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Old May 14th, 2007, 11:26 AM
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Kristin7 Kristin7 is offline
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Hmmm... a few posts here, not just yours, do mention at 1/2c per day, my cat is probably starving and that this is not enough for an active cat. Looking at what some others are feeding theirs, I'm not sure mine are any more deprived than other's cats. Several do feed theirs 1/2c per day. And now you say it sounds to you like she is on a starving/binging cycle. fyi - she has always eaten fast, including when she was free fed. That is just how she is. She is a very enthusiastic and loving cat, and does everything with gusto. Likewise, Micki eats really slow and is overall a more slow moving, low-key cat. I believe the puking had more to do with her food sensitivities, because when she is on a brand that is right for her, she still eats fast, but does not puke. She doesn't seem to be hungry other than at mealtimes, but of course, if I were to give her several 1/2c meals per day, no doubt she could easily polish more than her usual rations off. Though she would not eat and eat until she explodes, she would gain weight. I think her weight is ok now, but I worry about her gaining more. Her food sensitivity issue has made it more difficult for me to incorporate wet and raw food into her diet, though I plan to keep trying. Unfortunately, I can't remember the one brand of wet food we tried that she seemed tolerant of...

One thing I do like about having feeding times, is that when one of them is not feeling well and is 'off' their food a bit, I can easily tell. Like last summer, I realized Annie was not feeling well because she actually left a few pieces of food in her bowl...
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