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Old April 25th, 2010, 10:43 AM
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Unhappy At My Whits End.....My boy just won't stop

Tyson is an alpha male dog of Jack Russell/Pug decent and is extremely dominant. I understand the logic behind the reason for my mature male dog to urinate in the house marking his territory but, if one of the reasons is because he sees our neighbours dogs (all three neighbours have dogs), how do I stop this habit? Also, this behaviour started when my daughter brought her male puppy to our house and he urinated on my furniture but that was a year ago. He was then neutered and doesn't do it any more but, my Tyson still pees in every room in the house on the corners of tables, beds, pots, drapes. I'm at my whits end and don't know how to end this reign of terror. We are in the process of scheduling to have the carpets replaced with hardwood floors although I'm not sure if this will make it worse to clean up as the urine will seep through the floor boards. As I've said, I am at my whits end and don't know what to do next.........Having read some of the responses to other peoples urination problems perhaps my next step is to use viniger and water as an alternative to cleaning fluids and quarantine him to the tiled floor during the day instead of free range. Please help......
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Old April 25th, 2010, 02:26 PM
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Definitely should not be ranging freely in the house!! Nature's Miracle or another enzyme cleaner is the only thing that works to break down the urine enough so dogs cannot smell and re-mark. Meantime, this dog needs to be confined, tethered to you or next to you to be watched, and outfitted with belly bands so he cannot mark!
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Old May 7th, 2010, 05:55 AM
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what are belly bands DoubleRR?
Mum to Autumn 5, Evie 3, both of the human variety
Taiji age 10, of the feline variety
Ziggy age 3, of the reptile variety
and Lola age 3 months, of the fluffy bichon poo variety
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Old May 7th, 2010, 07:07 AM
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here is some info on it.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 02:43 PM
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A belly band is also sometimes called a male dog diaper. It prevents them from peeing on stuff while in the house, you take it off when you let them outside.
They can actually be good to break the HABIT of marking, because after the dog has not been able to physically mark in the house for a long time (and all spots should be cleaned thoroughly), they may not show interest in it because they are no longer used to doing it.

To the original poster: If your dog continues to mark all over the house, why is he ALLOWED all over the house? How can you break this habit without supervising him and while allowing him free run of your house? He's going around marking things constantly without being corrected or anything, so he has no incentive to stop. It's just something he figures he can does because he's been allowed to do so.
As Melinda said, the dog needs to be supervised at ALL times. You can tether him to you with a leash, which would be the best bet, and regardless he should be wearing a leash because if he starts to mark you need to be able to grab the leash to stop him from doing so and correct him.
Right now I'd be going with the bellyband (and he still needs to be supervised because he's learned that the house is HIS territory to do as he wishes) so that you can break the habit of him marking.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 02:47 PM
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We are in the process of scheduling to have the carpets replaced with hardwood floors although I'm not sure if this will make it worse to clean up as the urine will seep through the floor boards
Sorry, I didn't see this at first. Hardwood floors make accidents easier to clean up, but they need to be urethaned for protection so nothing soaks into the floorboards, or worse, the wood itself. And wood WILL stain if moisture soaks into it, so you need to prevent him from peeing on stuff altogether, especially unsupervised. If he pees on the floor while you're not watching him and you don't catch it for awhile it can damage the wood.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by MyBirdIsEvil View Post
Sorry, I didn't see this at first. Hardwood floors make accidents easier to clean up, but they need to be urethaned for protection so nothing soaks into the floorboards, or worse, the wood itself.
I'd use oil and wax over any synthetic myself. More work agreed but less chems and footprint on the planet overall. Your choice but please do some research.

If, at the proverbial end of the day, you want to use a synthetic floor covering, get marine grade. Lots of chems, lots of fumes, lots of drying time but it will last far longer than ordinary finishes.

Here's the thing I would be concerned with ~ WHY is your dog doing this and what can you do to HELP him with this communication/ perhaps behaviour problem. Aren't you curious ~ my first question is always, what is my dog trying to tell me? I think this has more to do with communication than destruction.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 04:42 PM
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The reason I say urethane is that I've had problems with wax peeling off from my 3 dogs running across the floor constantly. Then the floor just looks like total crap.

