Thread: Hairballs?!
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Old September 13th, 2012, 01:39 AM
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scottyxx scottyxx is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 79

So Last night my sick cat started wretching and threw up what can only be described as the biggest solid lump of brownness that wasn't poop I have ever seen!

This thing was at least 10cm long, and probably 3cm wide. I have no idea how the hell that was inside him!

As soon as I saw the weird vomit I scooped it up and started to poke it with a fork, it was completely solid, as I started to pull it apart it seemed to be made from hair.

Is this a hairball? How long would that have been building up inside him, and surely something that size lodged inside him would cause him some distress or at least some sort of blockage?

We have Laxitone (is that its name? The Tuna flavoured paste) but we stopped using it as he has never had a hairball....until now!

Urg! Any tips on how to prevent this, along with his IBD, could the two be related?

Its 2:40am and he's had me up all night
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