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Old March 17th, 2008, 03:49 PM
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Kelly the peson who answered my e-mail,was a Hayley Gregory..I am going to look up the website from the pound,if they have one
I sent a plea to a Dana Grove at the Brandon Pound,hope I have the right person this time.
It is possible if they realize you are not going to give up on Brew,they will relent,unless OMG,he has been euthanized
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Old March 17th, 2008, 04:07 PM
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Clarification at last....terminology has caused somewhat of a confusion...I just recieved a phone call from the Humane Society and they are not located at the same place it appears that Brandon Kennels acts as a Kennel and the City Pound....our AC agent called it a shelter/SPCA so it confused me...If Robb revisits this site I offer my thanks for helping clear this up and acknowledge that the humane society has absolutely nothing to do with this problem...although I sure could use their assistance if it's offered!


try this site, but i'm not sure it'll get where we want it to get....see how hard it is to get info around here!
Old March 17th, 2008, 04:20 PM
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I guess i should have clued in when they said I was lucky he wasen't put down, because the HS doesn't do that....I feel like a heel....so Yes Brew was sent to the Dog Pound...that's just not how it was told to me....sorry....I actually feel better because I'd hate to think that the SPCA would ever put me through this....
Old March 17th, 2008, 04:31 PM
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I send my new one to bdnpound@fundsfurfriends.com hopefully it will help.
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Old March 17th, 2008, 06:30 PM
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Kelly I checked out the link for the Brandon Pound and had a look around...Found some interesting stmts that were made..like this one

While we currently have 56 foster homes, we simply do not have enough.

Do yoou think Brew is in a home that is considered a foster and they dont want to say anything?? The other thing I noticed is that they have to be funded somewhere...and everything on the website sort of implies that the Brandon Area Community Foundation is their major financial contributor...I looked at their website and maybe they would like to know how things are run in a place they provide financial help too?


Something good has to happen now! Just know we are all here for you! Stay strong as Brew deserves to come home! My heart breaks if he is with another family but its misguided...he has a family and things happen...If I were that family I would be hurt most definately but it is common sense I think that he should be in his true home.

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Old March 17th, 2008, 06:43 PM
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was that the Brandon Pound website or the humane society's website?
Old March 17th, 2008, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Kelly27 View Post
was that the Brandon Pound website or the humane society's website?
Old March 17th, 2008, 07:08 PM
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OK I know I'm coming into this conversation late... but I'm so confused about something.

The shelter says they are afraid to act because they think they will look bad?

How would it look bad to reunite a beloved dog with his human family? It should be a time of rejoicing, not out of concern about public appearances. If anything it would make the shelter look better by doing the right thing.

Also I don't want to be mean... but my eyes went blurry while trying to read the original post. Pressing the Enter key now and then would be good.

I don't get it... you have the papers, you have photos of the dog, you have your family as witnesses that it's your dog. What's the big deal? It should be a no-brainer case. People at that shelter must be a load of stooges. Tell them it's time to smarten up and do the right thing. Work under the radar if possible and nothing will need to be made public. But if they continue to balk and refuse to assist you, then make a big stink in the papers. They are afraid to look bad, so make their fear a reality. Don't threaten it, just do it.

I really hope you are able to be reunited with your furry friend.

Above all, forgive yourselves for what happened. You cannot change the past. People make mistakes. If we didn't we would not learn a darn thing.

No time for pity parties - take action NOW.

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Old March 17th, 2008, 07:20 PM
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I know I get on a roll and I forget the enter key exsists. The pound feels if they give Brew back to me then no one would want to adopt from them anymore, or so they've said. Funny when i was talking to my breeder today he mentioned my posts were too long too...LOL

the correct website is here http://www.fundsfurfriends.com/AtThePound.htm
but it's a little confusing because they have two pounds represented here. I live in the county of North Cypress outside the jurisdiction of either pound so I wonder why we send animals there. Anyways i know where he went initially and I want my pup back! I've sent this website to many people today including the Mayor of Brandon's office. Hopefully i'll hear something. Someone's got to pay the pound personel.
Old March 17th, 2008, 11:46 PM
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Someone has to say it

Someone needs to say something here before you go around and badmouth a bunch of people that do not deserve it.

