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Old February 27th, 2010, 11:56 AM
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dustybird dustybird is offline
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Everlasting Treat Ball

Well I was hesitant to buy this as I find it rather pricey, especialy since Autumn is so hard on toys and such a powerful chewer. I was doing an order and hubby kept talking about it so I gave in. Not that I am cheap as the nylabones I buy for powerful chewers aren't exactly cheap either but she loves them and they last.

Well the reviews on petsmart seemed to be 50/50, good for some and the other half were able to get the treat out within the first 15mins. Of course Autumn was one of the ones who got it out in the first 15mins. Put it back in and from then on could get it out in like 3 seconds

So I took the treat itself away and was able to cram it into her xl black kong and it then took her about 3 days to polish it off

Now the material the toy is made of seems to be quite durable even though it feels flimsy, she has yet to destroy it and you can put other cookies/treats inside it, and they seem to take a little longer to get out then the treat it comes with. She also enjoys playing with it, rolling it around and letting it bounce and laying around squishing it between her teeth. Without having to put a treat in it.

I don't think I'd buy another one if she ever destroys this one, it's just to pricey for what it is. I am half tempted though to buy the refills to stuff in her kong though as they seem to last longer than other things I put inside.

So all in all it was an OK buy but I think it would be best suited for a smaller dog(Autumns a Labx) and I would even for a small dog buy the bigger size. Maybe if it came in a bigger size it wouldn't have been so easy for her to get the treat out. Then again she's pretty crafty.

Well that's our experience.
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