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Old September 21st, 2009, 06:55 PM
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Marcha Marcha is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Greater Victoria, BC, Canada
Posts: 510
Why is your pup getting spring water instead of tap water?
Could you catch rain water and see if he'll drink that?
Does your pup drink from puddles, lakes, etc?

Our dog will also lick water off my legs after I've showered, or lick water off the deck after I've hosed it down. Are there ways other than a bowl or bottle that your pup is interested in?

What happens if you add a tiny bit of sea salt, epsom (magnesium salt) or baking soda to the pup's water? Does pup drink the water then?

I also agree with what the previous posters suggested regarding getting water out of raw food. Our pup is on a raw diet and has decreased her water intake with the increase of water in the raw meat.

Have you tried soaking the pup's food in water before mixing it with the other stuff?
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