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Old April 19th, 2007, 10:57 PM
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I'm surprised that by 27 they still won't do it. I don't remember exactly what I said but lets see.

-as far as I am concerned haveing kids is a life long commitment and it is not one I am willing to make.

-I don't dislike kids but being a parent is not for me.

-have a hard enough time taking care of myself and can't imagine haveing to take care of someone else every hour of everyday for at least 18yrs.

-the lifestyle I want doesn't leave the kind of room/life/atmosphere that I feel would be good for a child to be raised in(clarify as you don't want them thinking your a drug kingpin or something)

-I grew up in a loving household and have cared for many children of all ages from 3 days to 12yrs, at times for more than just a few hours not just while thier parents went out to dinner, so I feel I have a good idea as to what is involved in raising a child. While it was fine for a few hours or days it is not something I want or feel I could handle on a daily basis for at least 18? years.

-have tried many different birth control pills all of which left me feeling very depressed all the time and that is no way to live.

-am allergic to latex condoms, while there are condoms made of natural materials they are not 100% effective. Continue to list off many other types of birth control and the side effects or even lie and say you tried some and they were not for you...for ? reasons.

-would they prefer that you show up in their office one day to have an abortion, as you feel that strongly about not wanting children(whether you would or not doesn't really matter, they don't need to know)

-should you have a child you never wanted by mistake and then end up resenting it or giving him/her a crappy life ( could be worded better)

-you could even say that you find that you are a rather selfish person, easily irritated or something like that and how that wouldn't be a good environment for a child to be raised in. I never said anything like that but I guess in a way it makes it look like you are looking out for that child that you never plan to have.

-if sometime in your life years from now you all of sudden felt like you wanted/needed to be a parent there is always foster, adoption or volunteering with kids(of course saying that may make them think there is a small part of you that does want to have kids). As they and everyone well know's there are pleanty of unwanted children in the world.

-would they want(or want you) to risk contributing to the unwanted/neglected children of the world(almost sounds like the unwanted pet overpopulation problem)

-sure you could refrain from ever haveing sex but sex is an important part of a healthy relationship between a husband and wife or any serious relationship etc..(why it's important etc...)

-you understand how the procedure works and that it is not 100% reversable, you are an adult and feel that you are being responsible in your decision.

-they asked if I was afraid of being pregnant, of getting fat and of child birth. I said no I wasn't and the above list has nothing to do with my decision, I just simply don't want the responsibilties(how many times can you tell them you know haveing a child is a huge resposiblity and you know it's not one you want or could handle, really I think that alone is a good enough reason for them to do it) that come with haveing a child. Unlike some people I don't get all warm and fuzzy when I see babies; sure they're cute but I still don't get "that" feeling that a lot of woman do.

I didn't end up haveing to really go into too much detail as to why I wanted it I thought I would. I think I just basicly ended up saying that it was a commitment/responsibility I didn't want to make/could handle, felt that I was being responsible by making such a decision. I did mention all the problems I was haveing with birth control and maybe because my gyno was also a sex therapist it made a difference with him. Your an adult, it's your body, know one know's you better than you do and deep down inside you know and have always known that haveing children is not something you want for yourself. I don't think I would have been a bad mother but I know myself well enough to know how I would feel at the end of the day, the stress, being tired all the time, short fuse becasue I just want to be left alone for 5min and flying off the handle because while I still exsist it becomes all about trying to raise a happy, healthy well adjusted child/'s something I just would not be able to handle long term. Some people thrive on that... they love taking care of other's. I like/love taking care of my pets but it certainly isn't the same thing as taking care of a child.

Well I have written a book now and rambled some here and there. I suppose you could just simply say you hated children and why(although I can't really see hateing them, they're great as long as they aren't mine). I can't count the number of headaches I had after babysitting some days, nights, weeks. I suppose a lot of it was becasue they weren't mine so I was always worried something bad would happen while I simply went pee, but if I got that stressed so to speak about someone elses child how stressed would I get if it was mine...I really think I would end up going crazy(ok crazier than I already am) Ask them why they care or what difference it makes to them if one day you were to regret your decision, you can't really sue them.They simply have to educate you on what kind of decision you are makeing and then wash their hands of it.
I just don't get why it's such a big deal to them, it's your life and your body and really has no effect on them what so ever. It's not like they are making a decision to pull the plug on a life support machine and then they have to live with never knowing if they made the right decision or not since the tubal isn't their decsion it's yours.

I don't know if any of this was helpful or not and maybe other's can think of better ways of wording some things or add some things that may help. It just seems like most of the Doc's are just bull headed about it. My reg. doc did tell me that most doc's would only consider talking to me about it at 25(they will deliver a baby from a 16yr old mother but not help a 25 yr old woman not have one), and only talk not do it. Out of all the gyno's in London she only found 2 that would talk to me at 21 and sent me to the one she thought I'd have the best chance with. Now I didn't like him, he was weird and I will never go to him again but I am grateful that he did it for me.

Have you even had the chance to discuss it with someone other than your regular doctor? I don't know if you need referrals to see a gyno or not, if you don't I would just start calling them all. I wish you luck in finding/convincing someone to do it. I know I am glad I did it, I am by no means an addict or anything but it is nice not to have to worry about getting pregnant or to have to deal with all the side effects from birth control.

Sorry it was soo long and if it is confusing at all, I also hope I didn't offend anyone. Again I don't dislike children.
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