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Old February 12th, 2004, 10:08 AM
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Don't feel bad, I was greying at 14! My brother was in the Army and went to Iraq during the first war, and boy that did it in for me! I did the bottle stuff for a while, and then decided that enough was enough. People pay a lot of money to have their hair frosted and highlighted, so I got it for free!
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Old February 12th, 2004, 10:46 AM
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Funny you should mention that.I'm going to be streaking my hair today.Well my daughter will be helping.LOL

I put the hat on my head and she pulls the hair out.

My grey is starting to get out of hand.All at the top too.

My kit cost $12 at Shoppers Drug Mart.
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Old February 12th, 2004, 10:48 AM
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With my luck, if I tried it myself, I would end up with purple hair!
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Old February 12th, 2004, 11:19 AM
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lol I like purple!!!!!
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Old February 12th, 2004, 11:27 AM
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I like it as a color, but not as my hair color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Old February 12th, 2004, 11:53 AM
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Amaruq,I was just reading in "Animals Voice"the OSPCA magazin,that RD Lawrence died in nov 2003 and his last book"The Northern Runner"about his wolf/malamute dog Yukon and their travels together.Another book that I will have to read..
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 12th, 2004, 12:26 PM
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Re: the posts that were talking about reptiles

Saw that Reptiles came up in this thread so I thought I'd add my 2 cents.
I really love my turtle and when the opportunity presents itself I'd like to present the plight of the turtle.

I have a turtle, and just like other reptiles need a good habitat. adequate light heat and filtration are a must. An aquatic turtle (such as the common red-eared slider) needs water as deep as it is at least, A uva/uvb bulb is a must as well as a lamp for heat (has to be 2 separate lights) a strong filter and a basking area where it can completely haul out and dry off completely (without this they can develop fungus etc..)The minimum tank size for a small turtle is 20 gallons, add another turtle and increase that by 20 gallons. Turtles can become dinnerplate size eventually and live 30-40 years, outgrowing commercial tanks available on the market. They need a really varied diet including vegetables, fruit, live food and vitamins. They are like other reptiles--environment is everything.

there are many turtles when not given proper care develop things like metabollic bone disease (soft shell) which is very painful for the turtle.

Turtles are abused in the pet trade and most pet stores try to sell you a little container with no heat and light (a deathbowl!). They are not allowed to be sold in many petstores due to salmonella and are not great for small children and definitely not in the same house as an infant. It is so unfortunate that well intentioned people are given misinformation by pet stores who they believe to be experts on the animals they sell. They seem to want to make a quick buck, but if they gave the right information they would have people who really wanted the turtle and would spend in the neighbourhood of $200.00 on equipment as well!

A turtle or any other reptile that has lived in captivity should never be released into the wild as it does not have what it takes to survive and if it does survive can harm the native species of the area.

I am one of the people who were given misinformation from a pet store and fortunately learned a lot on my own and I would never buy a reptile at a petstore ever again now that I have the info. Reptiles are NOT disposable pets!

For anyone that is interested in a turtle or any type of reptile there are rescue societies out there where you can get one if you are willing to give it what it needs.

Hope this wasn't too off topic! I know all of you out there care greatly for animals and this kind of information I hope might save another poor turtle from inadequate care.
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Old February 12th, 2004, 12:31 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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well hi everyone
glad to see everyone is still posting
sorry it has taken me so long
just got my lil baby back from the vet
hes doing fine and is going to make it
i might be taking it wrong but it seems people can be very rude
for one when i say im going to do something ......i do it
i may be many things but a liar is not one of them
my grandfather may have set his ways but it doesnt mean he doesnt love his dogs
yes he hasnt had them fixed or had their shots
they get fed 3x's aday not including the wonderful gravy that goes with ............he may not have seemed like he was caring but he is .............its not very nice to judge people
and aparently there have been a few to judge me as well
my grandfather is not rich but he has enough money to live
he pays his bills has gas and wood burning stove and yes big freakin deal he has the internet so he can read the news.........oh may i add he has a phone to haha
newaz ...........my grandfather is 75 yrs old still very healthy and works hard every day so do not be judging people
some people dont have it as easy as others
i have never asked him for a dime and never will b/c i was taught that in order to make it in this world you have to work hard
so dont act like i had the money b/c i didnt
but i did get my puppy to the vet and they got him fixed up
they started him on steroids for his back and he is starting to walk
as for the stomach they gave me a cream to put on it but for the most part it is healing up and no it doesnt smell anymore
hes eating very well and is so playful i love it
i really do
well thanx to everyone evan to the ones i thought as being rude
i may be wrong on that and if i am i am very sorry and will apolagize in advance
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Old February 12th, 2004, 12:53 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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Glad to hear the little puppy is feeling better!

