 4 leafs including Belfour, and in on of my other ones I took 4 Philly players.
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:18 PM
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Thank you Luba..I'm very proud of her.Considering I raised her on my own since birth.And my poor baby was 2 days old when she had her first cast..And 3 months old when she had her surgery... ...She was born with a club food.

I'm always on my toes...
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:20 PM
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A club food Mona is that like a club sandwich
Kiddin luv!! (amazing work and accomplishment on both mom and daughters part )


Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:29 PM
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LMAO....Sort of but without the lettuce.....

Thank you again...

Phillys getting creamed....ROTFLMFAO....

When they loose I guess they will be tossing out the Bagles.....LOL
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:33 PM
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Hey that would have been great....someone shoulda done that..threw some bagels on the ice at the end HAHAHAH!! Now THAT woulda been funny!
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:39 PM
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To bad I didn't have any..I'm in T.O now....I would have gone and done it.......
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:10 PM
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Nosey, where are u so I can come do a drive by pooping with Sadie???
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
Old April 29th, 2004, 01:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Luba
I find it absolutely hillarious that someone would tell their friends
'oh come help me on this mesg board' especially if someone is an adult.
This is more teenage behaviour (Mona u relate lol)

I've have had my share of disagreements with people but I don't need a posse to help me make my OWN opinions known.

Rescuekitty if you find the need to have others accept and support you thats your business. From an outside perspective and I know I"m not alone here..it looks so very desperate and pathetic.

Dogs and cats have been forced over the years to be turned domesticated through breeding. You people some how think with your knowledge or lack thereof that you can suddenly undomesticate pets that have been domesticated for hundreds of years (now thousands actually).

It seems to make people 'feel better ' to have others agree with them. Where I could stand alone, stand proud and strong in my beliefs because they are good and fair and just.

There is strength in numbers yes, but simply because others agree does not make it right.

I can walk around a community and find dozens of people who would take either side. I can go through shelters and find hunting dogs lost/dumped/abused and neglected/sick and injured from living outdoors.
I can find cats so full of ticks and fleas they can barely move...again from living outdoors.

I'm happy there are others that agree with me and take the same stand I do, atleast there is some hope for the lovely souls...there are some that love and cherish them enough to have them part of their family.
In fact... I don't need a "posse" to help my own arguements be known. I just wanted you guys to see the other side of everything. Not that I think it will change things, as I know you guys are stuck on an "indoors-must be better!" philosophy. I also know of many indoor cats and dogs that have been found in much worse conditions that you describe. Who says it's designated only for outdoor animals? How do you know that all these animals had these problems from living outdoors? Any indoor animal that is not cared for is going to have the same problems. But I doubt you'll agree...
And Mona, In fact, I do have more to say. I was busy earlier and did not get around to reading the posts. It's not that high on my priority list... My animals are! I find it more than a little hard to believe that with the endless hours you spend on here, you all spend very much time with your animals...
Old April 29th, 2004, 01:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Missy
As great as it is to have new members join, I totally agree with Luba. So, you get all of your friends to join up (all on the same day and each posting within minutes of each other....hmmm, glad that I wasn't the only one who was suspicious of that one) and rant and rave because you have a different opinion? Maybe you think you are expressing yourself but it definitely comes off like an attack. This is a forum for responsible pet owners to share advice, opinions, and support - not a place to blast people because they don't support your views.

The nasty and sarcastic comments that you have been throwing at Mona, Chico, LR, Luba and everyone else who disagrees with you is completely unnecessary, uncalled for, and indicates a definite lack of maturity. Any negative comment that they may have had is clearly a result of concern for the well-being and safety of the animals, not petty meanness. I can't speak for those of you who are all new but I can tell you, as an outside observer who had not participated in this thread, that they dedicate their lives to helping pet owners to care for their animals and protect helpless animals who are unable to do it for themselves. Whether or not you agree with their opinion, the least that you can do is give them the much deserved respect for their efforts.