It may not be an issue with one smaller dog though. Plus, maybe it was the type of wax since we didn't have it done ourselves, the previous owners had it done before we moved in.
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Old May 8th, 2010, 10:43 PM
grumpybear0810 grumpybear0810 is offline
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I am curious if it is truely "marking" that he is doing. It is not uncommon for dogs to start a habit like that because it gets them attention albeit negative but anything is better then nothing.
Try taking your pup for an extra walk a day or tossing a ball for 15 or 20 min make sure he is getting lots of exercise and attention. If hes too tired to get up and wonder around hes too tired to piddle.
Having a JRT mix myself I completely understand how high-energy they are as you do. He may just be bored.

Best of luck
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Old August 13th, 2011, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by DoubleRR View Post
Definitely should not be ranging freely in the house!! Nature's Miracle or another enzyme cleaner is the only thing that works to break down the urine enough so dogs cannot smell and re-mark. Meantime, this dog needs to be confined, tethered to you or next to you to be watched, and outfitted with belly bands so he cannot mark!
Where does someone get these belly bands in Calgary?
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Old August 21st, 2011, 09:43 PM
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Is your dog neuterd? Reason I ask , is sometimes (albeit not always), it is a hormonal thing they do for a mate.
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Old August 21st, 2011, 10:43 PM
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Is your dog neutered?

Our neutered Chihuahua was doing this same thing (which is why he lost his last home). He wasn't marking (a little pee), he was urinating (lots of pee). I fitting him a belly band and being this spoiled brat he was then he screamed and cried and had a fit. Then he got over it. He wore the belly band for several months. Most dogs will not urinate while wearing the belly band, but I was not so lucky as Peewee would still pee in it on occasion if he really had to go. We also taught him that he was not allowed to roam the house. He had to be on his bed or on occasion he could be on our laps. After several months we started taking the band off, and by then he knew he had to stay on his bed. He hasn't peed in the house since. They have to wear the band long enough that they forget about marking/urinating, and you have trained him to stay on his bed. Maybe a year from now he will have earned back his right to roam the house.
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Old August 21st, 2011, 11:49 PM
GalaxiesKuklos GalaxiesKuklos is offline
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Your dog is not "alpha" nor is he "dominant" and describing him as such only adds useless labels that don't help you solve the problem.

As it has been mentioned, the dog should not have free run of the house. In fact, I would crate it and begin house-training as it was a brand new dog. This means scheduled feedings, water, crating and supervised elimination breaks. At no time should the dog be unsupervised.

House soiling is one of the main reasons people give when abandoning dogs and really there is no excuse when a systematic approach can solve the problem.

..... you have had him medically checked for infections, and other problems?
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Old August 22nd, 2011, 08:39 AM
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the OP asked the question over a year ago and never came back for replies, yes it is helpful for new comers or "seekers" to see the options, but to ask the OP for more info is useless, I doubt she'll be back to answer. *S*
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Old August 22nd, 2011, 03:03 PM
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Ah I see, someone bumped the thread looking for a belly band in Calgary.

Originally Posted by levismom View Post
Where does someone get these belly bands in Calgary?
We found one at Petsmart. We also found them at Critters (specialty dog/cat food store) and Petland. With the tiny dogs you might have to hunt around through the different brands to find a good fit since just a little tight hurts them, and just a little loose falls off.
Ella - Jun '20 - Reg AmStaff
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Old August 22nd, 2011, 05:42 PM
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First, sorry i responded to an old thread. second...I'm aware that neutered dogs do this as well. I've just been told by the vet that often unneuterd males mark more, because they are hormonal if you will. My male who is not neutered yet, has been marking for a year or more. we've got him next on the list for fixing. The pee bands do nothing for us other than protect the carpet, floor, and anything else he marks his territory . We did find though he didnt start this until he had a "sister" come home. she wasnt fixed, and he started peeing the place. now she is, but he has the "habit". we've tried it all...finally gave up and just put the pee gaurd in place. we have a spare too..cause we have to check him , if its starting to soak thru...we put the other one on , and run that one in the wash. he is only allowed outside, or on tile without it. he dosent mind it. its become somewhat of a routine. he knows when he comes in and there isnt a baby gate blocking the kitchen and laundry room off, to stand still and await one of us to wrap him. if the gate is up, he knows he dosent have to have it. stupid enough to pee the place, smart enough to learn when he gets the pee wrap. Sigh....lol.
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Old August 22nd, 2011, 07:06 PM
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renegaderuby: What a little turd!!! Here I thought I was the only one that owned a dog that would actually pee/mark with the wrap on. Everyone told me most dogs won't do that.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 07:54 AM
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Yep, he's a turd. LOL>
Its even more annoying when you've just brought him in from a pee, put the wrap on, and five mins later have to change it because he's starting to drip. I dont know how ONE dog can have THAT MUCH "pee".
But...considering that is his "only" downfall...I think we can live with it.
I told my husband the next house we have is going to be ALL TILE, (except bedrooms, and he'll not be allowed in there). LOL.

