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Old January 8th, 2008, 10:42 PM
zztopp zztopp is offline
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Location: Black River
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by SARAH View Post
Call me crazy if you will, but could Kia have sensed a ghost? I read someplace a few years ago, how animals and kids could sense ghosts/ spirits/ whatever you want to call them ...

I know it's far fetched, but ...
Not far fetched at all IMO. First thing that came to my mind actually. Though, my family has taught me to be very intune with myself and my surroundings (such as spirits).

Evidence you say? Notice how some cats won't look you in the eye, but tend to look just above your head? Your aura (sp?) resides just above your head. Cats are smart enough to sense that. Personally, I find the Siamese cats are more aware of your aura than others (vast generalization, I know!!). Some dogs do too, but I find cats (and horses) are more likely to communicate with your aura.

We live in a 80-year-old+ farmhouse, with a 100-year-old+ bankbarn (and assorted old sheds). Plenty of old grudges and bad feelings that we have had to deal with. My 'spooky' Golden found a nifty one in the tractor shed. She nearly fell backwards over herself, after seeing a chain go flying across the shed

Our old Golden had a much calmer personality and tolerated the spirits much better. My grandmothers property was the site of a supposed Indian massacre. There were a few spots where we believe that there were some angered spirits hanging around, our Golden would stand gaurd whenever we went near there. When we got too close to certain areas (where we knew from previous situations, that there was angered spirits) he would react -- pacing, panting heavily and whining slightly to sway our attention and move us away from there.

Spooky yes, but lets face it ... they ARE out there

On the other hand, your dog may have caught whiff of a wild animal -- a bear that is hibernating close to your property? A few winters ago, the horses and dogs got really edgy -- in a strange way! About a week later, while walking in the back woods, we came across a hibernating bear ... close enough that we figure the dogs and horses caught scent of it and were trying to alert us ... needless to say, we didn't go near that area till the middle of the following summer LOL

Also have had the dogs react similar to yours, whenever our local coyote/coy-dog/wild dog pack has been hunting close to us and brought something large down (deer, buck, moose, etc)

Either way, give your pet credit. I think we underestimate our pets often. They are much more aware of their surroundings, then we are ... IMO anyways

Good luck!
"Say what you mean, mean what you say, do what you said you were going to do!"
-- DJ, the best dog trainer ever

<3 Owned by a very cute golden retriever; Kassie!! <3
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