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Old August 20th, 2005, 01:57 PM
Prin Prin is offline
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Dog food forum...

I'm opening a new thread to ask for a dog food forum- perhaps a sub-forum under the pet-health section, or just convert the recipe section into just a "Food" section...
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Old August 20th, 2005, 07:42 PM
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Okay here goes, hope I dont get blasted for this as I am not a dog food expert. Joeys former owner fed him Eukanuba lamb and rice and that is what I still feed him.

Is that good food or is there something better, I havent considered switching him as he is already six and is accustomed to this food. He also loves vegtables he ate a piece of asparagus tonight. He will also eat carrots, bananas, apples and grapes. He has not refused any food I have offered him yet. Which is all healthy no meatloaf, or sausages and only on occasion.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 07:46 PM
Prin Prin is offline
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LOL THIS is why we need a forum!!!

JEM, I would leave his diet be for a bit. He just had his life change completely- it's enough for now, especially if he is doing well on it. Maybe later on you can post another thread and get swamped with food ideas...
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Old August 20th, 2005, 07:52 PM
gdamadg gdamadg is offline
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I feed Sprint Pedigree Healthy Vitality Active Lifestyle Recipe. So far this is the only food that doesn't give him horrible gas, when my sister had him, she tried several different types.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 07:57 PM
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Well thats good. I read on the other thread that Eukanuba is horrible and now I feel guilty as I do want the best for my little guy. We bought a huge bag of it so we will wait until it is gone before we make any changes or if we decide to make any changes.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 08:02 PM
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gdamadg- No offense, but nothing Pedigree makes is great food. If your dog doesn't do well on any of the good foods, then you have no choice, but if you ever want to move up, just ask and we'll refer you to some good foods.

JEM- My doggies were on Euk Lamb and rice before they went on Solid Gold. Jemma started getting ear infections so I switched. Even without the infections, after what I have learned about the horrible animal testing (torture is more fitting than testing) that Euk and Iams do, I could never support them. On top of that, Euk causes lameness and stiffness in some doggies, so watch out for that.

By the way, the change in coat shine and softness is INCREDIBLE with the solid gold. It's amazing. You think they're healthy, and then you realize they weren't.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 08:08 PM
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Maybe I will see if I can try a small bag of Solid Gold to see what Joey thinks of it. I think his skin is dry because he does itch a bit, and the flea collars doesnt seem to be helping.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 08:11 PM
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They do give retailers tons of samples, so maybe you can pick up a few.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 09:01 PM
gdamadg gdamadg is offline
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None taken, I only feed him that because that is what my sister fed him. I am checking out the local suppliers and seeing what is available in my area.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 10:43 PM
gdamadg gdamadg is offline
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Ok, instead of getting personal opinions from every one on what they think is the best food. We all have our own opinions, especially the "professionals". Maybe a lil scientific proof, instead of heresay.

First is a link with an extensive list of Dog Food Company's. You can research and compare.

Here is a good list of comparisons, not all the company's are there, but most.

This is a good one too, from the US FDA.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 01:04 AM
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They are personal opinions to a point. I don't think anybody would want to feed animal by-products if they knew it meant decaying carcasses. I don't think anybody would feed brewer's rice if they ever took one smell of it.

But, science does show that carnivores do not digest corn well, and as a result need far more added supplements in order to obtain proper health. More supplements mean more synthetic vitamins and inorganic metals, which means more health trouble, especially in the form of kidney stones which can cause UT blockages (***especially in male cats), etc, not to mention that a LOT of dogs do become allergic to corn, wheat and rice and develop secondary infections as a result.

Science always says that the best way to get the nutrients we need is by natural means, not supplements, so why would we feed a food that is only empty calories and full of supplements? Doesn't make sense. That's like a human eating only white bread and taking a few multivitamins a day. I doubt any human would stay healthy long on a diet like that. That is basically what these corn foods are.

Feed a diet that contains more good meat, and you'll get a healthier dog. That's not an opinion.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 10:25 AM
gdamadg gdamadg is offline
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Feed a diet that contains more good meat, and you'll get a healthier dog. That's not an opinion.
The only way you can get a high quality dog food that you know what is in it, is for you to make it yourself. All dog food as preservatives and suppliments in it.

Another good diet for your dog is BARF(Raw). But when you feed a dog a raw meaty bone, it may bury it and then come back to it when it is "ripe". That would no longer be good meat for human consumption. As well most using this diet feed their dogs, chicken backs or carcasses after the meat has been removed for human consumption. And these animals still require suppliments.

If you look at the food you feed your pets, it contains "exotics" and therefore pay for it. Bison, Salmon or Lamb. These are expensive for you to eat and it shows in the expense of the kibble. Not everyone could afford this.