I do however think once we have him fixed it will cut it down.
Plus he is in a house with four other dogs. I think he feels like he has to do this to assert some sort of rank. But..who knows.
we love him regardless.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 09:41 AM
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Have you considered taking him to a behaviorist? Often the roots of the problem lie within the "pack", and him thinking he owns the place. You may find that once he has been neutered and you get a behavior into your house to watch you deal with him in day to day activities s/he should be able to point out signals of his leadership he is giving you that you could interrupt.

Another thought is to tie him to you. That was another thing I did with Peewee when he was urinating in the house. It's called "umbilical training" because essentially he has to follow you around, and do what you do when you do it, and pay attention or get ripped off his feet. I found it best to do with a harness because there will be sudden movements, and you don't want to injure him. It will be a pain in the butt for the first hour, but after that he should catch on real quick. You don't talk to him, and you don't call him to you as you go, you just go about your business with him tied to your belt. Give him just enough slack so that he can see which way you're going just before the leash gets tight so he has some warning before the "auto correction" gets him. If you tie him to you every time he's in the house for a couple weeks this should make a big difference too and doesn't take a lot of effort.
Ella - Jun '20 - Reg AmStaff
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 03:18 PM
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Hmmmm. Thats a good idea to try. I guess the only thing that I'm really confused on is he is very "submissive". He literally has NO backbone when it comes to the others. He will let them take his food, take his toys (except his jingle bell ball, that one he will growl at them)...but basically he is a pushover. So I was really surprised when we brought home his sister , and he started peeing. VET says its because she wasnt fixed at the time. But...I told VET , i think its to get my attention more, because now he's not the "only" baby. Now he has to share me. But thats just it..he's not a very clingy or needy dog. he's happy on the floor with is ball. Weird.
Finally chocked it up to...he's done it, nothing we tried worked with him...so now its a mental thing. I've seen him lift his leg to go on the trash can (in kitchen), and I check the wrap, and there is nothing in it. Then he'll go to his other places (table leg), paticular corner on the couch. And so forth. And it'll be DRY.
Other times, he HOLDS some back (dosent finish peeing outside)..so he has "ammo" to mark his spots.
We've done everything BUT tie him to us. And we try to treat him as "alpha" if you will to boost his confidence. But...alas...still the pee.
thankfully keeping the wrap on him makes it tollerable. I wish the darn things didnt REEK thou....any suggestion on WHAT to wash them in ,that will get the PEE smell out?
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 03:29 PM
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I think you're putting human emotions on your little guy. You can't look at him like your "baby", those aren't emotions that dogs understand. Peewee is the same way...generally appearssubmissive, but some other things that he does clearly aren't submissive.
Ella - Jun '20 - Reg AmStaff
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Old August 24th, 2011, 01:22 AM
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Originally Posted by renegaderuby View Post
I wish the darn things didnt REEK thou....any suggestion on WHAT to wash them in ,that will get the PEE smell out?
Add Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol & White Vinegar to the wash water.

You could also add bleach, if you do I would rinse it a 2nd (& possibly 3rd) time to be sure the chemicals are all out before putting it back on him.

For a surface (ie floors, trash can, couch etc) homemade enzymatic cleaner: Mix 1 cup water + 1/4 cup isopropyl rubbing alcohol + 1/4 white vinegar in a spray bottle spray the affected area blot w/paper towel or clean rag, spray again & leave to dry.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

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Old August 25th, 2011, 05:44 PM
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WOW< thank you so much. I will try that. I've known about vinegar (keep forgetting it thou), and someone said hydrogen proxide. But Alone they didnt work. Maybe that combo of yours will.
I've done the bleach but we leave out in the country and need to keep our "septic" as bacteria ridden as possible or it overflows". when we use too much bleach in the laundry...it eats the good bacteria in there.
But...I guess I could hand wash it in a bucket, poor the bleach on the weeds outside, and then rinse with the garden hose really well before putting in machine.
Well...I'll try the combo you suggested first...and see how that works.
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