So there. My two cents.
Excuse me, but I think there was plenty of mud-slinging before my friends came to demonstrate that no only one way is right for all animals. I think people need to understan that, but by this point, I am definately sure they won't be realizing it anytime soon. Apparently you don't think any of the mud slinging was aimed at me? Well I'm sorry, I do. I have gotten a lot fo crap from this board as far as being told what I provide for my animals is insufficient and that they cannot truly be loved, as they would be indoors then. That's not how I feel, and I wanted others to share their opinions on this. I did not tell anyone what to say for your information. I only said I would like to hear more people's opinions. Is it for you to say, that I do NOT
dedicate MY life to helping pet owners to care for their animals and protect helpless animals who are unable to do it for themselves.... I don't think that's something you can judge.
Old April 29th, 2004, 01:58 AM
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Originally Posted by chico2
I was wondering where all these people came from all of a sudden and suspected something like this
I am not sure anymore what RK's original question was all about,I think it had to do with her cat having kittens under a piece of sheet-metal,which to me sounded brutal,not even in a barn,but outside in the cold.
Where were all her knowledgable friends when she needed help,why did she have to turn to the Internet
Once again... Can you determine without a doubt, that your cat is going to have it's kittens where you want them?(I know you probably don't have a pregnant cat, unless it's a rescue, but let's say you did...)
I guessed that's where she was planning on having them by her going there a lot. I did not force her to go there. She had full run of the barn and hay loft. I thought she would have chosen a nice warm place in there.. But it was not to be... BUT!!!!
Before THIS thread ever started, I had explained the whole situation and birth to everyone.... I had brought her into my sunroom to have most of the kittens! Is that brutal to you? Is it brutal that I was up at 1am checking on her because I WANTED her to be okay?? Is it brutal that I stayed with her the rest of the night(morning) and even saved the last little one?
I can't choose where she wants to have her kittens for her. I can however help to the best of my ability, which in my eyes, is what I did!!!
Old April 29th, 2004, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Bill & Bob
City people condemning country people, country people condemning city people.
Just as a side note-> I was not condemning any people! I am saying there are sad situations in any case, whether it's outside, or inside. I don't think people care if they are going to treat their animals cruelly.
Old April 29th, 2004, 02:39 AM
Green Acres Green Acres is offline
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drive by pooping

"drive by pooping"......roflmao....I am SOOO gonna have to remember that one/I think my keyboard may short out from all the pepsi I just splattered on it....LOL....to funny!
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:20 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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OK... for the record here, I only posted on this site because I felt the need to. This site got really nasty long before any of us got here and that is the reason most of us posted. I don't know RK... only from another MB, but I did find this posting offensive, rude and misinformed. I think that the issue here it not that any of us "horse" people think there is anything wrong with keeping animals indoors as long their needs are met, some of us have indoor, some have outdoor pets... what our issue is that most of the people here think that any outdoor pet is being neglected or abused... and I'm sorry but as a person who has owned barn cats and outdoor dogs... I find that offensive!

None of the posts from the horsey set were trying to change your mind and have you put your animals outside.... we just want you to realize that there are other "right" ways to care for animals than YOUR way.

The main reason I posted here was because of the post telling RK to give her dog to a shelter because it was cruel to keep a dog outside... I've been to shelters and worked there... it is not a happy place especially on the day they need to put down a perfectly healthy dog because there is no room... the old fat PB (tattooed) little hound dog is there for a week with no one looking for him (likely because he couldn't hold his bladder)... I cried almost every day on the way home.... and to think that some of you "animals lovers" would rather see these dogs destroyed than find a loving responsible outdoor home makes me SICK!

No one disputed the fact that some people are sick and shouldn't own animals... but just as many abused, neglected animals come from indoor homes, as outdoor homes.... and most feral cats and feral dogs are from indoor or city homes that thought it would be a good idea to release fluffy back to the wild when they were done playing with it, it got too big or peed on the floor...

Pets are a life time commitment and a part of the family... we all think this... so don't try to talk down to us because you think you are the only one who is right... I think we are all right... what I don't like is that most people here are so judgemental and closed minded.

Oh and I would have no problem having this conversation face to face either... I don't need to hide behind a keyboard and I am this outspoken in public.
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:29 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by amaruq
I agree with Bob! lol!

We live in the heart of the city...slum basically. Alot of welfare people and they don't give a crap about their dogs.

There is good and bad in all things. I seen farm dogs that heck I would love to take their place and some that I cry for silently.

There are all sorts of ideas...ideas aren't bad the people behind them might be though.
Unfortunatly... those people's children are often not much better off usually.
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:36 AM
BlueDog BlueDog is offline
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I had to double-check at the title of the Bulletin Board- Is it pets dot c a or is it narrow-minded pet owners who believe that locking their dogs up in a crate and letting them out for a pee for 30 minutes twice a day is OK?

But then I had to surmise that the reason you joined this BB was to falsely allow you to convince yourselves that your deprivation behavior is ok by finding like-minded people like yourselves!!!

Of course Rescue Kitty doesn't fit in with you all! And I am glad she doesn't!!! I believe the happiest dogs around are dogs who spend a lot of their time outside. By outside I don't mean a stinking balcony or 20X20 pseudo-backyard, I mean open fields, interesting things to look at and do.

