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Old March 25th, 2012, 10:45 AM
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Goldfields Goldfields is offline
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It is a pretty pink Aster, Hazel, a real nice shade of pink I mean. Yes, the crepe myrtle is blooming now, but that's actually my friend's tree. We had one when we first came here, a much darker pink than that but it died, I was an even worse gardener back then than I am now.
We mainly see New Holland Honeyeaters, White plumed Honeyeaters, Red Wattlebirds and Noisy Miners, but get annual visits from Blue faced Honeyeaters and maybe 8 others on rare occassions. Our prettiest were Yellow-tufted Honeyeaters but they have only been here once in 35 years. A recent visitor is this little Restless Flycatcher, aka a 'Scissors Grinder' because of his very unique call, continuous whirring hisses as it hovers. Unmistakeable. It lives in the forest opposite us but usually appears in the garden at this time of the year. It has a small erectile crest.
I'll forgive the confusion about the name red heeler. Look how many people kept calling GSD's Alsations after the name change. The breed was originally shown as Australian Heelers, and of course you either owned a red heeler or a blue heeler. Hope the one there finds a good home. They're a great dog.
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