There are two rescue groups in the area - the Brandon Humane Society and Funds for Furry Friends. The folks at Funds for Furry Friends take pictures at the pound once a week and post them online for their owners. Further to this, the "pound page" is linked from the city of brandon website, and both local rescue groups. I can not believe you would bash the Brandon Humane Society or any other rescue group for that matter. The people who run the rescues in this area work very hard to save lives - and you are sitting here insulting them!

#1 - Almost every city and town in Canada has a running at large bylaw. It is against this bylaw to have your dog running loose.

#2 - Looking for direction on where to find a dog? Try the area vet clinics, try the radio stations, try the newspapers, try the police or RCMP - all of these places have this information. Did you consider putting an advertisement in the paper when your dog FIRST went missing? How about putting up posters when the dog was FIRST lost?

#3 - Almost every animal impound is only allowed to keep the dogs for 72 hours before they are euthanized. Out of area sometimes is 5-7 days when they use an impound facility outside of the area. If these new owners of your dog did not rescue him - he would be DEAD!

Consider this... Someone saved your dog's life. The people who have him now actually saved his life - and now you want them to give him back to you because you deserve him back?

I have been reading your posts and honestly - I am reading about a dog who has gotten away on you more than once, a dog who is kept in an insecure yard, and a dog whose owners have such a "busy" lifestyle, they could not look for him for weeks...

You have a lot of stuff in your posts about how unfair this is to you... If Brew had been hit by a truck or caught in a fence somewhere - who would you blame?
Old March 18th, 2008, 12:05 AM
mrthomas mrthomas is offline
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Get The Facts Straight

I Adopted A Dog From Furry Friends And They Are A Very Responsible Organization. You People Really Need To Get Your Stuff Together.

The Bacf Sponsors Furry Friends Group And Not The Pound. The City Of Brandon Is The Pound. Furry Friends Is A Charity. The Humane Society Is A Charity.

I Can Not Believe This Nonsense.

For Anyone Not Clear The Lady Is Talking About An Animal Impound That Picked Up Her Dogs Not A Shelter Or Humane Society.
Old March 18th, 2008, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Kelly27 View Post
Question: Does tatooing hurt a dog?
Tattooing is done when the animal is anesthetized so they feeling nothing, most often it is done at the same time as a spay or neuter or a dental cleaning....FYI not all tattoos are in the ear, some breeders have them done on the inner flank.

Originally Posted by mrthomas View Post
I Adopted A Dog From Furry Friends And They Are A Very Responsible Organization.

For Anyone Not Clear The Lady Is Talking About An Animal Impound That Picked Up Her Dogs Not A Shelter Or Humane Society.
So why is no one in any of those organizations giving her a straight & clear answer as to who picked up her dog, where it was held and why they are unwilling to attempt to reunite her with her dog?
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Old March 18th, 2008, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by growler View Post
So why is no one in any of those organizations giving her a straight & clear answer as to who picked up her dog, where it was held and why they are unwilling to attempt to reunite her with her dog?
Old March 18th, 2008, 01:58 AM
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UMMMMMMMM the problem started here.....

This all began approximately 1 month ago when we still had the surge of cold weather that Manitoba is known for. My 11yr old son let Brew out for his nightly business. Brew has in the past wondered out of our yard when given the chance so we've made it necessary to watch from an open door and return the pooch as soon as he's done. Unfortunately my young son was lured by his open computer game and returned to it's side rather that do what was required at the door. Brew saw the chance and decided to go visiting. 1 hour passed and I asked where Brew was which triggered my son's memory and he checked the door. No Brew. I stayed up and waited for the pooch for a long while because he always returned home. No Brew. I went out and looked for him. No Brew. I figured because of the cold a family had taken him in. It had happened in the past that a family would decide to take him in even going so far as to remove his collar and try and adopt him on sight. It took a week but we retrieved him thanking the family for their concern for him. They only lived two blocks away. We happened across him when they attempted to walk him. Not their fault I hadn't updated his ID tags to reflect his new phone number. I promptly did this on his return. With this new disappearance I decided more change was in order on his return to ensure he no longer had the opportunity to take advantage of an 11yr old's mistake. This night his collar had already been removed for a quiet night of sleep.

I hope you get your dog back but will he go missing again?
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Old March 18th, 2008, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by mrthomas View Post

Why is it called impound instead of just pound?

Hey... we're only going by what we were told and nothing more.

And didn't she say that 70 km separates her residence from any of those places (shelter, pound, etc)?

