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Old January 30th, 2010, 05:13 PM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
The Pack's Head Servant
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Location: Just east of the Hazelnut Patch, Wisconsin
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omd, Winston! I just checked to see where Hamilton was on the map for the first time and I think you're actually farther south than we are! I never would have thunk it.

What you need is a field guide for eastern birds. There are a lot of good ones out there. My favorite is the Golden version: A Guide to Field Identification BIRDS Of North America It seems to be quite tolerant of dog spittle, being left out in the rain, being dropped into poison ivy, etc... ( I can be a little hard on field guides.) Nice slightly plasticized cover that can be wiped off if necessary. It's also a nice small size--it fits in a pocket of my photo vest.

You can also get guides that show actual photos as opposed to drawings, but I find they can be a bit confusing. A drawing can show all the field marks that aid in identification, but it's much harder to catch them all in a single photo.

As for your birds, the beige doves are probably mourning doves:
Name:  dove.jpg
Views: 1532
Size:  28.7 KB

Here's a chickadee:
Name:  chickadee.jpg
Views: 1022
Size:  25.8 KB
I'm sure you have some of those.

The little brown ones could be house sparrows if they have black bibs, or goldfinches if they have black-and-white wings, or even house finches if some of them have sort of reddish heads...actually, there are a number of birds that might fall into the little brown bird (LBB) category.
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