Just for the record, I cannot find any post where anyone called you a "liar" or implied you are one.

No one said your granddad doesn't love his dogs. But loving them is not enough, just like merely feeding them is not enough - they need to be taken care of too! Many people profess to love their animals, yet keep them in terrible conditions and don't even realize it. That is where education comes in.Your grandfather may be 75, but that is not too old to learn.

One thing I just have to ask: You say your grandfather buys up to 400 POUNDS of dog food a MONTH. How many dogs does he have???

If he has enough dogs to eat 400 pounds of food a month, how many are pregnant or nursing litters? How many are sick, diseased, full of worms or other parasites, or injured? No one could begin to take proper care of that number of dogs, no matter how good their intentions are.

Another thought - what happens to all of them when he is unable to continue living on his farm, and there are countless dogs there, mating,whelping and raising litters? Not many options for them.
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Old February 12th, 2004, 02:52 PM
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I'm also glad that puppy is doing better.

VERY well said LR.

You say we shouldn't judge your Grandfather.How can we not.Dogs are not fixed.Females having puppies.Puppy getting sick but couldn't go to the vets cause he couldn't afford it.And no shots.That is NOT good dog ownership at all.

Like LR said,it takes more then just feeding them.And in my eyes,if you can only do that,then you are not a good dog owner.It takes more.

My dad is an 82 year old European set in his ways.But trust me,I have changed some of them.
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Old February 12th, 2004, 04:17 PM
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I guess the"liar"part was from me,although I did not exactly say liar,just that she might not be telling us the truth about bringing the pup to the vet
Anyway,Frenchy also told us how poor they were and had no transportation,that's why I doubted her word.
If the puppy is now doing fine,that's great and hopefully grand-dad will fix all the other dogs one day,so there will be no more sick puppies.She also mentioned GD is not well and I am glad he's now healthy..75 is not that old,now that I am 60
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 12th, 2004, 04:30 PM
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Frenchy, I haven't been posting here very long, but I have already seen at least two cases where the person said they were going to do something but never came back on. Because it took so long for you to post agian, the easiest thing to assume was that you weren't going to take the puppy. Nothing against you personally, just what history seems to show. I am very pleased you proved that wrong.

So what did the vet say caused his problem? Just underdevelopment, or something more?
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Old February 12th, 2004, 06:11 PM
_frenchy101 _frenchy101 is offline
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there are 3 males 1 female and by the way 3 of them use to be mine when i lived at my mothers
but i felt they would be better off being able to run loose on a farm then be tied up in the city so they dont get hit my a car
both my males had been fixed and we had been breeding the female b/c she is full blooded but we stopped when i moved away and got married and she never got fixed
then we have my puppy
oh i guesse you guys do have a point
i should have made things a little more clearer when im talking to people i dont even know
all my dogs had their shots when me and my mother had them
but surely you cant tell me im suppose to tell you all that when im upset over my puppy
he may not take them to the vet but that doesnt make him a bad person
intill now he had never had to ..........not really anyways
none on them have ever been sick and he got most of them from me
yes he buys that much food b/c these are all very big dogs and he feeds them well ........not saying he uses all of it but it is cheaper to buy in bulk
and as for terrible conditions .........i dont think 95 acres even relates to bad conditions for a dog to be in
and what do mean when he is unable to live on his farm
u mean when he gets to old or moves on from this cruel world to a much better place .............its called there are 2 sons 1 daughter 3 grandchildren so far and 1 great grandchild who will be here anyday
as for my family besides my soon to be expected i have my husband and 3 stepsons and 1 daughter
not to say my grandfather is more than loved as will everything be well taken care of ........which i believe was going a lil to far
and why should you not judge my grandfather or anyone else for that matter
pretty simple dont you think
imean really when did god put anyone in charge of judging people but i guesse you'd be suprised how careless people are
no one said he couldnt afford it i said i couldnt afford it very big difference in wording or how poor we were just how poor i am
im 19 just getting started in life dont have a job my husband is wrkin his butt off trying to make it for us intill i can get a job so yes i would say i couldnt have afforded to take an animal to the vet b/c i cant even buy everything i need for my baby
thats why my grandfather is helpin me out and at least someone is b/c im not the type of person who asks for a handout
enough a/b all this the vet had said where there was so many pups of course you are going to have the runt and underdeveloped one of course werent exact words but to the point
but my baby is doing great
if you had seen him when i first posted and seen him today when i brought him home you would be amazed im so glad things worked out
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Old February 12th, 2004, 06:35 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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4 dogs are eating 400 lbs of food a month? Wow. 100 pounds of food a month EACH? Are you sure they aren't Siberian tigers?

