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Old May 6th, 2017, 04:30 PM
Shazanne Shazanne is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 73
The raw was Carnivora rabbit. I was also advised to add some veg/fruit (15%) so I used green beans, kale and blueberries, also cooked squash (5%). I also added a probiotic (Dr Dobias GutSense) and coconut oil - small amount with a view to increasing gradually.

In her home cooked food she had turkey or beef or chicken (she's not overly fond of chicken), broccoli, carrot, Dr. Dobias SoulFood and GreenMin supplements and, prior to using those I added ground egg-shell. She (and my other dog, also got a scrambled egg three times a week. I withdrew grains months ago in case they were causing any issues for her. Ironically, no matter what I ever changed or added her ears (where she has most hair loss) never got any better or any worse. She doesn't scratch - except when she wakes in the morning and then she stretches, scratches, stretches, scratches........!!!!

She enjoyed home cooked food - once I varied it a bit. Sometimes as a variation I used Vital FreshPet cooked food, which is refridgerated and comes in tubes/chubs. I used the Turkey or the Beef varieties - again she was not overly keen on the chicken. She also likes the fish variety, but only in smaller amounts.

I tried opening the link you gave me but for some reason it won't open. If you could give me the name of the product I will find it online.
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