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Old September 7th, 2016, 07:31 AM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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I would not worry but I would not leave them unattended for a while yet. Sounds to me your dog was remarkably restrained if all he did was lunge and snap. The cat may have swatted his tail, or even bitten it as happened when my own dog lunged and snapped at a wayward cat. That cat (of mine) deserved to be told off, no biting the dog's tail is allowed. Ditto around his food dish. My dog is very tolerant but not of cats muscling into his meal, they have been told, by him, to beat it in the same way your dog did. The cats have told the dog off too, when he has tried to eat some of their food while they are eating, and gotten some well deserved whacks on his nose. Otherwise they are all friends and will snuggle and purr and rub up against each other. Just food is off limits to the other. Yours may too, in time.
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