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Old May 8th, 2017, 06:41 PM
Shazanne Shazanne is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 73
Thank you for such a detailed and caring response MaxiLisa - I greatly appreciate it.
I am happy to hear that your trials and efforts have paid off with Jazz and that you have made progress.
To be honest, I am really scared of making any changes with Millie at the moment, although I know she needs them. I am just so worried about causing her more problems - she is still not 100% right after the raw trial and if I did anything else to cause additional problems for her I would be devastated.
The holistic vet did not reply to my e-mail today - I have no idea if she got it or even if she's working today. Perhaps, because of my emphatic refusal to follow her advice on returning to the raw rabbit has resulted in her deciding not to deal with me any further - who knows?
If so, I'm pretty much on my own again with no idea where to turn. As I said previously, any of the qualified nutritionists I have come across on line with a view to formulating a balanced diet ask for a health history/report - I can't supply it as I don't know what is wrong with Millie, I only know her symptoms and I don't know if this is enough.
Her regular vet is very black and white - lab tests, x-rays etc. Gut or digestive issues have never been investigated and the answer to dietary concerns is to give a Royal Canin gastro diet and a Fortiflora pro-biotic and I don't want either of those for Millie. I reckon if I started asking him about specific vitamin deficiencies he would simply tell me that Royal Canin has everything she needs!
Are there specific tests for leaky-gut, IBD or any other digestive issues - or are they diagnosed based on symptoms only? Is it something a conventional vet will address (I have only experienced one in Canada and am much more familiar with the system in Ireland, although not for an issue like this) or is it more in the realm of a holistic vet? A dermatologist consultation is almost an impossibility in the city where I live as there is an approx. 8 month waiting list for the only board certified one practicing.
I feel so totally inadequate at this stage - and I feel like a fool as I'm running and jumping from one possibility or solution to another and getting nowhere and I have never been in a position like this before. And the one that is suffering most is Millie due to my inability to find her the help she needs.
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