As for you breeding your "full blooded" bitch and then never bothering to fix her and letting her run loose while in heat - I'd rather not get into that.. The world does not need more litters of mutts to be gassed at shelters. 'Nuff said.

What will you do with this litter of puppies? And the next and the next.....? And when these puppies start breeding and you have 4 or 5 litters around - what then?

Believe it or not, we have nothing against you personally (how could we when we don't even know you?) We are going on what you yourself are saying, and are trying to educate you.
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Old February 12th, 2004, 09:59 PM
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Frenchi, what did the vet say caused the puppies problems? Is it something he will have forever, or just one of those strange things that will go away? I always hate to hear when it is one of those things they will have forever, because then I wonder if I am really doing the poor thing good by dragging it out, or if it is something that they would have been better to have been put down.
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Old February 13th, 2004, 09:07 AM
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I been silent till now.....now your saying you don't have stuff for the baby and yet you got the internet? You couldn't help the pup but you had the internet. I'm sorry but my sympathy level for you is ZERO!!!! I'm glad you got the puppy help. I'm also very glad the pup is doing better. But what about next time? Or the time after that? You said the female was purebred? Did you mate it to a pure bred of the same breed? I doubt it.....so why isn't it spayed?
Girl I'm twice your age and a bit more and been around the block a few times.....you are gonna have to get your priorites straight. Don't got money...don't have animals! Don't got money... don't have no more kids. Kids and animals are 2 of the most expensive things you will ever have.
Another thing to consider...are you gonna have enough time for the pup when the baby comes? I doubt it...... Life is tough girl better learn from it now.
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Old February 13th, 2004, 09:29 AM
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old February 13th, 2004, 11:09 AM
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Okay, everyone just needs to take a deep breathe, and calm down. To much anger and hate going on right now.
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Old February 13th, 2004, 11:10 AM
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Now I've seen enough...
Buh bye!
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Old February 13th, 2004, 11:41 AM
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Ummmm I was going to mention the baby part.LOL

No hate....Just anger...How can we not be?

It's posts from people like this that anger us.How can we help but be angry.
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
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Old February 13th, 2004, 11:45 AM
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Anger on your part, but it appears to be hate on her part. She came on asking for advice about her dog, and then bites back when you give it. Seems like hate to me.
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Old February 13th, 2004, 12:16 PM
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I'm not angry but concerned for all involved.

She needed a dose of reality.

19 yr old..she is still a baby herself and might not know any better.

After the baby comes and she has got the pup and this expense hits and that expense hits..Reality will hit that girl real hard. I feel sorry for her in that way.