Did her dog travel 70 km? Or did someone pick it up?

Maybe we're not getting the whole story.
Sandy Belle Sheeba - born 11/14/07 at 12:30 pm Linx Jasper
Old March 18th, 2008, 08:38 AM
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Maybe, but still - a dog that has run before, just "let out to do his business" without a leash or surveillance?
Old March 18th, 2008, 10:23 AM
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[QUOTE=Kelly27;564530]I know absolutely nothing about breeding or whether or not a tattoo or chip is required for registration with the AKC,QUOTE]

Actually it is required.This is how the breeder identifies each pup when sold.It is then recorded with the registration papers and the kennel club.It is needed.Why your breeder didn't do any of this is beyond me.With a tattoo/chip you would have no problems getting Brew back.Seriously,I don't know of any ethical breeder who doesn't tattoo or chip.

I have raised 3 GSD's from the same breeder.They have all been tatooed.And their tattoo # is on the registration certificate.My current is 12 and I can still see his tattoo.I also had him chipped when he was 13 weeks old.

As for chips moving,I have never heard that before.The chip is placed in between the shoulder blade.It's more or less embeded into the skin.

You have any pics of Brew you can post?

My sister has a 12 year old Border Collie.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 10:50 AM
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Wow a lot of business while i was out....I have an appt with the Mayor this afternoon...hopefully he can help...now let me rebuttle some of the questions/accusations out there....I'll first respond to the two junior members that have just joined us I would assume from furry friends....may i add the only reason they're here is because I sent them the web link yesterday...that's when i still believed that the SPCA had Brew...there is a lot of misinformation because getting info is just that difficult...please remember I had NO WAY of knowing that Brew had left my town in the first place

And shame on you for jumping to the conclusion that I ignore my pets...He has a dog pen attached to my greenhouse and another fenced in area attached to that....my son let him out via another doorway closer to the computer! The other time I talk about him wandering was in the summer and was the result of kids running in and out of the house and not watching what they were doing. Please don't assume I deserve this because you'd be guilty of everything you're accusing me of. I did not wait weeks to look for Brew. I was looking in the wrong place.
Old March 18th, 2008, 10:53 AM
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Mona I really wasen't joking when i said i knew nothing about breeding, when i got Brew I knew I would have to go to a Breeder and this gentleman I knew personally. I knew I wouldn't be showing or breeding so I really didn't care about by the book. I just knew I was getting a well loved family pet from a family that cared.
Old March 18th, 2008, 10:57 AM
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Kelly, dont be discouraged by what others say. Like a said before. We are all humans and we make mistakes. Yes the dog got out, but obviously, you've been looking for him since he's been missing and you love your dog very much and theres nothing you wouldn't do to find him! And you've gotten the run around from the staff at the pound/shelter. I hope the meeting with the mayor helps!
Old March 18th, 2008, 10:59 AM
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and Ceara BINGO! I haven't been getting the whole story from the getgo. Just so everyone knows as soon as Robb from the Humane society went to this website and read what was going on he called me and helped me clear the muddy water a little...

so to the two new posts from the junior members I already clarified the situation in posts from yesterday and your coming here with guns a blazing to people that love animals as much as you if not more doesn't help anyone involved. Blading me and calling me a bad pet owner is rediculous. In 6 years I've never had a problem until I moved here to Carberry. There are some internal changed needed in this town and i've said that from the get go.

The only inconsistancy in my story has been with who had Brew and who has him now. Something i'm still trying to sort out over a month later.
Old March 18th, 2008, 11:09 AM
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Thank you Gianna's mommy....at least it's good to see that people are coming to this website at my request....you wouldn't believe how many I sent out yesterday alone...nothing unkind has been said about the SPCA or Humane society since it was clarified to me who Brew was sent to...yes some assumptions were made on my part but that's all I had to go on...I'll do anything to get Brew back!
Old March 18th, 2008, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Kelly27 View Post
Mona I really wasen't joking when i said i knew nothing about breeding, when i got Brew I knew I would have to go to a Breeder and this gentleman I knew personally. I knew I wouldn't be showing or breeding so I really didn't care about by the book. I just knew I was getting a well loved family pet from a family that cared.
I never showed my guys or used them as a stud.BUT every ethical breeder does go by the books.That's why they are called ethical.LOL..And that's why they would know that when they breed and register,they need to identify EVERY pup with a tattoo or chip.Then this way if a dog does get lost,the tattoo or chip is the only way of recovery.Like I said,this is recorded with the Kennel Club.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 11:16 AM
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Let's review shall we.