I bet lots of you also have those trendy breeds, like Border Collies, Golden Labs, Heelers, Jack Russels etc. These are the high-energy dogs that us farm owners rescue from the pound after you dump them off declaring them untrainable!!!!!!!!!!!! Who in their right mind buys a dog like a Border Collie who is BRED to run for hours a day and convince themselves the dog will like to be confined to a crate while the owner works 12+hours a day?!?!

Why condemn those sane souls who choose to allow dogs to live a happy independent life? There are bad apples everywhere, I personally believe most dogs are underexercised(like their owners) which is the reason for their chewing, jumping, scratching behaviors.

Really, you all fit well together, I hope some other unsuspecting soul doesn't join this warped board and get the crap thrown at them like this woman did.

You all suit one another(except for the ones who cam on this board to enlighten you all!)
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:38 AM
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Ok now I'm getting mad......the post turned to some fun with hockey and boom out come the big guns again......if you don't like the board and the people the answer is simple...go away.

I don't think anyone told RK to give up her dog. Like come on people!!!!!!

I really think that some people are trying to play a victim and all its doing is making a mess. i go back to one thing...don't like it go away..plain and simple.
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:45 AM
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I am not sure where anyone said to put RK's dog in a shelter,most people here are very much aware of what goes on in shelters and do not wish to see any cat/dog go that route,but many times it's a necessary solution for abused and neglected animals and to give shelters some credit,they have many times been instrumental in closing down puppy-mills,dog-fighting etc..
There are good shelters and there are bad.
As for cats having kittens,no,I would love to have the opportunity to see the"miracle"of birth and how mama cat takes care of her kittens,but common sense and an overpopulation of unwanted,miserable cats tells me spaying/neutering is an absolute must.
We all consider ourselves good pet-owners,maybe we don't always do things right,but I for one know my cats could not have a better life and the thought of cats facing the outdoor elements,hot and cold 24/7 all year around,is not an ideal situation but that's only my humble opinion.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:48 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by amaruq
I don't think anyone told RK to give up her dog. Like come on people!!!!!!.
Actually someone did... and someone also said that shelter dogs should never be adopted out to outdoor homes too.
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:54 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by chico2
I am not sure where anyone said to put RK's dog in a shelter,most people here are very much aware of what goes on in shelters and do not wish to see any cat/dog go that route,but many times it's a necessary solution for abused and neglected animals and to give shelters some credit,they have many times been instrumental in closing down puppy-mills,dog-fighting etc..
There are good shelters and there are bad.
As for cats having kittens,no,I would love to have the opportunity to see the"miracle"of birth and how mama cat takes care of her kittens,but common sense and an overpopulation of unwanted,miserable cats tells me spaying/neutering is an absolute must.
We all consider ourselves good pet-owners,maybe we don't always do things right,but I for one know my cats could not have a better life and the thought of cats facing the outdoor elements,hot and cold 24/7 all year around,is not an ideal situation but that's only my humble opinion.
I have no problems with shoelter and yes some dogs need them... but not all outdoor dogs need them... that's my only point.

And for animals in elements 24/7... I agree completely - if and animal (any animal) is be be kept out 24/7 or at all really, they need access to shelter - preferable a warm cozy one, or insulated pet house.

The problem here is that all our views are not that different... we just want you (everyone) to realize that, I realize that your views are fine, I have indoor animals too - I don't want you to toss you cats out... I'm sure they are happy and well cared for, I'm just tring to stress that my family's barn cats are too and that there are people out there with well loved and looked after outdoor animals.
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:54 AM
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Actually,the OSPCA here where I live will NOT give a dog to anyone planning on keeping a dog outside,it's not our opinion but an OSPCA standard.
Your outdoor dogs might all be happy tail-wagging farm-dogs,but for everyone of yours there are plenty of miserable chained-up,neglected animals.
You seem like a reasonable person,we can both agree that we love our animals and try to help the ones who are not loved and we'll end this"Earlobe-sucking" post on a positive note
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
Old April 29th, 2004, 07:59 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by chico2
Actually,the OSPCA here where I live will NOT give a dog to anyone planning on keeping a dog outside,it's not our opinion but an OSPCA standard.
Your outdoor dogs might all be happy tail-wagging farm-dogs,but for everyone of yours there are plenty of miserable chained-up,neglected animals.
I don't disagree there... but again the problem is the people, not the situation... I suppose I can get the OSPCA's rule... it would be hard for them to weed out the bad weeds... and I'm sure that if the person was obvious a good farm home with proper shelter exceptions would be made (I hope).
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