I am not disagreeing with what you said, just disagreeing with you pushing a single type of food, because that is what you use. That is the same as if you went to a breeder to get a puppy, and they recommend a food. Because they use it. If you read anything on some of those links I provided, you would see. The USFDA site teaches you how to read Pet Food Labels.

It is better to educate and let every one make their own opinions, then to push yours.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 12:02 PM
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Since Prin already gave her endorsement for Solid Gold, it's my turn: Layla's on Wellness Fish and Sweet Potato, and we both LOVE it, or rather, she loves to eat it, and I love the benefits of it. Her coat is sooo much softer and shinier, she sheds less, her poops are under control (she used to be going 6 times a day) she has way more energy (not Always a good thing ) and she doesn't smell!!
The only complaint I could think of is that the stuff reaks. Especially in the morning when you haven't eaten.... oooo man....
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Old August 21st, 2005, 02:11 PM
gdamadg gdamadg is offline
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The only complaint I could think of is that the stuff reaks. Especially in the morning when you haven't eaten.... oooo man....
LOL, that's just it, people have to remember that dog's are not human and what is appealing to them is different from us.

As well they are able to digest food that would not be fit for human consumption. And it is still good for them and won't harm an animal. Typically carnivores eat decaying meat as the bacteria has already started to break down the enzymes. Easier to digest and get the benefits of nutrients.

But, science does show that carnivores do not digest corn well, and as a result need far more added supplements in order to obtain proper health.
not to mention that a LOT of dogs do become allergic to corn, wheat and rice and develop secondary infections as a result.
Prin, can you digest corn? We can't digest it properly either. Corn is not the only thing in these foods and only in small amounts. If you browse the link I added to the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine, it states what can and cannot be put in Pet food.
Solid Gold contains wheat and rice, depending on which type. Wolf King, contains brown rice. We can develope allergies to a lot of things too. There is nothing you can do to prevent this, it just happens. Just as some animals can not digest meat. You just have to keep an eye on your pet and how it reacts to different foods.

Last edited by gdamadg; August 21st, 2005 at 02:24 PM.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 02:52 PM
Prin Prin is offline
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How can I endorse a food my dogs don't eat? (unless I'm paid to do so, of course) I recommend it because I know the dogs love it, I know it makes their fur shiny, I know it is a quality food, etc.

I can't wholeheartedly recommend Wellness because Jemma was on it before we got her and she suffered through one meal a day instead of two because she hated it so much.

Doesn't it make sense?

In most of the threads where I do talk about food, I do list the websites of all the other dog food companies that I agree with, not just solid gold. But I have to say, if a dog is having trouble getting through a meal, I do strongly recommend Wolf King, just because it is so tasty. Dogs ravage it.

Yes, some dogs are allergic to meat, but not nearly as many as are allergic to wheat or corn. In a way, there is a way to prevent it. If things are horribly hard to digest or things are just not naturally in the diet of the animal and you give them large quantities of it every day, chances are their bodies will react to it.

Yes, it is the same in humans. The difference is, we control what we eat, while we are responsible for what our pets eat. I know a lot of dogs who eat far better than their owners do (including mine).

You also forget that while better foods are more expensive, they end up costing the same if not less in the long run. I feed almost half of what I was feeding on Eukanuba and the food is certainly not double the price. Plus, I used to have to take a trip to the vet every MONTH, and now I go maybe twice a year with one or both of the doggies. They are simply healthier, have more energy, and more life in them.

So yes, I will recommend the food they are on. As will others, like Puppyluv. Every dog is different, every owner will recommend the food.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 03:15 PM
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Oh I hope I wasn't misunderstood. I totally agree with your support of Solid Gold, I just can't get it ver easily. because I'm a slave to the metro, and the pet stores near me don't carry it.

I think it's great that you're so eager to share info on good dog foods, if it weren't for this board, Layla would be eating "crap" for dinner
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Old August 21st, 2005, 03:16 PM
gdamadg gdamadg is offline
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I did not ask you to endorse any other food. I gave some information for others to make their own educated decisions. Like you said every dog is different.

I am not entirely happy with Sprint eating Pedigree. It is not a "bad" food, but it is not the "best" food. He is healthy and active, and only needs to see the vet twice a year. But, I am thinking of switching him to Eagle Pack. I eat nothing but the best, so why not him.

You also forget that while better foods are more expensive, they end up costing the same if not less in the long run.
I make pretty good money and can afford to feed him "high quality" food, but it is not an instant thing. Research and transition are necessary. But it all goes into availability and price for most. But I am also a firm believer that if you can barely provide for yourself, then you can not provide for a pet.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 08:36 PM
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I think I will check out the solid gold food next time I am at the petstore at the moment we have a huge bag of Eukanuba thats going to take a while to get through. There is also a place called Darford Industires here that make dogfood I am going to do some research and see what they have to offer for my Joey. http://www.darford.com/testimonials.htm
I dont know much about it but if it is better than what I am feeding. I may consider switching. I would also be supporting local bussiness as well.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 10:27 PM
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I think Darford is only cookies... To be honest they were the first cookies I tried on Boo after his chicken problem and they gave both my doggies diarrhea... There are like nuts in them that they don't digest at all...