Brew disappears. I look for Brew in Carberry. Pet owning residents cannot help me with info with regard to AC in the town. No shelter here. Continue looking for Brew assumed with some family here. Cashier tips me to (what was told to me was a shelter) the pound in Brandon. I call no answer. I call town hall they say they have no AC and no record of a dog being sent to Brandon by old AC agent. I call Bradon they relay to me that Brew's been adopted and was brought in by AC in Carberry. I call town hall to get old AC agent's name. I call old AC agent and he says yes he did but didn't turn in his ticket yet so town hall wouldn't know. I've been in contact with the Pound many times since and they won't tell me who has Brew.

Other than rewriting history and never taking Brew's collar off and never letting my son interact with him I do not know what I personally could have done better.
Old March 18th, 2008, 11:20 AM
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But Mona Brew is registered I do have his number but he's not tattooed or chipped so it couldn't be mandatory...now Brew isen't registered with the CKC because as far as I know they still don't recognize the Border Collie but maybe the AKC does it different?...dunno....It was relayed to me that the American Border Collie Association doesn't require it. In any case it wasen't important to me at the time...amazing how things change though.

hindsight is wonderful isen't it? Bites me in the butt everytime!
Old March 18th, 2008, 11:27 AM
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And plse don't forget a lot of my work to date has been done via computer and phone because i'm still recovering from Spinal surgery and cannot leave the house....I had my C5/C6/C7 fused and a diskectomy at C6/C7....they took a piece of bone out of my hip and replace a disk with it....I'm doing everything I can think of which brought me here to help me think of more things to do....and it's helped immensely....I hope those two members Thomas and Veracity come and read the whole story because something tells me they didn't or didn't understand...I do have posters all done up and they go up tomorrow I'll be talking to the pound again today to find out the result of the last he spoke to the new owners yesterday at my request...I showed him the poster and told him they'd be going up if they refused to talk to me...
Old March 18th, 2008, 11:29 AM
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Sarah my son already knows he made a mistake
Old March 18th, 2008, 11:58 AM
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Kelly..I just want to put my in here...I personally would not worry about what others think here.!! We only go by what we read...many people will make assumptions from reading between the lines....

I think it is honorable that you clarified all information here pertaining to the pound, AC and SPCA....its not up to us to lay blame or judge anyone

For example, what would happen if you were involved in a car accident?? in the hospital for 2 months? lets say your dog was with you and he got away, AC or whomever pick him up...you dont come out of it for a month and begin to wonder where your dog is??? In the mean time he is adopted out to another family because no one claims him?? Is this fair? There has to be some kind of consideration in cases like this? dont you think?

Please stay strong for Brew...yes ultimately I feel bad for the other people but there were circumstance here that need to be looked into?

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Old March 18th, 2008, 12:05 PM
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Very good analogy....actually there are posts in this lost and found from people that have had accidents and had their pets disappear as a result....the same situation could apply....

I just heard from the Mayor and he's on it...I did direct him here to this website so I hope he gets a clear picture through all the haze of what's happened here...
Old March 18th, 2008, 12:10 PM
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Kelly, are you asking the pound to get your dog back or are you only asking that the pound contact the new owners, explain the situation and hope the new owners give Brew back to you?

I hope you understand the pound can't give you any info on the new owners, they can be sued. As far as the pound is concerned, they did no wrong, stray dog was turned in, nobody claimed him, he was saved from euthanasia by a family who adopted him. They can't keep all dogs indefinitely hoping the owners claim them. It is a risk all pet owners have if they allow their pets (cats included) to go free, no matter how the animal got out of the house. And they can't go to new owners and demand the dog back, that is not ethical (or legal) on their part. However, I do believe the story should be conveyed to the new owners and they should make the decision to give Brew back or not.

It is a really sad bit of events that happened, the info you received from City Hall, AC not turning in his ticket, your surgery and I really feel for you, people are given incorrect info all the time from gov't and they are not responsible for it.

Don't get me wrong, I do support you and hope you get Brew back, but I think this is between you and the new owners. I think Brew should be back with you, you and your family are his pack.
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