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Old May 8th, 2005, 05:20 PM
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Sneaky2006 Sneaky2006 is offline
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Safyre,it's actually not something a cat has to get used to,bathing a cat is not necessary,unless it fell into a mudpile.
I definitely agree with that. Even in the case of a little dirt I don't bathe my cats. Snooky rolls around outside on the cement and gets dirty, I never wash him and after an hour of being inside he's already clean!
I did give Sox somewhat of a bath because she was found in a garage and had some oil on her.

Shamrock, if there's only a few fleas I would go with the comb too, if she does wind up being infested I would use Dawn dish soap, very mild and doesn't harm kittens, all you'd have to do is leave the lather on the kitten for 5-10 minutes and it kills them. Good luck!
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