Lord knows I had to learn things..many of them the hard way. But 2 things never suffered. My animals or my kid.
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Old February 13th, 2004, 12:25 PM
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I am not disagreeing with you guys about the care of the animals.
But I do remember her saying that she was just visiting her grandfather and didn't have internet herself.
Now her grandfather not having the money or concern to fix the dogs and having an internet is another situation. I can tell you that I don't have a computer at home but I do have 2 very happy puppies who get all they deserve, they only reason I get to talk to you fine people is because I sit on a computer all day long at work but shhh don't tell anyone.
The baby not having everything is another thing, and thats all I'm going to say about that.
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Old February 13th, 2004, 12:40 PM
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I won't say anything if youdon't. I do have a computer at home, but rarely get on it, because I spend so much time here at work on the computer. But winter is the slow season for construction, so I have to do somethign to stay awake!

I was 18 when I had my first child. It was hard, but we made it. We knew we didn't have the money for much, so we didn'thave a dog back then.

She said that her grandpa was helping her out, but she didn't ask him too. Maybe because he was doing so much for her already, she didn't feel it was right to ask him to spend more money on the puppy. I can understand that. As far as having everything for the baby, well they have a lot of neat things out on the market now a days, but reality is, you don't need even 1/4 of it! As long as she can provide food, and love, everything else will fall into place. Diapers can still be the cloth ones if disposable are to expensive, and she can breast feed, if formula is to much and so on! So I don't stress to much when she said that, cause it doesn't take much to make a baby happy!
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Old February 13th, 2004, 12:41 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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Well, since she is not being truthful about at least one thing (4 dogs eating 400 lbs of food a month which I never got an answer about??) who knows what else is not true?

She also said a few of them were HER dogs that she foisted on Granddad, including an intact bitch left to run loose and get pregnant. If anyone is hard done by, it's Granddad!
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Old February 13th, 2004, 01:14 PM
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Didn't she say she had heard enough? Guess not? Anyway we weren't harressing the poor pregnant girl. We gave advice. I think you are the one who is harressing people.
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Old February 13th, 2004, 01:20 PM
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Ok,now I'm going to say something about the baby.

Sure there are alot of things out there that babies don't really need right away.But babies are not cheap.She said she didn't even have stuff for the baby.What if the baby gets sick.Needs medication.Or what if the baby is born with medical needs that are not cheap?That I know all about.

I was just shy of 20 when I had my daughter.I raised her on my own since birth.HER dead beat so called father left me when I told him I was pregnant.She is a pill baby.I didn't find out I was pregnant untill I was 6 months.My sister was in the delivery room.Pregnant herself.LOL.Daughter and nephew are 4 months apart in age.My daughter was born with a club foot.She was 2 days old when she had her first cast.Surgery at 3 months.Her first pair of walking shoes cost me $100.They were like the regular walking shoes but the toe part was not there.I was paying this every month and a half.Why?Cause her good foot was growing faster and the toes were hanging out.Not a good thing.She is now a teenager.17 next month.She goes through shoes so bad.She now uses an insole that was prescribed and made for her from orthapedics.How much?$500.No there was no way to get out of it.This is my daughter that I would not put a price tag on.As for breast feeding,nope.She didn't take to my boobies. ....I did this on my own.And I also had my cat and dog to boot.Vet care,food,vaccinations.

There,I said what I had too......As always
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
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Old February 13th, 2004, 01:24 PM
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I don't know where she lives at, but I didn't worry to much about the medical expense because in the us all kids are eligable for insurance. So she won't have to worry about that. The biggest concern would be for the transportation, but since she said that he grandpa loved her so much, I am sure that he will feel the same way about her child, and if the baby is sick, he will get it to the hospital!
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Old February 13th, 2004, 01:24 PM
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(((mona-b and daughter)))

Your a good mom!
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Old February 13th, 2004, 04:29 PM
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There is actually only one person in this Forum who is rude,no need to mention names...
But there is one thing,when people ask for advice they will get it,not to make them feel good,but to maybe make them see the error in their ways and also try to help the animal in trouble.
That's what is done here!
If you don't like the advice,there is nothing we here in computer-land can do about it.
As for babies,I can imagine today,when everybody has to have everything,even by law,as a carseat..it can get very expensive.
My first baby slept in a drawer and I was very young and alone,but he grew up to be a caring mature adult(except when he wanted a kitten for his Jack Russel!)
But,we don't really need to hear anyones life story,nothing excuses allowing a bitch(I hate that word!)to have one litter after another.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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