I think this one is from BC... Amore Dog food... They make some sort of doggy raw diet.
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Old August 21st, 2005, 11:43 PM
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I feed Sophie and Missie, Dick Van Pattens duck and potato. They love it. Missie is such a fussy eater before I started them on this, now she eats like a little piggy. Sophies allergies are now under control. After many food trials with her, we discovered she has a wheat allergy. Sophies breeder fed them Purina.. . I got her off that stuff fast.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 12:14 AM
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JCM- Grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs and it is unknown how many injested will do this so just don't feed any.

It is the yellow part of corn that is not digestable. The white part(gluten) is.

Last edited by StaceyB; August 22nd, 2005 at 12:17 AM.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 07:39 AM
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Thank you for that tidbit Stacey B, I will not give him grapes anymore. He only had one about a week ago, and seems okay. Isn't there a thread on here somewhere that says what dogs can and cannot have?
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 08:04 AM
gdamadg gdamadg is offline
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Thank you for clarifying the corn digesting. I knew what it was, just couldn't put it into words.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Joey.E.CockersMommy
Thank you for that tidbit Stacey B, I will not give him grapes anymore. He only had one about a week ago, and seems okay. Isn't there a thread on here somewhere that says what dogs can and cannot have?
Here's a couple:
http://www.pets.ca/forum/showthread....ghlight=grapes (one about grapes with a couple of links)
http://www.pets.ca/forum/showthread....ghlight=grapes (foods that are not safe for Cats)

Basically just search for grapes. They seem to be mentioned in every thread about which foods are good and bad for doggies.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 03:36 PM
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This seems like a good idea. I will discuss with Dave (the other Admin) and either reply back or implement it straight up.


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Old August 22nd, 2005, 07:49 PM
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Not everyone has the time nor the patience to go through tons of information trying to disect dog food ingredients.
A few years ago I was feeding Iams. My dogs did fine on it and I even had one golden that lived to 13 years old. 11 of those years she ate Iams. She always had ear infections and her fur was never soft until I switched her at 11 to another food. She passed away in October at 13 years old from heart failure.
In December/January I began searching for a new food for my two other goldens. I came across some great dog foods but not all were available near where I live. I spoke to many people including breeders and decided on Solid Gold. My decision was based on ingredients, affordability, accessibility and recommendations from people who were feeding this particular food. Why not share this information with those that ask for it? I for one am happy to.
I fully understand that not everyone can afford to feed Solid Gold so when I am asked I do recommend other brands that are cheaper but still have good indredients.
Months ago while grocery shopping at Loblaws I noticed a huge bag of Pedigree. I have never fed this food but decided out of curiousity to read the ingredients. I can tell you that I will never recommend this food to anyone.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:23 PM
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I wouldn't have chosen Pedigree but I just got Sprint and he is still transitioning into a new home. And that is what my sister fed him. He is healthy and deemed so by a vet. I am looking for a new food for him and in time will transition him to what ever I choose. I have spoken to many people, including vets and breeders that say Pedigree is a good food for its price range. Better than some of the choices on the market.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:37 PM
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Prin, I was just on the Solid Gold website. I can find the food for large dogs, dogs up to 20 pounds, and senior dog that dont excercise. I cant find one suitable for Joey he is about 27 pounds 6 years old and moderatley active. I am hoping to increase his activity level once I see whats it going on with his panting thing. Is there one for his size and activity level.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 09:59 PM
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The food I am looking at to switch Sprint to is Eagle Pack Power. They have many different formulas. Probably the Original Adult or Maintenance formula would suit Joey.

Eagle Pack
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 10:35 PM
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What about the beef one? It's harder to find though.
The hund'n'flocken isn't as tasty as the wolf king, but it's for "moderately active dogs"...
This one is from Merrick- it looks good and you still have the fish in it that will help the coat-- http://www.merrickpetcare.com/store/...p?c=14&s=20279
I think this one would be pretty easy to find and would be great too:
Wellness Fish and sweet potato

The "Ocean Blue" food from Timberwolf Organics might be really hard to find, but it looks good too:

This eagle pack one looks ok... I asked the representative a couple of years ago if they were going to have fish ones (Boo is very intolerant to all poultry) and he said no. Well, I guess his "no" meant "I'm not sure".
If my doggies stop doing well on Solid Gold, I'm going with that one. I prefer the fishy ones (despite the smell) because of what they do for the fur. It's incredible.

Last edited by Prin; August 30th, 2006 at 01:07 AM.
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